Saturday, September 27, 2008

To write commentary (~200 of sym.) on the assigned theme

Customer: Theme Is Snow (sout) The category: News/Article/Surveys The
budget: ? 3 web- pages of different thematics are given (economy,
policy, culture). It is necessary to write on each theme commentary
(ok. of 200 symbols) and to send into privat. Indicate price and
period in the proposal (so that if necessary it would be possible you
to select by executor). It is necessary urgently. It will be selected
to 10 executors. Payment in the desired currency for completion. P.S.
If in your profayle is not indicated your city/the country - indicate
in the proposal.http: / / / projects / 73489.html

To write 3 articles

Customer: Ilyushkin edward (IlushkinER) the category:
Editing/Correction, The news/Of article/Surveys The budget: ? It is
necessary to write 3 articles in the English on 300 words. with the
key phrase "employer job posting" which is encountered in the text not
less than 5%, to the article must be applied the title and the brief
description of stat'i(y-2 of proposal). ICQ #: ***http: / / / projects / 73472.html

Rerayt of articles in the the English

Customer: Veresov Indy (veresov) the category: Editing/Correction Is
The budget: ? Thematics adult - price for 1000 symbols (without the
gaps) - the contacthttp: / / / projects / 73469.html

Rerayt of text with volume about 30000 symbols.

Customer: Nefedov Aleksandr (abdulla) The category:
Kreativ/Kopirayting, Technical Articles The budget: ? Texts of medical
thematics.http: / / / projects / 73475.html

Writing seo- it is text

Customer: Pavlov Tisha (Tisha) The category: Kreativ/Kopirayting The
budget: 30 usd is required to write 7 seo it is text to 2000 signs
each on the theme of on-line video. I give keys. Periods of
performance - Monday- Tuesday of the following week. Budget of e0$.
ICQ *** of requirement for the text: - minimum readability - the
precise entry of all keys - the minimum of pretexts and interjections
- well and literacy naturally. Conditions such - you write me 1 text,
if all of standards I transfer to you 15 wmz, further you write the
remaining texts, when I obtain last text I transfer to you remaining
sum. I await proposals! P.S. Desirable to knock today to is hour to
3-4 on MSK and on Monday from the morning. It can be and in Sunday I
will appear.http: / / / projects / 73465.html

Translation from English into French (2)

Customer: To sometti Mary (MariaMj) the category: Technical transfers
the budget: ? It is necessary to carry out small translation from
English into French. Not more than 1500 symbols. I give preference to
translators with the experience, the opinions and portfolio. I await
your proposals for 1000 with the gaps.http: / / / projects / 70011.html

Site about the beverages

Customer: Vasil'yev (vvv4511) the category: Of the
news/Article/Surveys, Editing/Correction Is The budget: ? We search
for the author of that being specializing in the theme the beverages
of reference to the works they are necessary.http: / / / projects / 73444.html

Transfer from the the frantsuzkogo

Customer: Vasil'yev (vvv4511) the category: Artistic transfers the
budget: ? It is necessary to carry out transfer from the the
frantsuzkogo. Ideal candidate is woman at the age of *** of years.http: / / / projects / 73433.html

Sorting. Pipeline processing of data.

Customer: Kuznetsov Mikhail (MVK) The category: Diplomas
Are/Course/Abstracts The budget: ? Indicate price and periods. Thanks.http: / / / projects / 73422.html

Course work. VMWare.S under Linux.

Customer: Kuznetsov Mikhail (MVK) The category: Diplomas
are/course/abstracts, the development of applied ON the budget: ? 4
version. We indicate price and periods. Thanks.http: / / / projects / 73426.html

The mathematical bases of the theory of the systems

Customer: Melnik Sl (slava_.h) the category: Diplomas
Are/Course/Abstracts The budget: ? 2 Laby on discipline the
"mathematical bases of the theory of systems" the content inside the
archive.http: / / / projects / 73414.html

Friday, September 26, 2008

Kursovik on java, program is the field engineer

Customer: Kartashov Victor (victorcd) The category: Diplomas
Are/Course/Abstracts, Web- programming The budget: ? Kursovik on java
to realize game field engineer. 1. Several those previously determined
pour on different dimensionality. 2. With the start of game - dialogue
of the selection of field. 3. action of user - only on the left flick
of the mouse: A) if mine - the discovery entire field and dialogue
"end of the game" of b) if there is no mine - the discovery cell under
the cursor and mapping the number of mines in the adjacent cells in
this cell. 4. Dialogue is the end of the game: A)"new game" = >; to
point 2. b)"output" = >; output from the program I await wish on the
price and period, desirably that the discussion dealt with several
dayshttp: / / / projects / 73413.html

To transfer the presentation

Customer: Gavrilov Aleksandr (Inviseble_.Demon) The category: Artistic
transfers the budget: ? Zdrastvuyte it is necessary to transfer
presentation RUS = > ENG. 27 slaydoa shch here is presentations itself
http: // to first otpisavshevshemusya
(consonant with the price) I will transfer shch finished work to send
to *** time more lately it lay to sleep therefore I cannot trace the
project. I will mourn 100%. It is urgent only to 5.00 on Moscow
Icq#355-016-572http: / / / projects / 73402.html

Transfer of the agreement about nedvizh.s of Spanish in the Russian

Customer: Pichugina Natalie (pichuguina) the category: Technical
transfers, are other the budget: ? Transfer to the medium. In the
original of the agreement of 11 pages on 1800 signs. Call, if you
please, your price and period of performance. I please with the
proposals to send the transfer of test. Payment MonyGram. We give
preference to philologists. (NB: are not entered tildes and letter to
en'e, you prostite, instead of them are written the capital letters).
TEST: NOVENA: Que el precio de venta antes citado ha sido acordado
teniendo en cuenta los costos de mano de obra, prestaciones laborales
vigentes a la fecha del presente Contrato. Queda claramente convenido
que cualquier aumento en el costo de los salarios mInimos,
prestaciones laborales fijadas en las convenciones colectivas,
materiales, mejoras que SE incorporen a ia obra, la creaciOn de nuevos
impuestos por parte del Gobierno o el aumento de los existentes, que
incidan en el costo de EL EDIFICIO ocasionara un aumento en el precio
de venta mencionado en Ia clAusula anterior. sin embargo estos
posibles aumentos en los costos, que deberAn ser justificados por EL
PROMITENTE VENDEDOR, segUn haya sido presentado y documentado por el
Contratista de la obra basado en los procedimientos establecidos en la
capac (CAmara PanameNa de la construcciOn), no podrAn aumentar en mAs
del diez por ciento (10%) que serAn debidamente comprobados, no podrAn
aumentar en mAs del diez por ciento (10%) el precio de venta de EL
APARTAMENTO establecido en Ia clAusula quinta y serA pagado junto con
el Ultimo pago que SE deba hacer de conformidad con lo acordado en el
presente contrato. En caso de que ocurrieran los aumentos aquI
establecidos, EL PROMITENTE VENDEDOR SE compromete una vez terminado
EL APARTAMENTO a notificar a el PROMITENTE COMPRADOR el valor final de
tal aumento por escrito.http: / / / projects / 73408.html

To translate text from Russian into Thai (2)

Customer: Aleksandr Ivanov (AlexandraI) The category: Technical
transfers, artistic transfers the budget: ? To translate text from the
Russian to the Thai, general working- construction lexiconhttp: / / / projects / 52047.html

The large and cheap purposeful traffic is necessary

Customer: Mikhail korsanov (mikeai) The category: Advance Of site/SEO,
Kreativ/Kopirayting The budget: 2000 usd it is necessary from 500 and
higher than purposeful unique predzainteresovannykh visitors during
the day during the year to http:
// _.... payment - for 1
cent for the approach, if there is strongly more than 500 visitors -
are possible 1,5 cents. 4ndeks- direct hit not to propose, itself by
it I am occupied. I will examine any other sources.http: / / / projects / 73354.html

Transfer of the invoices ru -eng

Customer: Mogilev Irina (studio-maxaon) the category: Technical
transfers the budget: ? How do you do, respected frilansery it is
necessary to translate three invoices from the Russian language
naangliyskiy. Period of performance - Monday to *** (Moscow time). I
await test your proposals on the price + (2-3 proposals).http: / / / projects / 73351.html

The interpretation is required

Customer: Lipatov Julia (sonarina) the category: Diplomas
Are/Course/Abstracts, The news/Article/Surveys The budget: to 100 usd
urgently is required the decoder!!! it is necessary to make a
transcript, file duration 77 minut.Ekonomicheskaya thematics. Record
of unimportant quality. Payment of 1500 rub. Professional in this
matter is necessary, not novice!!!! for connection ICQ of ***http: / / / projects / 73356.html

Articles theme the gifts

Customer: Snipe Andrey Vladimirovich (andysky) The category:
News/Article/Surveys The budget: ? 14 articles are necessary, each on
2500 - 3000 signs. Thematics "gifts"http: / / / projects / 73360.html

Rerayt. Texts about the countries.

Customer: Onishchenko Tatiana (Tatius- kA) the category:
Kreativ/Kopirayting The budget: ? Good day! I search for people, which
could to qualitatively and operationally carry out rerayt it was text.
Volume of the works of large. Thematics - Countries. Texts are not
complex. Since the countries much, I can collaborate not with one, but
with several people. Thus far payment - 1 vmz for 1000 symbols. In
more detail - write in lichku. There let us solve, let us discuss and
ocherchem the volume of works - how many thousand symbols is in
prospect to otreraytit':)http: / / / projects / 73367.html

Rerayt of the articles

Customer: Mosiyash Of nikita Of igorevich (iRabbit) The category:
Kreativ/Kopirayting, Editing/Correction Is The budget: to 50 usd there
are 5 articles, which are interesting for the site. But they not
unique =) they must be corrected - to transmit sense by other words.
Attention! 4 not priveredlivyy, but I have two conditions. All, who
will write into lichku - into ignor. Who will write into as'ku - into
ignor.http: / / / projects / 73379.html

The interpretation is required

Customer: Lipatov Julia (sonarina) the category: Diplomas
Are/Course/Abstracts, The news/Article/Surveys The budget: to 100 usd
urgently is required the decoder!!! it is necessary to make a
transcript, file duration 77 minut.Ekonomicheskaya thematics. Record
of unimportant quality. Payment of 1500 rub. Professional in this
matter is necessary, not novice!!!! for connection ICQ of ***http: / / / projects / 73356.html

Articles theme the gifts

Customer: Snipe Andrey Vladimirovich (andysky) The category:
News/Article/Surveys The budget: ? 14 articles are necessary, each on
2500 - 3000 signs. Thematics "gifts"http: / / / projects / 73360.html

Congratulatory text.

Customer: Natalya Embrechts (Natalya56) the category:
News/Article/Surveys, The resumes/Speech/Of letter The budget: ? Is
necessary beautiful text, congratulation and wish to parents with the
generation of first-born, boy. And also here in the text it is
necessary to write wish (parting words) to the future to the newly
born boy. Text on + - 1500 signs without the gaps. If you please,
write an example of your version of text, and your price for the text.http: / / / projects / 73337.html

Transfer of the invoices ru -eng

Customer: Mogilev Irina (studio-maxaon) the category: Technical
transfers the budget: ? How do you do, respected frilansery it is
necessary to translate three invoices from the Russian language
naangliyskiy. Period of performance - Monday to *** (Moscow time). I
await test your proposals on the price + (2-3 proposals).http: / / / projects / 73351.html

The large and cheap purposeful traffic is necessary

Customer: Mikhail korsanov (mikeai) The category: Advance Of site/SEO,
Kreativ/Kopirayting The budget: 2000 usd it is necessary from 500 and
higher than purposeful unique predzainteresovannykh visitors during
the day during the year to http:
// _.... payment - for 1
cent for the approach, if there is strongly more than 500 visitors -
are possible 1,5 cents. 4ndeks- direct hit not to propose, itself by
it I am occupied. I will examine any other sources.http: / / / projects / 73354.html

Rerayt of the articles

Customer: Mosiyash Of nikita Of igorevich (iRabbit) The category:
Kreativ/Kopirayting, Editing/Correction Is The budget: to 50 usd there
are 5 articles, which are interesting for the site. But they not
unique =) they must be corrected - to transmit sense by other words.
Attention! 4 not priveredlivyy, but I have two conditions. All, who
will write into lichku - into ignor. Who will write into as'ku - into
ignor.http: / / / projects / 73379.html

Rerayt. Texts about the countries.

Customer: Onishchenko Tatiana (Tatius- kA) the category:
Kreativ/Kopirayting The budget: ? Good day! I search for people, which
could to qualitatively and operationally carry out rerayt it was text.
Volume of the works of large. Thematics - Countries. Texts are not
complex. Since the countries much, I can collaborate not with one, but
with several people. Thus far payment - 1 vmz for 1000 symbols. In
more detail - write in lichku. There let us solve, let us discuss and
ocherchem the volume of works - how many thousand symbols is in
prospect to otreraytit':)http: / / / projects / 73367.html

Rerayt of the articles

Customer: Mosiyash Of nikita Of igorevich (iRabbit) The category:
Kreativ/Kopirayting, Editing/Correction Is The budget: ? There are 5
articles, which are interesting for the site. But they not unique =)
they must be corrected - to transmit sense by other words. Attention!
4 not priveredlivyy, but I have two conditions. All, who will write
into lichku - into ignor. Who will write into as'ku - into ignor.http: / / / projects / 73379.html

Rerayt. Texts about the countries.

Customer: Onishchenko Tatiana (Tatius- kA) the category:
Kreativ/Kopirayting The budget: ? Good day! I search for people, which
could to qualitatively and operationally carry out rerayt it was text.
Volume of the works of large. Thematics - Countries. Texts are not
complex. Since the countries much, I can collaborate not with one, but
with several people. Thus far payment - 1 vmz for 1000 symbols. In
more detail - write in lichku. There let us solve, let us discuss and
ocherchem the volume of works - how many thousand symbols is in
prospect to otreraytit':)http: / / / projects / 73367.html

The large and cheap purposeful traffic is necessary

Customer: Mikhail korsanov (mikeai) The category: Advance Of site/SEO,
Kreativ/Kopirayting The budget: 2000 usd it is necessary from 500 and
higher than purposeful unique predzainteresovannykh visitors during
the day during the year to http:
// _.... payment - for 1
cent for the approach, if there is strongly more than 500 visitors -
are possible 1,5 cents. 4ndeks- direct hit not to propose, itself by
it I am occupied. I will examine any other sources.http: / / / projects / 73354.html

The interpretation is required

Customer: Lipatov Julia (sonarina) the category: Diplomas
Are/Course/Abstracts, The news/Article/Surveys The budget: to 100 usd
urgently is required the decoder!!! it is necessary to make a
transcript, file duration 77 minut.Ekonomicheskaya thematics. Record
of unimportant quality. Payment of 1500 rub. Professional in this
matter is necessary, not novice!!!! for connection ICQ of ***http: / / / projects / 73356.html

Articles theme the gifts

Customer: Snipe Andrey Vladimirovich (andysky) The category:
News/Article/Surveys The budget: ? 14 articles are necessary, each on
2500 - 3000 signs. Thematics "gifts"http: / / / projects / 73360.html

Transfer of the invoices ru -eng

Customer: Mogilev Irina (studio-maxaon) the category: Technical
transfers the budget: ? How do you do, respected frilansery it is
necessary to translate three invoices from the Russian language
naangliyskiy. Period of performance - Monday to *** (Moscow time). I
await test your proposals on the price + (2-3 proposals).http: / / / projects / 73351.html

Congratulatory text.

Customer: Natalya Embrechts (Natalya56) the category:
Kreativ/Kopirayting, Verses/Prose Is The budget: ? Is necessary
beautiful text, congratulation and wish to parents with the generation
of first-born, boy. And also here in the text it is necessary to write
wish (parting words) to the future to the newly born boy. Text on + -
1500 signs without the gaps. If you please, write an example of your
version of text, and your price for the text.http: / / / projects / 73337.html

Teacher on "sinonimayzeru"

Customer: Noses Aleksey (sairus) the category: Technical Articles,
Kreativ/Kopirayting The budget: to 50 usd leave your as'ki for the
connectionhttp: / / / projects / 73314.html

Articles, news, surveys for site (4)

Customer: Burinskiy Vadim (mrbite) the category: News/Article/Surveys,
Kreativ/Kopirayting The budget: to 50 USD good day respected
frilansery, is necessary the aid with the filling of portal. Proposal
only for beginning frilanserov, potential colleagues to the future or
those, who want to supplement their portfolio, to obtain intelligent
opinion. I briefly gather the command of odnodumtsev on the
development of portal. Thematics - cell phones, mobile connection
there is no payment as yet! It does not be worthwhile to write your
valuations for kopirayt or rerayt, payment cannot it is carried out
thus far in any event. Your proposals to direct to e-mail ***. will
say immediately that opinion will be obtained that who it will
actually write intelligent normal article, who skhalyavit opinion it
will not obtain.http: / / / projects / 70781.html

It is necessary to write the book astrology on computer (2)

Customer: Moslakov Evgeny (Evgeny_.Moslakov) the category:
Kreativ/Kopirayting, Technical Articles The budget: to 1000 usd is
required the author of the book astrology on the computer from the
competitor it is required the confirmation of degree of the possession
of object the size of the book of approximately 400 pages, including
the figures of proposal send to *** TO THE LETTERS in LICHKU THE
ANSWER IT IS NOT GUARANTEED!!!http: / / / projects / 72443.html

It is necessary to write management on Matlab (3)

Customer: Moslakov Evgeny (Evgeny_.Moslakov) the category: Technical
Articles, Kreativ/Kopirayting The budget: to 500 usd be required
technical writers (authors) for writing of management "work in Matlab"
of proposals send mendzheru from the work with the authors to the
address of *** with the notation "matlab" in the field THEME.
Compulsorily indicate the list of familiar to you the fields of
computer of technology (program, system, protocols, languages) and
also the presence of the experience of writing it is text computer
ANSWER IS NOT GUARANTEED!!!http: / / / projects / 71641.html


Customer: Nik (molomo) the category: Kreativ/Kopirayting, The news/Of
article/Surveys The budget: ? Kontent for the site, rerayt. Details on
http: // P.S. Nominantov to the Pulitzer
reward request not to worry.http: / / / projects / 73276.html

Text for the site

Customer: Gazizov Of niyaz Of amirovich (niaz) The category:
Kreativ/Kopirayting The budget: ? It is necessary to write text for
2-3 pages of the site of metallurgical thematics.http: / / / projects / 73287.html

Text for the site

Customer: Gazizov Of niyaz Of amirovich (niaz) The category:
Kreativ/Kopirayting The budget: ? It is necessary to write text for
2-3 pages of the site of metallurgical thematics.http: / / / projects / 73287.html

Articles, news, surveys for site (4)

Customer: Burinskiy Vadim (mrbite) the category: News/Article/Surveys,
Kreativ/Kopirayting The budget: to 50 USD good day respected
frilansery, is necessary the aid with the filling of portal. Proposal
only for beginning frilanserov, potential colleagues to the future or
those, who want to supplement their portfolio, to obtain intelligent
opinion. I briefly gather the command of odnodumtsev on the
development of portal. Thematics - cell phones, mobile connection
there is no payment as yet! It does not be worthwhile to write your
valuations for kopirayt or rerayt, payment cannot it is carried out
thus far in any event. Your proposals to direct to e-mail ***. will
say immediately that opinion will be obtained that who it will
actually write intelligent normal article, who skhalyavit opinion it
will not obtain.http: / / / projects / 70781.html


Customer: Nik (molomo) the category: Kreativ/Kopirayting, The news/Of
article/Surveys The budget: ? Kontent for the site, rerayt. Details on
http: // P.S. Nominantov to the Pulitzer
reward request not to worry.http: / / / projects / 73276.html


Customer: Roman Rusu (MiLeR) the category: Kreativ/Kopirayting The
budget: ? Regards are everything to young and kreativnym scenarios.
For the young studio it is necessary to write scenario to
mul'tserialu. Series will be oriented to the teenagers, in the cartoon
must be much black humor, the affecting problems of contemporary
peace. Nearest orientators Of simpsony, southern park. Test task to
write scenario to the first series. Works send to *** if your test
work to us it approaches, we compulsorily will be connected.http: / / / projects / 73235.html

It is necessary to write management on Matlab (3)

Customer: Moslakov Evgeny (Evgeny_.Moslakov) the category: Technical
Articles, Kreativ/Kopirayting The budget: to 500 usd be required
technical writers (authors) for writing of management "work in Matlab"
of proposals send mendzheru from the work with the authors to the
address of *** with the notation "matlab" in the field THEME.
Compulsorily indicate the list of familiar to you the fields of
computer of technology (program, system, protocols, languages) and
also the presence of the experience of writing it is text computer
ANSWER IS NOT GUARANTEED!!!http: / / / projects / 71641.html

Aid in writing Personal Statement (Eng)

Customer: Aksenov Dmitriy (EuroMach) the category: Resumes/Speech/Of
letter, Kreativ/Kopirayting The budget: ? Is required aid in writing
of letter - resume (Personal Statement) into VUZ - INSTITUTE OF HIGHER
EDUCATION, in the English. The outstanding knowledge of English is
compulsory, the experience of writing similar letters to foreign VUZ -
Institute of Higher Education is desirable. There is a large quantity
of information and benefits on the writing.http: / / / projects / 73214.html

It is necessary to write the book astrology on computer (2)

Customer: Moslakov Evgeny (Evgeny_.Moslakov) the category:
Kreativ/Kopirayting, Technical Articles The budget: to 1000 usd is
required the author of the book astrology on the computer from the
competitor it is required the confirmation of degree of the possession
of object the size of the book of approximately 400 pages, including
the figures of proposal send to *** TO THE LETTERS in LICHKU THE
ANSWER IT IS NOT GUARANTEED!!!http: / / / projects / 72443.html

Thursday, September 25, 2008

It is necessary to write the book astrology on computer (2)

Customer: Moslakov Evgeny (Evgeny_.Moslakov) the category:
Kreativ/Kopirayting, Technical Articles The budget: to 1000 usd is
required the author of the book astrology on the computer from the
competitor it is required the confirmation of degree of the possession
of object the size of the book of approximately 400 pages, including
the figures of proposal send to *** TO THE LETTERS in LICHKU THE
ANSWER IT IS NOT GUARANTEED!!!http: / / / projects / 72443.html

It is necessary to write management on Matlab (3)

Customer: Moslakov Evgeny (Evgeny_.Moslakov) the category: Technical
Articles, Kreativ/Kopirayting The budget: to 500 usd be required
technical writers (authors) for writing of management "work in Matlab"
of proposals send mendzheru from the work with the authors to the
address of *** with the notation "matlab" in the field THEME.
Compulsorily indicate the list of familiar to you the fields of
computer of technology (program, system, protocols, languages) and
also the presence of the experience of writing it is text computer
ANSWER IS NOT GUARANTEED!!!http: / / / projects / 71641.html


Customer: Roman Rusu (MiLeR) the category: Kreativ/Kopirayting The
budget: ? Regards are everything to young and kreativnym scenarios.
For the young studio it is necessary to write scenario to
mul'tserialu. Series will be oriented to the teenagers, in the cartoon
must be much black humor, the affecting problems of contemporary
peace. Nearest orientators Of simpsony, southern park. Test task to
write scenario to the first series. Works send to *** if your test
work to us it approaches, we compulsorily will be connected.http: / / / projects / 73235.html

Course according to the economic analysis

Customer: Ekaterina (katrin2101) the category: Diplomas
Are/Course/Abstracts The budget: ? Theme: Stochastic simulation in the
accounting of enterprise. The volume of *** is sheet, the period of
the fulfillment of 2 weeks. Request sum to indicate in the rubleshttp: / / / projects / 73190.html

SEO texts on the thematics of the window

Customer: Oleg (Borodach) the category: Kreativ/Kopirayting The
budget: ? It is required writing 4-5 articles on the thematics of
window, wooden- aluminum windows. Texts SEO oriented - for those who
knows that this had an experience of writing such articles this
project. Payment $4 for yK (quality must correspond to price). Texts
despite the fact that they SEO oriented must be excellently read,
ordered. Period from tomorrow to Monday. In more detail already with
the selected executor. Leave your if you please as'ku - tomorrow in
the daytime let us be copied:)http: / / / projects / 73196.html

Srochno!Nuzhen specialist in klyuchevikam in the forum

Customer: Kalinin Aleksandr (Xom9k) The category: Technical Articles
The budget: to 1000 usd is necessary the specialist, who could with
the aid of the keywords fast in the forum. It is necessary 2
specialists. Ostovlyayte their portfolio and opinions it is necessary
daily to 100 created themes with the communications. The pay of 25
cents for 1 zapolnenuyu theme payment is daily! To write only here!!!http: / / / projects / 73180.html

Aid in writing Personal Statement (Eng)

Customer: Aksenov Dmitriy (EuroMach) the category: Resumes/Speech/Of
letter, Kreativ/Kopirayting The budget: ? Is required aid in writing
of letter - resume (Personal Statement) into VUZ - INSTITUTE OF HIGHER
EDUCATION, in the English. The outstanding knowledge of English is
compulsory, the experience of writing similar letters to foreign VUZ -
Institute of Higher Education is desirable. There is a large quantity
of information and benefits on the writing.http: / / / projects / 73214.html

Aid in writing Personal Statement (Eng)

Customer: Aksenov Dmitriy (EuroMach) the category: Resumes/Speech/Of
letter, Kreativ/Kopirayting The budget: ? Is required aid in writing
of letter - resume (Personal Statement) into VUZ - INSTITUTE OF HIGHER
EDUCATION, in the English. The outstanding knowledge of English is
compulsory, the experience of writing similar letters to foreign VUZ -
Institute of Higher Education is desirable. There is a large quantity
of information and benefits on the writing.http: / / / projects / 73214.html

SEO texts on the thematics of the window

Customer: Oleg (Borodach) the category: Kreativ/Kopirayting The
budget: ? It is required writing 4-5 articles on the thematics of
window, wooden- aluminum windows. Texts SEO oriented - for those who
knows that this had an experience of writing such articles this
project. Payment $4 for yK (quality must correspond to price). Texts
despite the fact that they SEO oriented must be excellently read,
ordered. Period from tomorrow to Monday. In more detail already with
the selected executor. Leave your if you please as'ku - tomorrow in
the daytime let us be copied:)http: / / / projects / 73196.html

Srochno!Nuzhen specialist in klyuchevikam in the forum

Customer: Kalinin Aleksandr (Xom9k) The category: Technical Articles
The budget: to 1000 usd is necessary the specialist, who could with
the aid of the keywords fast in the forum. It is necessary 2
specialists. Ostovlyayte their portfolio and opinions it is necessary
daily to 100 created themes with the communications. The pay of 25
cents for 1 zapolnenuyu theme payment is daily! To write only here!!!http: / / / projects / 73180.html

Course according to the economic analysis

Customer: Ekaterina (katrin2101) the category: Diplomas
Are/Course/Abstracts The budget: ? Theme: Stochastic simulation in the
accounting of enterprise. The volume of *** is sheet, the period of
the fulfillment of 2 weeks. Request sum to indicate in the rubleshttp: / / / projects / 73190.html

Aid in writing Personal Statement (Eng)

Customer: Aksenov Dmitriy (EuroMach) the category: Resumes/Speech/Of
letter, Kreativ/Kopirayting The budget: ? Is required aid in writing
of letter - resume (Personal Statement) into VUZ - INSTITUTE OF HIGHER
EDUCATION, in the English. The outstanding knowledge of English is
compulsory, the experience of writing similar letters to foreign VUZ -
Institute of Higher Education is desirable. There is a large quantity
of information and benefits on the writing.http: / / / projects / 73214.html

Course according to the economic analysis

Customer: Ekaterina (katrin2101) the category: Diplomas
Are/Course/Abstracts The budget: ? Theme: Stochastic simulation in the
accounting of enterprise. The volume of *** is sheet, the period of
the fulfillment of 2 weeks. Request sum to indicate in the rubleshttp: / / / projects / 73190.html

Abstract on the taxation

Customer: Ekaterina (katrin2101) the category: Diplomas
Are/Course/Abstracts The budget: ? Theme: Simplified system of
taxation and condition for its application, the characteristic of the
elements of the simplified system of taxation. The volume of *** is
sheet, the period of the fulfillment of 2 weeks request price for the
abstract to indicate in the rubleshttp: / / / projects / 73191.html

SEO texts on the thematics of the window

Customer: Oleg (Borodach) the category: Kreativ/Kopirayting The
budget: ? It is required writing 4-5 articles on the thematics of
window, wooden- aluminum windows. Texts SEO oriented - for those who
knows that this had an experience of writing such articles this
project. Payment $4 for yK (quality must correspond to price). Texts
despite the fact that they SEO oriented must be excellently read,
ordered. Period from tomorrow to Monday. In more detail already with
the selected executor. Leave your if you please as'ku - tomorrow in
the daytime let us be copied:)http: / / / projects / 73196.html

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Is required writing it is text.

Customer: Crests Aleksey (KTIF) the category: News/Article/Surveys The
budget: ? Thematics - automobiles of 100 percent unique text. Write
price of 1000 signs. A quantity of articles is more than 100.http: / / / projects / 72982.html

Articles for the site of the plastic windows

Customer: Sanin Nikolai (nikolajsanin) the category: Technical
Articles, The news/Article/Surveys The budget: to 500 usd is required
writing original articles to the site on production and sale of
plastic windows urgently!!! are interesting professionals budget we
discuss!!!http: / / / projects / 72978.html

Imposition of articles into the template of newspaper in the illustrator

Customer: Bentley Indy (kiobros) the category: HTML- imposition, The
news/Article/Surveys The budget: to 100 usd it is necessary to make up
into pages articles into the finished mock-up, in the illustrator.
Today work must be finished to 23.00 on MSK.. Articles all vnalichii.http: / / / projects / 72983.html

The technical transfer of the English is required

Customer: Navrotskaya Valentina (Valll) the category: Technical
transfers the budget: ? Urgently is required the translator of
technical it is text from the English to the project. The
candidatures, which I will send the transfer of test from this
project, are examined. Your proposals at the tariffs and the speed of
transfer, and also resume with the contact information send, if you
please, to meyl of ***http: / / / projects / 72952.html

Gross and clean investments

Customer: Ekaterina (katrin2101) the category: Diplomas
Are/Course/Abstracts The budget: ? Abstract on the object of
investment - the volume of *** is sheet, the period of fulfillment 1
week. (request price for the abstract to indicate in the rubles)http: / / / projects / 72961.html

Writing the articles

Customer: Kutyanin Denis (Sipar) the category: News/Article/Surveys
The budget: ? Is necessary assistant for writing the large quantity of
articles. Payment is not high, but also work not complex and
furthermore this redeems by the volume of work. Work is faster for the
novice. Interested to be turned ICQ ***http: / / / projects / 72942.html

To finish the text

Customer: "PROMO" LTD (promotion) the category: Kreativ/Kopirayting
The budget: ? There is teskt - about the firm, there are to
dopolneniya.Soyedenit' both texts into one and to present professional
final version.http: / / / projects / 72955.html

To process text and to transfer in the the English

Customer: "PROMO" LTD (promotion) the category: Kreativ/Kopirayting,
technical transfers the budget: ? There is the matched text to
russkom.Neobkhodimo to introduce its professional corrections (if they
are) and to transfer in the English.http: / / / projects / 72956.html

Transfer AutB3.0

Customer: Shaverma Shaverma (shaverma) the category: Technical
transfers, scripts/Web- application the budget: to 50 usd it is
necessary to translate from English into the Russian language cursor
on sale of automobiles AutB3.0http: / / / projects / 72928.html

Transfer of text. (2)

Customer: Chubatyuk Ivan Sergeyevich (xenomorf) The category:
Technical transfers the budget: ? Is necessary the qualitative
translation of 14 pages of text from Russian into the following
languages: Indonesian, malaziyskiy, Georgian, Arab, Rumanian, Italian.
Request to write with the fact, who is ready to undertake immediately
and to whom this is actually necessary. In the proposal it is
necessary to indicate the language, to which you can transfer text,
your formation, experience and cost of the transfer of one standard
sheet.http: / / / projects / 72054.html

Is required management on Symbian

Customer: Moslakov Evgeny (Evgeny_.Moslakov) the category: Technical
Articles, Applications For PDA/PocketPC The budget: to 1000 usd is
required technical writer for the writing management on the
programming in Symbian. Tariff 2 usd as 1000 signs volume of
approximately 400 pages including figures payment for the delivery of
the text of the book the period: 2-3 months of proposal dispatch to
***http: / / / projects / 72903.html

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Diploma "innovation management" (2)

Customer: Anisimov Alla Of igorevna (anisimova) The category: Diplomas
Are/Course/Abstracts The budget: ? The author for writing of diploma
work on the theme urgently is required: the "development of strategy
of the development of organization". Immediately will have to grant
exemplary plan. Payment is contractual. Be turned with the address:
***http: / / / projects / 72124.html

Correcting Prices

Customer: Molchanov Vladimir Mikhaylovich (internetlux) The category:
Editing/Correction Is The budget: 30 usd there are several Prices in
the different size. It is necessary to make one file in the identical
style and with identical types.http: / / / projects / 72861.html

Kopirayting, rerayting

Customer: Jab (jab) the category: News/Article/Surveys,
Kreativ/Kopirayting The budget: ? Be required kopirayting, rerayting.
Thematics: 1. building and repair; 2. advertisement, marketing the
purpose: the information tracking 2- X of subject portals. Checking
text to the uniqueness. Application of SEO- methods with writing of
text. With the qualitative approach and the reasonable prices the
prolonged possible collaboration.http: / / / projects / 72852.html

To compose those task.

Customer: Grabichev Andrey (grabichev) the category: Creation web-
site turnkey, technical articles the budget: ? Site to
scan + to analyze the architecture of site to compose Prof. of those
of task for further advance of project...... bizreef undertakes basis
functional which is on the site by stochnost'yu to the cloning.... it
is necessary specialist in writing of t.z. indicate references to the
previous works of +tsennyhttp: / / / projects / 72840.html

Description of micro-Stock

Customer: Erik norell (norell) the category: News/Article/Surveys The
budget: ? It is necessary to write article with the description of
micro-Stock's photo, that now there is in the network. Useful
information to the buyer of photo. 6-7 proposals for each micro-Stock
with the survey of the possibilities of the purchase of photo.
Versions of payment, a quantity of photo in micro-Stock, etc.http: / / / projects / 72854.html

To compose proposals key by words in the text

Customer: Kuz'min Maxim (maxum) the category: Kreativ/Kopirayting,
Technical Articles The budget: ? It is necessary to compose proposals
with the use of the keywords. in the majority - 1 key demand - 1
proposal. Proposals are put in already finished text. Thematics -
chemistry, production, equipment. Some keywords: the analysis of oil
hydraulic fluid is hydraulics the repair of hydraulics Sozh biodizel'
the repair of construction equipment the repair of highway engineering
the repair of aviation equipment.... Payment for every 1000 simv. In
all must will come out approximately 2-3 thousand simv. Write in
lichku or project. Very desirably so that kopirayter would be "in the
theme".http: / / / projects / 72844.html

Intelligent articles (2) are necessary

Customer: Gavrilov Tamara (tomik2003) The category:
Kreativ/Kopirayting The budget: to 50 USD good times of twenty-four
hours, associate! Are necessary the articles on the theme "compressor
equipment" the payment: 125 rubles as 1000 signs who from kopirayterov
is familiar with the theme and is agreeable to the payment indicated,
I please to leave my below coordinates. All proposals, written into
lichku, to the mail and into asyu, are ignored!http: / / / projects / 70028.html

Article on the electric drive

Customer: Bayda of Valerie (del_.liero) the category: Technical
Articles The budget: ? In short periods it is necessary to write the
article (it tried to grasp) to 4 pages on the thematics of electric
drive. Write and you indicate periods and prices.http: / / / projects / 72843.html

Writing the news of the thematics of show -bi.ZZnes (2)

Customer: Paparazzi Dmitriy (odver) the category: News/Article/Surveys
The budget: ? The editorial staff of portal PaparaZZi-Club.RU
invites... the authors of the thematics of the show -bi.ZZnes of the
requirement: writing original articles. The knowledge of English is
greeted. Monitoring news - retrieval for fresh and urgent information
(where to search for let us show.) Skill is rapid and it is beautiful
to write texts, kreativnoye thinking.http: / / / projects / 67053.html

Rerayt of article with the addition to it of the neklyuchevykh words

Customer: Onishchenko Tatiana (Tatius- kA) the category:
Kreativ/Kopirayting The budget: 2 usd it is necessary to carry out
rerayt of article. Theme I assign 4, article you select themselves.
The read text to 1000 symbols must come out at the output. In the
article it is also necessary to add 1-2 words, indicated by me. Most
frequently these are nonthematic words. However, tyuey byvayeyut also
on the thematics. Price of fulfillment of assignments - 2 vmz. I now
try several people as the executor of works. However, articles much,
therefore work will be:)http: / / / projects / 72773.html

Transfer of two articles on the anime

Customer: Avinov Vladimir (MW- studios) The category: Artistic
transfers the budget: ? Good day! It is necessary to translate 2
articles about the characters of anime Naruto - Khidana and To kakuzu
(En->.Rus). Total volume - 6100 signs without the gaps. The knowledge
of anime, is desirable.http: / / / projects / 72723.html

12250 zn. from the English in the Russian.

Customer: Safin Artur (Neoncobra) The category: Artistic transfers the
budget: 10 usd it is necessary to translate in the free style from the
English to Russian *** of signs without the gaps. y0$+ opinion is the
model of the text: "In shallow Hal robbins appears in a scene with
Jack Black's character in an elevator where Robbins hypnotizes Black's
character in order to change Black's mental state. Black's character
can now see people's outward appearance based on their inner
personality. The scene is pivotal to the plot. In this scene, Black's
character riffs on Robbins's large hands calling them "banana hands".
Robbins also appears later in the movie and shares dialog with Jason
Alexander." Price not high, but I will leave a good opinion and it is
aimed at the regular orders.http: / / / projects / 72700.html

Kopirayt for the site of the public organization

Customer: Borisov Yevgeny (roond) the category: Kreativ/Kopirayting
The budget: ? Texts for the site of the public organization of
invalids and pensioners are necessaryhttp: / / / projects / 72711.html

Monday, September 22, 2008

Transfer of agreement Russian. - > Eng.

Customer: Klimov (afran) the category: Technical transfers the budget:
? Man for the transfer of agreement is necessary, experience is
required. Thematics - sudostroitel'stvo, the transfer of vessel to the
lease. 3 pages. Task otvetsvennoye, if you please, leave claims with
the periods and the price, if they are assured that can qualitatively
carry out task.http: / / / projects / 72680.html

Task with respect to the bay to calculation in the English

Customer: Klimov (afran) the category: Technical transfers the budget:
? It is necessary to carry out task with respect to the bay
calculation in the English. Task: Prepare financial statements from
adjusted trial balance Otsavlyayte claim, if you please, with the
price and the periods, task small, I throw down on e-mailhttp: / / / projects / 72681.html

To devise the original name

Customer: Potushinskiy Yaroslav Sergeyevich (MoppDepp) the category:
Kreativ/Kopirayting The budget: 20 usd to devise original name for the
jewelry on-line store. In the store they are sold to thing let us say
more elite - than is simple yuvelirka, so that name must sound
simultaneously richly, it is beautiful, it is elegant and simply))) it
is previously grateful.http: / / / projects / 72642.html

To write the scenario

Customer: Roman Rusu (MiLeR) the category: Kreativ/Kopirayting The
budget: ? Regards to all young and kreativnym scenarios. For the young
studio it is necessary to write scenario to mul'tserialu. Series will
be oriented to the teenagers, in the cartoon must be much black humor,
the affecting problems of contemporary peace. Nearest orientators Of
simpsony, southern park. Test task to write scenario to the first
series. Works send to *** with the good we compulsorily let us be
connected.http: / / / projects / 72651.html

To prepare text for the periodical/of the catalog

Customer: Phoenix Ivan (IvanFeniks) The category: Editing
Is/Correction, Kreativ/Kopirayting The budget: ? There is a document
necessary to verify errors and to prepare this text for the
periodical/of catalog, i.e., to make a text more intelligible and
easily read. Thematics construction forests. The design of the
catalog/of periodical will be then done on this text and it will be
given into the printing house, i.e., it is necessary to write text
competently! File is fastened below. The photos of assembly diagram I
will send to executor. Write sum and periods. Sum write desirably for
entire project at least approximately. Do not write in lychku, since
it rapidly is clogged.http: / / / projects / 72645.html

Is necessary rerayt

Customer: Hendricks Dzhimm (y0o) The category: Editing/Correction Is
The budget: ? It is necessary to otreraytit' article to the theme
"crane trucks" and the "special-technician". I please you to write
price for 1k.http: / / / projects / 72591.html

Satellites for

Customer: Parkhomenko Aleksandr (provad) The category: Technical
Articles, The advance Of site/SEO The budget: ? It is necessary to
create satellites on models Kia and Hyundai. Kopirayting: Description
of the model of 2000 signs. It is necessary to comprise and to
consider in the description the nucleus of klyuchevikov. Technical
characteristics. Komprektatsiya. SEO Automatic sambit on the catalogs,
the boards and the services of zmkladok. Design and imposition we
make.http: / / / projects / 72640.html

Translation of site from English into the Russian

Customer: Web Team (webteamUA) the category: Technical transfers the
budget: ? Is a site portal on the search for work PHP it is written in
the English necessary to transfer it to the Russian text both in the
code and into Define here examples if(.confirm(".Are you sure that you
want to delete this template?\.n\.nBe aware that once deleted the
template can not be restored!")) $tools_oLinkTexts=array("image
Manager", to ".Chreate Form", "to.Manage the Forms", ".Posted Data");
# $$statistics_oLinkDescriptions>= array ("View reports for the
website visits", "View reports for the website referrals", "Google
queries", "", "", "to.Google"); and such type it is necessary it
povozitsya but I do not think that it will engage more than 3 it is
hour time. The main thing so that the transfer would be correct there
are three parts of the portal - ADMINKA, for the employers, and for
the competitors. I will give to transfer on one.http: / / / projects / 72575.html

Systematization of information on the the depozitnym to the programs

Customer: Arianit Gierg (gothic_.portal) the category:
News/Article/Surveys The budget: 2 usd it is necessary to
sistimatizirovat', in the form of tablitsi, information about the
depozitnykh programs in the banks on teritorii of Odessa region of
such as: 1) Oshchad bank 2) Privat Imeks 3) bank the bank 4) Of
khreshchatik 5) Of aval' is possible more than 5 base.http: / / / projects / 72604.html

Transfer from English (3)

Customer: Ivan Bolotov (artlog) the category: Artistic transfers the
budget: ? Transfer from the American English is necessary. Is present
SLANG of the proposal of pliz at ***http: / / / projects / 68316.html

Articles about the plastic windows

Customer: Yeremin Aleksandr (funguru) The category:
News/Article/Surveys The budget: ? Are necessary articles about the
plastic windows (Rerayt, initial articles and texts let us grant)! Any
articles and surveys are greeted! The main thing so that kontent would
be unique and not expensive! Proposals with the high prices will be
immediately moved away, since money into the purchase it is isolated
very little. It is possible even to agree about constant deliveries by
you articles for us!http: / / / projects / 72623.html

Addition of articles to the site

Customer: Sirbu Ion (vanea) the category: News/Article/Surveys The
budget: to 100 USD good day! Is necessary experienced user to the site
for adding the interesting of novostei the payment of 0.20$/for the
newshttp: / / / projects / 72637.html

Articles about the plastic windows

Customer: Yeremin Aleksandr (funguru) The category:
News/Article/Surveys The budget: ? Are necessary articles about the
plastic windows (Rerayt, initial articles and texts let us grant)! Any
articles and surveys are greeted! The main thing so that kontent would
be unique and not expensive! Proposals with the high prices will be
immediately moved away, since money into the purchase it is isolated
very little. It is possible even to agree about constant deliveries by
you articles for us!http: / / / projects / 72623.html

Transfer from English (3)

Customer: Ivan Bolotov (artlog) the category: Artistic transfers the
budget: ? Transfer from the American English is necessary. Is present
SLANG of the proposal of pliz at ***http: / / / projects / 68316.html

Rerayt of article with small kreativom

Customer: Onishchenko Tatiana (Tatius- kA) the category:
Kreativ/Kopirayting The budget: ? It is necessary to make rerayt of
the existing article (1000 symbols), after appearing small kreativ -
after putting into the text the necessary word (so that this of slovov
it would approach from all parameters, without changing context). Be
turned! Write in lichku! Price for this form of work - 2 vmz if your
article it is pleased - is located even larger "field for the work":)http: / / / projects / 72599.html

Systematization of information on the the depozitnym to the programs

Customer: Arianit Gierg (gothic_.portal) the category:
News/Article/Surveys The budget: 2 usd it is necessary to
sistimatizirovat', in the form of tablitsi, information about the
depozitnykh programs in the banks on teritorii of Odessa region of
such as: 1) Oshchad bank 2) Privat Imeks 3) bank the bank 4) Of
khreshchatik 5) Of aval' is possible more than 5 base.http: / / / projects / 72604.html

Is necessary rerayt

Customer: Hendricks Dzhimm (y0o) The category: Editing/Correction Is
The budget: ? It is necessary to otreraytit' article to the theme
"crane trucks" and the "special-technician". I please you to write
price for 1k.http: / / / projects / 72591.html

Translation of site from English into the Russian

Customer: Web Team (webteamUA) the category: Technical transfers the
budget: ? Is a site portal on the search for work PHP it is written in
the English necessary to transfer it to the Russian text both in the
code and into Define here examples if(.confirm(".Are you sure that you
want to delete this template?\.n\.nBe aware that once deleted the
template can not be restored!")) $tools_oLinkTexts=array("image
Manager", to ".Chreate Form", "to.Manage the Forms", ".Posted Data");
# $$statistics_oLinkDescriptions>= array ("View reports for the
website visits", "View reports for the website referrals", "Google
queries", "", "", "to.Google"); and such type it is necessary it
povozitsya but I do not think that it will engage more than 3 it is
hour time. The main thing so that the transfer would be correct there
are three parts of the portal - ADMINKA, for the employers, and for
the competitors. I will give to transfer on one.http: / / / projects / 72575.html

Sunday, September 21, 2008

To compose TZ of site (2)

Customer: Grigoriy lukin (lgregory) the category: Technical Articles
The budget: ? It is necessary to describe site - http:
// to paint its entire functional on the points in
the form TZ. Predlogayte price and periods. Payment WMZ.http: / / / projects / 71053.html

To compose TZ of site (2)

Customer: Grigoriy lukin (lgregory) the category: Technical Articles
The budget: ? It is necessary to describe site - http:
// to paint its entire functional on the points in
the form TZ. Predlogayte price and periods. Payment WMZ.http: / / / projects / 71053.html