Saturday, December 27, 2008

Translation from the German language is required (video)

Customer: Orlov Natalia (sevcom)
Category: Artistic transfers, the technical transfers
Budget: ? It is necessary to translate the pair of the hours of video recording from the German language (excellent television quality in the size of interview). Possible to divide volume between several translators in order to be packed in the period of delivery - Monday 15: 00 h. on Moscow. From you - positive recommendations, the unlimited Internet (to [skachat] large files with video material). Since this is telecast, will have to enter the time- codes in the text (to selected executor to [obsnyu] in more detail in [aske], I will send the model of text). Payment - 250 r. as 1800 signs with the gaps. I wait proposals into icq of ***.http: / / / projects / 89010.html

Translation from the German language is required (video)

Customer: Orlov Natalia (sevcom)
Category: Artistic transfers, the technical transfers
Budget: ? It is necessary to translate the pair of the hours of video recording from the German language (excellent television quality in the size of interview). Possible to divide volume between several translators in order to be packed in the period of delivery - Monday 15: 00 h. on Moscow. From you - positive recommendations, the unlimited Internet (to [skachat] large files with video material). Since this is telecast, will have to enter the time- codes in the text (to selected executor to [obsnyu] in more detail in [aske], I will send the model of text). Payment - 250 r. as 1800 signs with the gaps. I wait proposals into icq of ***.http: / / / projects / 89010.html

Friday, December 26, 2008

to translate text from German into Russian and [naobrot

Customer: [Ermakov] Vladimir (neodinokru)
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: to 50 USD it is necessary to translate text from German into Russian and [naobrot]. volume 20 the pageshttp: / / / projects / 88881.html

To write prefaces to the divisions on real estate (2)

Customer: Sergey (brandmaker)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? For the site with the declarations on real estate it is necessary to write prefaces to the divisions. One preface - *** of symbols. Thus far for 10 divisions. For the test send the version of preface for one of the divisions: apartment on day, purchase apartment, new constructions. Cost of one preface of 50 rubles. Payment: [Yandeks].[Dengi], WMR.http: / / / projects / 60808.html

Is necessary [rerayt

Customer: Felix [Polishchuk] (felix-sat)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? 1 i for 1000 symbols. Orders exist constantly. It is necessary to write articles with the volume of 1-1.2[K] of symbols. Now necessary to write about 70- 80 k. orders will be daily to the evening. Considerable attention will be given to the people, disposed to a constant collaboration. icq: ***http: / / / projects / 88854.html

to translate text from German into Russian and [naobrot

Customer: [Ermakov] Vladimir (neodinokru)
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: to 50 USD it is necessary to translate text from German into Russian and [naobrot]. volume 20 the pageshttp: / / / projects / 88881.html

To process the text

Customer: Eric (eric)
Category: Editing/the correction
Budget: 25 USD to type text from the picture into the file. You can through Finereader.http: / / / projects / 88839.html

To write prefaces to the divisions on real estate (2)

Customer: Sergey (brandmaker)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? For the site with the declarations on real estate it is necessary to write prefaces to the divisions. One preface - *** of symbols. Thus far for 10 divisions. For the test send the version of preface for one of the divisions: apartment on day, purchase apartment, new constructions. Cost of one preface of 50 rubles. Payment: [Yandeks].[Dengi], WMR.http: / / / projects / 60808.html

To write prefaces to the divisions on real estate (2)

Customer: Sergey (brandmaker)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? For the site with the declarations on real estate it is necessary to write prefaces to the divisions. One preface - *** of symbols. Thus far for 10 divisions. For the test send the version of preface for one of the divisions: apartment on day, purchase apartment, new constructions. Cost of one preface of 50 rubles. Payment: [Yandeks].[Dengi], WMR.http: / / / projects / 60808.html

to translate text from German into Russian and [naobrot

Customer: [Ermakov] Vladimir (neodinokru)
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: to 50 USD it is necessary to translate text from German into Russian and [naobrot]. volume 20 the pageshttp: / / / projects / 88881.html

[Rerayting] of material!

Customer: Orlov Kostya (OrlovKostya)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], editing/the correction
Budget: ? Is required [rerayting] from the materials which I to you I will grant! Works are much! Payment. 1,5$ for each of 1000 symbols! I wait your proposals!http: / / / projects / 88864.html

Is necessary [rerayt

Customer: Felix [Polishchuk] (felix-sat)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? 1 i for 1000 symbols. Orders exist constantly. It is necessary to write articles with the volume of 1-1.2[K] of symbols. Now necessary to write about 70- 80 k. orders will be daily to the evening. Considerable attention will be given to the people, disposed to a constant collaboration. icq: ***http: / / / projects / 88854.html

To process the text

Customer: Eric (eric)
Category: Editing/the correction
Budget: 25 USD to type text from the picture into the file. You can through Finereader.http: / / / projects / 88839.html

Course is the programming

Customer: [Kasyantsev] Sergey (kaz_zebra)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts, the development of applied [po]
Budget: to 100 USD of task in the [prikreplennom] file, there an example. It is possible to alter an example, but the code must maximally differ (another menu, the names of variables, the use of #define so forth). [Kursach] will be returned to the same [prepodu]. If you make from zero, then it is allowed to: Borland C, Turbo Of c++, Visual Of c++ of 6.0.[Kod] must be maximally [zakommentirovan] (this importantly - in programming not of [silen]). Explanatory note must contain the detailed description of all operations above the file (detailed) and the description of program itself, if on from or [S]++, then the block diagram of algorithms is required. Date of delivery on January 5 to 6.http: / / / projects / 88838.html

Abstracts, course and diplomas in psychology

Customer: Sergey Sergey (cjseriy)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? The authors of works on psychology are necessary. Knowledge of the material methods of data processing, the minimum use of open sources of the Internet during the work. Works are checked by system [antiplagiat]. From you [portfolio] (examples of works on psychology) A also indicate the cost of the fulfillment by you of works. 1. abstract on psychology 20 str 2. course in psychology theoretical 30 p. 3. course in psychology practical 30 p. 4. diploma in psychology of *** p.http: / / / projects / 88832.html

Abstracts on several objects

Customer: Rusakov sea-scape (Marirusa)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? It is necessary to urgently make several abstracts on the objects: 1. business contact. 2. regional economy. 3. econometrics. 4. [Konfliktologiya]. 5. theory of organization. 6. statistics. 7. [KSE]. Works are not complex, but are very volumetric according to the plans. All works only theoretical, the percentage of author's text is not absolutely important; therefore I will give preference to low prices. Periods - as fast as possible!!! Can write in [lichku]. It is not must in [asku], I will not answer.http: / / / projects / 88817.html

Example of the program of the search for route in VS-P#

Customer: [Zharkova] Ina (Candy85)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Course work: Objectively oriented programming and Prolog. Possibilities of integration into different media of development. To lead an example of the program of the search for route in VS-P#. Theory to [esti] and here there is no example of program in these two media. : (http: / / / projects / 88790.html

To select key word combinations for the site of fx4you

Customer: [Oskin] Dmitriy (fx4youo)
Category: Advance of the site/SEO, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? It is necessary to select [nizkochastotniki] for the advance of the site of http: // in [Yandekse] and [Gugle] for the attraction to the site of 2-3 thousand visitors per month. It is necessary to write articles under these demands. Articles compulsorily must be optimized under these demands, must be unique for the prospectors and interesting for the visitors. One demand - one article. Be placed they will be on the same site. Thematics of the site: [Foreks] your conditions and price.http: / / / projects / 88773.html

Course on the descriptive geometry into THE COMPASS of v.8

Customer: [Gazdanov] Constantine (kgazdanov) the category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts the budget: ? Proposals on ICQ of ***http: / / / projects / 88794.html

Transfer the Eng--->[rus].

Customer: [Opletaev] Aleksey (opletaev)
Category: Artistic transfers
Budget: ? It is necessary to translate simple text. Text in the file. Indicate price for which you will make.http: / / / projects / 88800.html

Course on the descriptive geometry into THE COMPASS of v.8

Customer: [Gazdanov] Constantine (kgazdanov) the category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts the budget: ? Proposals on ICQ of ***http: / / / projects / 88794.html

[Rerayt] of descriptions to the films

Customer: [Urbanovich] Anton Mikhaylovich (Polym)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? Is necessary [rerayt] of descriptions to the films from the site of volumes they are specified personally. Propose budget for one description.http: / / / projects / 88796.html

Transfer the Eng--->[rus].

Customer: [Opletaev] Aleksey (opletaev)
Category: Artistic transfers
Budget: ? It is necessary to translate simple text. Text in the file. Indicate price for which you will make.http: / / / projects / 88800.html

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Course is bookkeeping

Customer: Your diploma (T777)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: 33 USD task in the investment. Period - *** December 2008. Cost - *** of rubles.http: / / / projects / 88606.html

The addition of articles constantly and much is required

Customer: Crack1 (crack1)
Category: Editing/correction, the news/of article/the surveys
Budget: ? It is necessary to add articles on the financial theme to the site of http: // payment for 1 communication = of 3 rubles. [Rerayt] is insignificant + the change of titles. Texts can be taken from the different sources and mixed up. For the registration on the site [prisylylayte] to me into icq of *** of [login] password soap I you to [regyu] as the author. Payment once a week for Webmoney. A quantity of text the greater those better, examples it is possible to cast a look there. Communications it is possible to add as much as desired during the day, the payment is possible immediately in the initial stage. In [lichku] proposal not to write! The algorithm of work I described ABOVE. icq of ***http: / / / projects / 88639.html

Writing article on (Russ. [yaz])

Customer: [Tsaplin] Eugene (inoline)
Category: Technical articles, the news/article/the surveys
Budget: 20 USD it is necessary to form article on about the form of the alga Of parietochloris of incisa in the Russian language the page of http: // parietochloris_incisa material must contain useful and urgent information according to this form of alga. Payment - 20$http: / / / projects / 88589.html

Course is bookkeeping

Customer: Your diploma (T777)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: 33 USD task in the investment. Period - *** December 2008. Cost - *** of rubles.http: / / / projects / 88606.html

Tracer emission

Customer: [Lisina] of Helen Aleksandrovna (Rodis)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: 50 USD it is necessary to carry out the following work: Object: Radio electronics is the form of the work: Course is the volume: 25 theme of the work: Tracer emission the period of the fulfillment: to 30.12.2008 notes: it is compulsorily necessary to make blocking oscillator; there are a job schedule and a diagram, which must be calculated. 50 WMZ + the opinion of *** on the sums of work the most regular possible collaboration.http: / / / projects / 88591.html

The addition of articles constantly and much is required

Customer: Crack1 (crack1)
Category: Editing/correction, the news/of article/the surveys
Budget: ? It is necessary to add articles on the financial theme to the site of http: // payment for 1 communication = of 3 rubles. [Rerayt] is insignificant + the change of titles. Texts can be taken from the different sources and mixed up. For the registration on the site [prisylylayte] to me into icq of *** of [login] password soap I you to [regyu] as the author. Payment once a week for Webmoney. A quantity of text the greater those better, examples it is possible to cast a look there. Communications it is possible to add as much as desired during the day, the payment is possible immediately in the initial stage. In [lichku] proposal not to write! The algorithm of work I described ABOVE. icq of ***http: / / / projects / 88639.html

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Course is bookkeeping

Customer: Your diploma (T777)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: 33 USD task in the investment. Period - *** December 2008. Cost - *** of rubles.http: / / / projects / 88606.html

Writing article on (Russ. [yaz])

Customer: [Tsaplin] Eugene (inoline)
Category: Technical articles, the news/article/the surveys
Budget: 20 USD it is necessary to form article on about the form of the alga Of parietochloris of incisa in the Russian language the page of http: // parietochloris_incisa material must contain useful and urgent information according to this form of alga. Payment - 20$http: / / / projects / 88589.html

Tracer emission

Customer: [Lisina] of Helen Aleksandrovna (Rodis)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: 50 USD it is necessary to carry out the following work: Object: Radio electronics is the form of the work: Course is the volume: 25 theme of the work: Tracer emission the period of the fulfillment: to 30.12.2008 notes: it is compulsorily necessary to make blocking oscillator; there are a job schedule and a diagram, which must be calculated. 50 WMZ + the opinion of *** on the sums of work the most regular possible collaboration.http: / / / projects / 88591.html

Course project

Customer: Bondar Of olga (nastyusha2007)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts, the technical articles
Budget: ? It is necessary to write course project on spraying and strain hardening of surface. Is initial data, figure. It is necessary to write 100 pages of explanatory note and 3-4 drawings A-1 and A -0 (diagram of technological [protsesa]). This is trial project, if it will be made on excellently, there are 6 additional the same. Propose your prices, periods of performance.http: / / / projects / 88559.html

[Rerayt] of [obshchetematicheskikh] texts (urgently).

Customer: Legal Of zoom (LegalZoom)
Category: Editing/the correction
Budget: ? Is proposed [rerayt] of [obshchetematicheskikh] texts. It is necessary [rerayt] to make [rerayt] of *** of [simv]. to 12 nights on Moscow. Payment for everything 8$.http: / / / projects / 88507.html

Articles on the theme: the survey of popular CMS

Customer: Urikor (urikor)
Category: News/article/the surveys
Budget: ? Is necessary review paper for the site of http: // - in which will be examined the popular at the given moment systems for control of site. Over the long term (if material will be qualitative) - the selection of articles on concrete CMS: - installation; - administration; - work. Payment through [vebmani]. Periods - after new-year holidays.http: / / / projects / 88471.html

Articles on the theme: the survey of popular CMS

Customer: Urikor (urikor)
Category: News/article/the surveys
Budget: ? Is necessary review paper for the site of http: // - in which will be examined the popular at the given moment systems for control of site. Over the long term (if material will be qualitative) - the selection of articles on concrete CMS: - installation; - administration; - work. Payment through [vebmani]. Periods - after new-year holidays.http: / / / projects / 88471.html

[Rerayt] of [obshchetematicheskikh] texts (urgently).

Customer: Legal Of zoom (LegalZoom)
Category: Editing/the correction
Budget: ? Is proposed [rerayt] of [obshchetematicheskikh] texts. It is necessary [rerayt] to make [rerayt] of *** of [simv]. to 12 nights on Moscow. Payment for everything 8$.http: / / / projects / 88507.html


Customer: Sviridov Tatiana (Tankas)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], editing/the correction
Budget: ? Is required deep [rerayt] of 30 articles with a volume of 2000 signs without the gaps each, the thematics different. To [iskhodniki] I allow. To the week it is necessary to pass 10 articles. Payment 1$ as 1000 signs for each party of articles. In the applied file test task, make deep [rerayt] of this text. Write the received text openly in the project. Do not forget to indicate the number of icq for the connection. In [lichku] and icq request not to write, I attentively will become acquainted with your texts and will select executor. Possibly, executors it will be 2.http: / / / projects / 88442.html

Discrete mathematics (abstract)

Customer: Ian (boasik)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Theme: On the completeness and the minimization, the detail I will throw down into [lichku], to make necessary until Saturday write in [lichkuhttp: / / / projects / 88455.html

Articles on the theme: the survey of popular CMS

Customer: Urikor (urikor)
Category: News/article/the surveys
Budget: ? Is necessary review paper for the site of http: // - in which will be examined the popular at the given moment systems for control of site. Over the long term (if material will be qualitative) - the selection of articles on concrete CMS: - installation; - administration; - work. Payment through [vebmani]. Periods - after new-year holidays.http: / / / projects / 88471.html

[Rerayt] of [obshchetematicheskikh] texts (urgently).

Customer: Legal Of zoom (LegalZoom)
Category: Editing/the correction
Budget: ? Is proposed [rerayt] of [obshchetematicheskikh] texts. It is necessary [rerayt] to make [rerayt] of *** of [simv]. to 12 nights on Moscow. Payment for everything 8$.http: / / / projects / 88507.html


Customer: Sviridov Tatiana (Tankas)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], editing/the correction
Budget: ? Is required deep [rerayt] of 30 articles with a volume of 2000 signs without the gaps each, the thematics different. To [iskhodniki] I allow. To the week it is necessary to pass 10 articles. Payment 1$ as 1000 signs for each party of articles. In the applied file test task, make deep [rerayt] of this text. Write the received text openly in the project. Do not forget to indicate the number of icq for the connection. In [lichku] and icq request not to write, I attentively will become acquainted with your texts and will select executor. Possibly, executors it will be 2.http: / / / projects / 88442.html

Discrete mathematics (abstract)

Customer: Ian (boasik)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Theme: On the completeness and the minimization, the detail I will throw down into [lichku], to make necessary until Saturday write in [lichkuhttp: / / / projects / 88455.html

Articles on the theme: the survey of popular CMS

Customer: Urikor (urikor)
Category: News/article/the surveys
Budget: ? Is necessary review paper for the site of http: // - in which will be examined the popular at the given moment systems for control of site. Over the long term (if material will be qualitative) - the selection of articles on concrete CMS: - installation; - administration; - work. Payment through [vebmani]. Periods - after new-year holidays.http: / / / projects / 88471.html

Course work

Customer: Bondar Of olga (nastyusha2007)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? It is necessary to calculate the need for the accomplishment of investment. Two tasks with one condition, the only numbers. Period for tomorrow to 6 in the evening on the Kiev time. I can send task for the mail.http: / / / projects / 88448.html

Course on [S]++

Customer: [Trubina] Anna (nutaorange)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: to 100 USD course work. [S]++. Urgent aid is required.http: / / / projects / 88420.html


Customer: Sviridov Tatiana (Tankas)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], editing/the correction
Budget: ? Is required deep [rerayt] of 30 articles with a volume of 2000 signs without the gaps each, the thematics different. To [iskhodniki] I allow. To the week it is necessary to pass 10 articles. Payment 1$ as 1000 signs for each party of articles. In the applied file test task, make deep [rerayt] of this text. Write the received text openly in the project. Do not forget to indicate the number of icq for the connection. In [lichku] and icq request not to write, I attentively will become acquainted with your texts and will select executor. Possibly, executors it will be 2.http: / / / projects / 88442.html

Discrete mathematics (abstract)

Customer: Ian (boasik)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Theme: On the completeness and the minimization, the detail I will throw down into [lichku], to make necessary until Saturday write in [lichkuhttp: / / / projects / 88455.html

Articles on the theme: the survey of popular CMS

Customer: Urikor (urikor)
Category: News/article/the surveys
Budget: ? Is necessary review paper for the site of http: // - in which will be examined the popular at the given moment systems for control of site. Over the long term (if material will be qualitative) - the selection of articles on concrete CMS: - installation; - administration; - work. Payment through [vebmani]. Periods - after new-year holidays.http: / / / projects / 88471.html

Discrete mathematics (abstract)

Customer: Ian (boasik)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Theme: On the completeness and the minimization, the detail I will throw down into [lichku], to make is necessary until Saturdayhttp: / / / projects / 88455.html

Discrete mathematics (abstract)

Customer: Ian (boasik)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Theme: On the completeness and the minimization, the detail I will throw down into [lichku], to make is necessary until Saturdayhttp: / / / projects / 88455.html


Customer: Sviridov Tatiana (Tankas)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], editing/the correction
Budget: ? Is required deep [rerayt] of 30 articles with a volume of 2000 signs without the gaps each, the thematics different. To [iskhodniki] I allow. To the week it is necessary to pass 10 articles. Payment 1$ as 1000 signs for each party of articles. In the applied file test task, make deep [rerayt] of this text. Write the received text openly in the project. Do not forget to indicate the number of icq for the connection. In [lichku] and icq request not to write, I attentively will become acquainted with your texts and will select executor. Possibly, executors it will be 2.http: / / / projects / 88442.html

Course work

Customer: Bondar Of olga (nastyusha2007)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? It is necessary to calculate the need for the accomplishment of investment. Two tasks with one condition, the only numbers. Period for tomorrow to 6 in the evening on the Kiev time. I can send task for the mail.http: / / / projects / 88448.html

[Seo] text for the main page

Customer: [Shchikot] Denis (reasoft)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? Are necessary unique SEO text (2000-2500 signs) for the main page, site of the Russian real-estate agency of that occupying by real estate of Bulgaria. Text must be written for the phrases REAL ESTATE of Bulgaria, REAL ESTATE IN Bulgaria, APARTMENTS IN Bulgaria, HOUSES IN Bulgaria, APARTMENTS IN Bulgaria the sense of text must be similar: 1[e] - which with our agency is very profitable to work in the financial plan of 2[e]- and that we have the advantage: we meet in the airport, that it is not necessary to think where to stop since there is its own hotel on the shore it is possible to combine leisure with the purchase of real estate, Russian for us native language i.e. understanding client 100%http: / / / projects / 88440.html

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Course work on control

Customer: Rusakov sea-scape (Marirusa)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? It is necessary in the course of twenty-four hours to carry out course on the information texnologies in control. Theme of the work: the calculation of marriage in the production. There is a job schedule. Work not complex, simply time gathers. Preference to the experienced authors.http: / / / projects / 88380.html

Simultaneous translation (German), Kiev

Customer: Niki Of serg (freetime)
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: ? Translator to the negotiations (c of German to the Ukrainian and back) on the deliveries of equipment is required (telecommunication). Tentatively on 3 days. Middle of January. Only [g].[Kiev]. Proposals to leave only here, I will verify everything singly. [Privat] read I will not be.http: / / / projects / 88374.html

Medical transfer from the English

Customer: Nikolai [Strelchenko] (trufalgar)
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: ? It is necessary to transfer site dedicated to [proktologii] - http: // compulsory the confident and adequate possession of medical terminology. Write conditions and exemplary period. Payment - it is step by step. Apply to the proposal of reference to the analogous transfers. The following materials will be in stomatology.http: / / / projects / 88394.html

Is necessary urgent [rerayt] of those descriptions

Customer: Studio D- plus (sadesad)
Category: Technical articles, the news/article/the surveys
Budget: to 50 USD is necessary qualitative [rerayt] of 10 technical characteristics and descriptions of digital goods. Each description of approximately 4-4.5 thousand signs. Result is necessary tomorrow. Texts are simple. Must come out competent, intelligible to any user text. Descriptions will be given. From you - price for 1000 [zn] or for entire work and in periods. If there are examples of works on those to characteristics and to the descriptions of goods - send into [lichku]. Much pay I cannot - the crisis:)http: / / / projects / 88368.html

[Rerayt] is insignificant of the text

Customer: Crack1 (crack1)
Category: Editing/the correction
Budget: ? Are necessary the authors to my [blog] that necessarily: - We take any financial definition, we make minimum [rerayt] we thrust into [blog]. Payment thus far 3 rubles for 1 communication, during the day it is possible to [suvat] although how much to soul conveniently of icq of ***http: / / / projects / 88365.html

Diploma in electromechanics

Customer: [Kartashov] Victor (victorcd)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Discipline: Electromechanics is the form of the work: Diploma theme: The electro-amplifier of steering control of automobile is urgently necessary plan for the assertion. We discuss price to the complete work. Payment: [Yandeks] (during the 2nd weeks after the fulfillment of work) the connection: ICQ of ***http: / / / projects / 88354.html

Unique descriptions of goods (digital computer technology)

Customer: [Rebig] of Anastasiy (AnastasieN)
Category: Technical articles, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? It is necessary to write descriptions to the goods - digital computer technology, large number of positions. Uniqueness of [kontenta] on the basis of data of producers.http: / / / projects / 88341.html

To write several articles

Customer: [Lobanovich] Alexander (webdesigner)
Category: News/article/surveys, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: to 50 USD it is necessary on the assigned thematics to write several articles. Thematics at the given moment is known not completely, until I am asserted in the thoughts and in the fact that precisely is required. A quantity thus far it did not determine, I think not less than 4[kh]. Those task with respect to this question I will make more lately. With the budget also it was not determined, either immediately for all some sum or 3WMZ as 1000 signs b \ p to different [napisatelyam]. On the payment can naturally propose your versions, the less the price, the more me it draws but not to the detriment of the quality of writing certainly. Version of your proposal: Sum in one [stateyku], time of its writing, price, reference to examples of the workshttp: / / / projects / 88338.html


Customer: Nikolayev Elizabeth (bal2007)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? It is necessary to solve the tasks of course work period - 6 days you look the investmenthttp: / / / projects / 88345.html

Is necessary text for the filling of the site- morning coat

Customer: Ivanov Sergey (sks11)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the [Kontent]- management
Budget: ? How do you do! Is necessary text for the filling of site- morning coat the pair of pages desirable to simple, I wait your proposals with the indication small of price and periods of fulfillment. With the respect Sergey.http: / / / projects / 88310.html

Conversational German

Customer: [Popkov] Vitalius (an_alians)
Category: Technical transfers, are other
Budget: ? It is necessary to make a pair of bells in to germanium and to have a talk with the Germans about the vehicle spare parts, to learn in them the presence, cost and process of order.http: / / / projects / 88274.html

Monday, December 22, 2008

11 SEO of texts on the automobile thematics

Customer: Frolov Grigoriy (gynsus)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? It is necessary to write 11 unique SEO of the texts: 1) about the company HYUNDAI (auto- thematics) 2) OF HYUNDAI ACCENT 3) OF HYUNDAI MATRIX 4) OF HYUNDAI GETZ 5) OF HYUNDAI NF 6) OF HYUNDAI GRANDEUR 7) OF HYUNDAI TUCSON 8) OF HYUNDAI COUPE 9) OF HYUNDAI ELANTRA 10) OF HYUNDAI SONATA 11) OF HYUNDAI VERNA periods and prices - propose. In the proposal it would be desirable to see reference (references) to the similar executed projects.http: / / / projects / 88058.html

Transfer is Chinese - Russian, metallurgy

Customer: [Glushets] Natalia (glushec)
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: ? Long-term project, translation from Chinese into Russian (technical). Metallurgy, Of pdf, Word and AutoCad technique. If you please, indicate possibility by the size of the conversion into the day and into the week * the size of the [perevodimykh] files, to [t].[e] the presence of the programs Of word, Autocad/indicate version/and skill in them to work * rate for the work/page of 1800 signs with the gaps of Russian text/* its work experience on the similar thematicshttp: / / / projects / 88063.html


Customer: Yakovlev Sergey (serg7)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the [Kontent]- management
Budget: ? Is necessary text for the filling of 2 sites: 1. Site for the doctor of stomatologist 2. Site for the confectionery company. Structure of both sites is very simple. The necessary information I will send by mail payment 1 [u].[e]./of 1000 symbolshttp: / / / projects / 88041.html

Are necessary to the news, articles, surveys for the news site

Customer: X x x (inline)
Category: News/article/the surveys
Budget: ? Are necessary to the news, articles, surveys for the news site Of hi-Tech. We propose beneficial cooperation. You make the news, articles, surveys - we place on our site + on the pages of your publication we place your advertising code Of [gugl] Of [adsens]. As a result your publication works on you and brings profit to you. Our firm deals with the spinup of site. Your publications must be unique (their article, transfer, [rerayt]). Who interested herself - you [otpishite] into the project (into [lichku] not to write). They will be connected with youhttp: / / / projects / 88037.html

Artistic transfer

Customer: [Safin] Arthur (Neoncobra)
Category: Artistic transfers
Budget: ? I continue the search for translator for further regular work. It is today necessary to artistically transfer commentaries to the photographs in the American English (about 1200 signs). Indicate if you please prices and examples of works.http: / / / projects / 88052.html

Transfer from the French

Customer: Vasil'yev (vvv4511)
Category: Artistic transfers
Budget: ? Is required professional transfer from the French, only Moscow or region. Write how much for 1000 [zn].http: / / / projects / 88030.html

Writing ([rerayt]) several articles

Customer: [Krasnoshchekov] Alexander (Ales-Kras)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the news/of article/the surveys
Budget: to 50 USD for the site (store for the adult) are required several [ekslyuzivnykh] articles of near-subject [spetsyfiki]. No banalities, lewdness and nonstandard vocabulary be must. No [p]_[rnografii] and distortions. To write articles is possible independently, is possible to rewrite the obtained in the network materials (material search for themselves) so that it was possible to count authorship after the [ukazanym] above project. The themes of articles you select themselves (there are no special preferences. Requirements for the articles: presence in the name the article of any keywords of site, high of the tightly assigned keyword. [Kollichestvo] of symbols in each article: to 4000.http: / / / projects / 88070.html

Artistic transfer

Customer: [Safin] Arthur (Neoncobra)
Category: Artistic transfers
Budget: ? I continue the search for translator for further regular work. It is today necessary to artistically transfer commentaries to the photographs in the American English (about 1200 signs). Indicate if you please prices and examples of works.http: / / / projects / 88052.html

11 SEO of texts on the automobile thematics

Customer: Frolov Grigoriy (gynsus)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? It is necessary to write 11 unique SEO of the texts: 1) about the company HYUNDAI (auto- thematics) 2) OF HYUNDAI ACCENT 3) OF HYUNDAI MATRIX 4) OF HYUNDAI GETZ 5) OF HYUNDAI NF 6) OF HYUNDAI GRANDEUR 7) OF HYUNDAI TUCSON 8) OF HYUNDAI COUPE 9) OF HYUNDAI ELANTRA 10) OF HYUNDAI SONATA 11) OF HYUNDAI VERNA periods and prices - propose. In the proposal it would be desirable to see reference (references) to the similar executed projects.http: / / / projects / 88058.html

Transfer is Chinese - Russian, metallurgy

Customer: [Glushets] Natalia (glushec)
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: ? Long-term project, translation from Chinese into Russian (technical). Metallurgy, Of pdf, Word and AutoCad technique. If you please, indicate possibility by the size of the conversion into the day and into the week * the size of the [perevodimykh] files, to [t].[e] the presence of the programs Of word, Autocad/indicate version/and skill in them to work * rate for the work/page of 1800 signs with the gaps of Russian text/* its work experience on the similar thematicshttp: / / / projects / 88063.html


Customer: Yakovlev Sergey (serg7)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the [Kontent]- management
Budget: ? Is necessary text for the filling of 2 sites: 1. Site for the doctor of stomatologist 2. Site for the confectionery company. Structure of both sites is very simple. The necessary information I will send by mail payment 1 [u].[e]./of 1000 symbolshttp: / / / projects / 88041.html

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Transfer from the French

Customer: Vasil'yev (vvv4511)
Category: Artistic transfers
Budget: ? Is required professional transfer from the French, only Moscow or region. Write how much for 1000 [zn].http: / / / projects / 88030.html

Are necessary to the news, articles, surveys for the news site

Customer: X x x (inline)
Category: News/article/the surveys
Budget: ? Are necessary to the news, articles, surveys for the news site Of hi-Tech. We propose beneficial cooperation. You make the news, articles, surveys - we place on our site + on the pages of your publication we place your advertising code Of [gugl] Of [adsens]. As a result your publication works on you and brings profit to you. Our firm deals with the spinup of site. Let us bath publications on the price of 1 [u].[e]. as 1000 signs without the gaps. Your publications must be unique (their article, transfer, [rerayt]). Who interested herself - you [otpishite] into the project (into [lichku] not to write). They will be connected with youhttp: / / / projects / 88037.html

Abstract on the bases of the language Of c++

Customer: Klimov (afran)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? It is necessary to make the abstract approximately to 10 pages, in which to describe (in connection with to the language Of c++): Branchings are cycles variables structure the order of construction with examples. Periods - [srea] evening on msk. If you please, in the claim indicate your price for this work.http: / / / projects / 88022.html

Abstract on the bases of the language Of c++

Customer: Klimov (afran)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? It is necessary to make the abstract approximately to 10 pages, in which to describe (in connection with to the language Of c++): Branchings are cycles variables structure the order of construction with examples. Periods - [srea] evening on msk. If you please, in the claim indicate your price for this work.http: / / / projects / 88022.html

Course on the computational geometry (2)

Customer: Aleksandrov Yaroslav (dominion86)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts, the development of applied [po]
Budget: 30 USD [na] I to [zyke] Of paskal (Delfi), Of c++ or C# [neomkhodimo] to realize [sledushchuyu] [adachu]: The intersection of polyhedrons (simple, starry, convex) are assigned two polyhedrons P1 and P2 with n1 and n2 the apexes respectively in 3d space. To find their intersection.http: / / / projects / 86836.html

Course on the computational geometry (2)

Customer: Aleksandrov Yaroslav (dominion86)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts, the development of applied [po]
Budget: 30 USD [na] I to [zyke] Of paskal (Delfi), Of c++ or C# [neomkhodimo] to realize [sledushchuyu] [adachu]: The intersection of polyhedrons (simple, starry, convex) are assigned two polyhedrons P1 and P2 with n1 and n2 the apexes respectively in 3d space. To find their intersection.http: / / / projects / 86836.html

Course work. Java.

Customer: Kuznetsov Mikhail (MVK) the category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts the budget: ? Indicate price and periods. Thanks.http: / / / projects / 87944.html

[Rerayting] of the news for my sites.

Customer: Scores John (mc_janik)
Category: Editing is/correction, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? There are sites of advertising, financial, play and tourist thematics. Are necessary 5-6 [rerayterov], very good [rerayterov] for a constant work. In the week of approximately 15 thousand signs [obespechenno], to the first period I will immediately give on *** thousand of signs. The news on 2-3 thousand signs, occur more shortly. To [reraytit] it is necessary both in the official style and for [bloga]. In the application file - test text, which must [otreraytit] each candidate and send to me in [LS]. (Necessary condition, because only so I can estimate the quality of texts) price 1 dollar for thousands of signs with the gaps.http: / / / projects / 87943.html

[Rerayting] of the news for my sites.

Customer: Scores John (mc_janik)
Category: Editing is/correction, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? There are sites of advertising, financial, play and tourist thematics. Are necessary 5-6 [rerayterov], very good [rerayterov] for a constant work. In the week of approximately 15 thousand signs [obespechenno], to the first period I will immediately give on *** thousand of signs. The news on 2-3 thousand signs, occur more shortly. To [reraytit] it is necessary both in the official style and for [bloga]. In the application file - test text, which must [otreraytit] each candidate and send to me in [LS]. (Necessary condition, because only so I can estimate the quality of texts) price 1 dollar for thousands of signs with the gaps.http: / / / projects / 87943.html

Course work. Java.

Customer: Kuznetsov Mikhail (MVK) the category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts the budget: ? Indicate price and periods. Thanks.http: / / / projects / 87944.html