Saturday, September 27, 2008

Writing seo- it is text

Customer: Pavlov Tisha (Tisha) The category: Kreativ/Kopirayting The
budget: 30 usd is required to write 7 seo it is text to 2000 signs
each on the theme of on-line video. I give keys. Periods of
performance - Monday- Tuesday of the following week. Budget of e0$.
ICQ *** of requirement for the text: - minimum readability - the
precise entry of all keys - the minimum of pretexts and interjections
- well and literacy naturally. Conditions such - you write me 1 text,
if all of standards I transfer to you 15 wmz, further you write the
remaining texts, when I obtain last text I transfer to you remaining
sum. I await proposals! P.S. Desirable to knock today to is hour to
3-4 on MSK and on Monday from the morning. It can be and in Sunday I
will appear.http: / / / projects / 73465.html

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