Saturday, November 15, 2008

Russian- English transfer, the medical theme

Customer: Mikhaylov Helen (silvercat)
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: ? Is necessary transfer from [russ]. on Engl. texts with the medical thematics. Descriptions of instruments for the domestic therapy and the instruction to them. Technical characteristics. Medical terms. but not too scientific must be understandable to simple user. I will send the small piece of text for the trial transfer. Indicate the periods of performance and your valuations.http: / / / projects / 81830.html

To fill site [kontentom

Customer: Sergey (s1rca)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? To fill the site of http: //[kontentom] to all pages, all in all 7. write your proposals, do not forget to indicate periods and prices. [P].[S]. most likely will conquer the one who it will be packed until Monday.http: / / / projects / 81813.html

To write the unique artistic text

Customer: [Fanaskova] Olga (professor1978)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], verses/the prose
Budget: ? Is necessary text, to be more precise, the description of subject on the assigned theme in the style of artistic work (novel). Small (pages 5-10 14 by type 1.5 interval). Unique to 100%. Proposals to leave only on this page. Price - to judgement executor. Do not be troubled, your valuations are hidden before the strange eyes: ". All proposals will be examined, if there is [portfolio] - leave [ssylochku], this is your plus. I wait proposals.http: / / / projects / 81838.html

Filling of the forum

Customer: Alexander [Mironyuk] (Ctulu)
Category: Technical articles, the [Kontent]- management
Budget: ? Forum on the repair of cell phones, computer equipment. It is necessary to fill to [ozhivaniya]. Subsequently support. The possession of theme is compulsory.http: / / / projects / 81848.html

[Rerayt], the prescriptions

Customer: [Kuzmin] Maxim (maxum)
Category: News/article/surveys, editing/the correction
Budget: ? Is required [rerayt] to the unique state both of the articles about the food and prescriptions themselves. write in [lichku] with the indication of cost for 1000 [simv]. Volumes are large, cost - one of the priority criteria.http: / / / projects / 81851.html

To write [SEO] the text

Customer: Inter Of inter (Kaizerfriz)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], it is other
Budget: ? To write [SEO] text for the entertaining site with the words: humor hitching posts the [prikolnaya] photo-selection of [videoprikoly] [prikolnyy] site is the erotic of girl to [nyu] of photo particular photo beautiful blonds beautiful [bryunetkihttp: / / / projects / 81843.html

Transfer of text in the English

Customer: Alexey P (alex_idea)
Category: Technical transfers, the technical articles
Budget: ? Good day! The transfer of text in the English is necessary. In the proposal report your price. It is desirable to translate until Monday text. If you please, report the level of qualification to in connection with this sphere - architecture and building, general vocabulary. Thanks. Unfortunately, pay I can in essence through the systems of terminals, webmoney and the like, t [k] am located in the Moscow area. Is possible the small delay of payment - a day or two, but I am going to bring no one, I am located in this service has long ago and I respected associates on [frilansu]. If the method of payment will be convenient, I will pay practically instantly. Components - better into [asku] - ***. I thank!http: / / / projects / 81791.html

Course work. [S]++. (2)

Customer: Kuznetsov Mikhail (MVK)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts, the development of applied ON the budget: 80 USD indicate periods. Thanks.http: / / / projects / 76986.html

To write the instruction

Customer: [Osadchiy] Yuri [Anatolevich] (ossadchy)
Category: Technical articles, are other
Budget: ? There is the service: http: // It is necessary to write instruction for the users. We leave questions/periods/cost. With the suitable executors I will be connected itself. In [lichku]|icq|e-mail not to write.http: / / / projects / 81746.html

To write the instruction

Customer: [Osadchiy] Yuri [Anatolevich] (ossadchy)
Category: Technical articles, are other
Budget: ? There is the service: http: // It is necessary to write instruction for the users. We leave questions/periods/cost. With the suitable executors I will be connected itself. In [lichku]|icq|e-mail not to write.http: / / / projects / 81746.html


Customer: Legal Of zoom (LegalZoom)
Category: News/article/the surveys
Budget: ? Good time of day. Are proposed to vacancy to the post [reraytera]: it is necessary the surface study of text. Readable and unique articles must be obtained at the output. Requirements are low - payment also. Legal Of zoom Of company e-mail: *** of icq: *** of skype: legalzoomhttp: / / / projects / 81724.html

Friday, November 14, 2008


Customer: Legal Of zoom (LegalZoom)
Category: News/article/the surveys
Budget: ? Good time of day. Are proposed to vacancy to the post [reraytera]: it is necessary the surface study of text. Readable and unique articles must be obtained at the output. Requirements are low - payment also. Legal Of zoom Of company e-mail: *** of icq: *** of skype: legalzoomhttp: / / / projects / 81724.html


Customer: Legal Of zoom (LegalZoom)
Category: News/article/the surveys
Budget: ? Good time of day. Are proposed to vacancy to the post [reraytera]: it is necessary the surface study of text. Readable and unique articles must be obtained at the output. Requirements are low - payment also. Legal Of zoom Of company e-mail: *** of icq: *** of skype: legalzoomhttp: / / / projects / 81724.html

Translation from Russian into the Uzbek

Customer: [Sheina] Elvira (Roksalana)
Category: Artistic transfers
Budget: ? It is necessary to translate texts (near *** of symbols) for the site from Russian into Uzbek. Thematics - horoscopes. Periods are not critical, compulsorily indicate prices. Priority in the smallest price.http: / / / projects / 81677.html

Transfer into the Czech language

Customer: Dialect Helen (dialect)
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: ? How do you do, it is necessary to translate to the Czech language advertising information. Write, if you please, price as 1000 signs with the gaps, or for 1800 - as to you it is more convenient. Still it would be desirable to become acquainted with your resume; therefore we wait it to the address of mail at period - until Monday.http: / / / projects / 81679.html

Translation from Latvian language into the Russian

Customer: Dialect Helen (dialect)
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: ? How do you do, it is necessary to transfer until Monday evidence of resident. Leave, if you please, valuations and periods.http: / / / projects / 81660.html

the translation of technical description ON the Eng. - [rus]c.

Customer: [Zdorovetskiy] Alexander (olson)
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: 5 USD is required to qualitatively transfer 4 pages, thematics totalizator, sport contests, rate and so forth is used specific terminology. For the terms request to leave in the brackets their English equivalent.http: / / / projects / 81603.html

Is necessary writing [kontenta] for the site

Customer: Anatoliy (masterd1)
Category: [Kontent]- management, the news/article/the surveys
Budget: ? Site of advertising firm, the divisions: the advance of sites, contextual advertisement, virus marketing - and article on the same themes. Condition: you must examine the thematics of this, understand terms and know how to present them! There is brief TZ with the list of pages and the requirements. Volume is general - to 10[kb]. Period of 1-2 days. It is not compulsory to write from zero, it is possible to make on the basis of other articles (in the Internet of them sufficiently), both [reraytom], and by the adoption of thoughts and terms. I wait price, your [portfolio], period.http: / / / projects / 81592.html

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Customer: Nataliya [Volkova] (lnatachka)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: to 50 USD it is necessary to write course in psychology. I wait proposals. period - weekhttp: / / / projects / 81478.html

Transfer It- Ru

Customer: Gioielliere Of valerio (gioielliere)
Category: Technical transfers, are other
Budget: ? It is necessary to translate text, to the financial thematics.http: / / / projects / 81483.html


Customer: Nataliya [Volkova] (lnatachka)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: to 50 USD it is necessary to write course in psychology. I wait proposals. period - weekhttp: / / / projects / 81478.html

Transfer It- Ru

Customer: Gioielliere Of valerio (gioielliere)
Category: Technical transfers, are other
Budget: ? It is necessary to translate text, to the financial thematics.http: / / / projects / 81483.html

10 articles are necessary

Customer: II II (programming2000)
Category: News/article/the surveys
Budget: ? For the site it is necessary to write 10 articles (different thematics) on *** of .000 signs without the gaps. Indicate your cost precisely for 10 articles. I.e. 10 phrases are given to you and for them you themselves select material. I please to indicate prices for the original articles and [rerayt]. I search for inexpensive executors on a constant basis with the complete overloading. IT IS IMPORTANT - do not write in [privat]! I PLEASE, write here your prices and [komentarii]!!http: / / / projects / 81470.html

10 articles are necessary

Customer: II II (programming2000)
Category: News/article/the surveys
Budget: ? For the site it is necessary to write 10 articles (different thematics) on *** of .000 signs without the gaps. Indicate your cost precisely for 10 articles. I.e. 10 phrases are given to you and for them you themselves select material. I please to indicate prices for the original articles and [rerayt]. I search for inexpensive executors on a constant basis with the complete overloading. IT IS IMPORTANT - do not write in [privat]! I PLEASE, write here your prices and [komentarii]!!http: / / / projects / 81470.html

Transfer of interface for [softa] (2)

Customer: Vereitinova Of kira (VEROVERO)
Category: Technical transfers, the development of applied [po]
Budget: ? Is necessary the transfer of interface for [softa] into the Italian, French and German language. executor in the Italian is found, with thanks. Are found executor to the German, all thanks. We wait proposals on the French and the Spanish.http: / / / projects / 80431.html

Text of the references

Customer: [Muzychenko] Fedor (gorizont-kiev)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the technical articles
Budget: ? for each division on 20 versions of proposal on the price send for the sitehttp: / / / projects / 81419.html

[Napolenenie] of sites [kontentom

Customer: Horns of Hoche (goshen)
Category: [Kontent]- management, the technical articles
Budget: ? Is necessary the filling of sites [kontentom], from where to take [kontent] let us show. Work with [TSMS], is compulsory the correct formulation of texts (so that not it is curved, without the references and the rest) a constant collaboration. Propose your price + on the periods of the fulfillmenthttp: / / / projects / 81415.html


Customer: [Onishchuk] Of [oleksandr] (Alex_r777)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? How do you do! [Nada] to urgently make course from the technical [elektrichesikh] systems. After the details write in [lichku].http: / / / projects / 81446.html

Translation from the Turkish language

Customer: Dialect Helen (dialect)
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: to 50 USD how do you do, it is necessary tomorrow to translate from Turkish language into the Russian of 2 labels. You will report, if you please, your valuations for 1000 signs, and also means of communication with you.http: / / / projects / 81457.html

Translation from Hungarian into the Russian

Customer: Dialect Helen (dialect)
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: to 100 USD how do you do, is necessary the transfer of several calculations. If you please, you will report price as 1000 signs.http: / / / projects / 81465.html

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

It is necessary to fill site with the text

Customer: Bogdanov Eugene Vladimirovich (Chekfor)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the news/of article/the surveys
Budget: ? It is necessary to fill juridical site with unique [kontentom]. A constant collaboration is assumed.http: / / / projects / 81244.html

Text about the portal of the mobile technologies is necessary

Customer: Vvl (runetinfo)
Category: News/article/surveys, the technical articles
Budget: to 50 USD is necessary the text about the portal of the mobile technologies of for audio [ozvuchki] to *** of seconds briefly to describe about the portal on the average it is obtained the text of long near *** of the lettershttp: / / / projects / 81228.html

It is necessary to fill site with the text

Customer: Bogdanov Eugene Vladimirovich (Chekfor)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the news/of article/the surveys
Budget: ? It is necessary to fill juridical site with unique [kontentom]. A constant collaboration is assumed.http: / / / projects / 81244.html

Text about the portal of the mobile technologies is necessary

Customer: Vvl (runetinfo)
Category: News/article/surveys, the technical articles
Budget: to 50 USD is necessary the text about the portal of the mobile technologies of for audio [ozvuchki] to *** of seconds briefly to describe about the portalhttp: / / / projects / 81228.html

To calculate standard calculation according to electrical engineering

Customer: Bondaryev Aleksey (vladimir333)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Standard calculation according to electrical engineering strictly is required to calculate. Propose your periods and prices.http: / / / projects / 81211.html

Texts on the theme the massage

Customer: Sergeyev Dmitriy (anodin)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], it is other
Budget: ? Is required [rerayt] on the thematics massage anti-cellulitis, vacuum and the like of component into [lichku].http: / / / projects / 81219.html

[Rerayt] of texts for the site

Customer: [Pekarev] Stanislav (stasiym)
Category: Editing is/correction, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? It is necessary to [unikalizirovat] the order of 200 articles (in 1 stage) for the site of the fucoids of thematics. I.e. it is possible simply in each proposal to replace 1 word or revolution with synonym. Total volume in 1 stage - ok of *** of [zn]. To whom it is interesting, write to the mail of *** - exemplary periods and cost, which you will undertake TO MAKE THIS. Thanks.http: / / / projects / 81192.html

To write the article

Customer: Raincoats Denis Constantinovich (DenisD)
Category: News/article/surveys, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: 2 USD is necessary article unique (for the multiplication it will go). Thematics is CLOTHING. Minimum quantity of symbols 1500.http: / / / projects / 81181.html

Transfer of instruction from the Engl. (2)

Customer: Rednaya Of volha (VRednaya)
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: ? Technical transfer of instruction to the helicopter r/in (toy) with the retention of special terminology. Imposition their, therefore resulting file in the size Of word, figures in the text, the signature is also Russianized. It is desirable to tomorrow.http: / / / projects / 81182.html

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Support of [kontenta] on the site of the tire firm

Customer: Light-VA sea-scape (ShinaM)
Category: [Kontent]- management, the news/article/the surveys
Budget: ? Is necessary the daily renovation of the news on the site of company, occupied with the deliveries of truck tires. Furthermore, interest weekly surveys and articles. Qualitative [rerayt] is possible, but sources you search for themselves.http: / / / projects / 81150.html

Transfer into Engl. [yaz].

Customer: [Dalakyan] Darya (dawa)
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: 2 USD are the page from the diploma work, which must be transferred competently (!) to Engl. [yaz]. Page in the [prikreplennom] file. It is desirable, to make for tomorrow (during the day). Leave the number of [aski] for the connection with you and write prices only (!!!) here. I thank in advance. [ZY]: project noncommercial - work I will be with the fact, who will propose to carry out transfer more cheaply) "http: / / / projects / 81103.html

Business letter about the assignment of the services

Customer: Petrov Sergey (fotomaster)
Category: Resumes/speech/of letter, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? It is necessary to compose business letter about the gratuitous assignment of services (photo and video). Experience in the composition of similar letters is required. To refer to the works in its [portfolio].http: / / / projects / 81105.html

System of the calculation of passenger flow in the route taxi

Customer: Morozov Andrey (laba2)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Is a finished course project, nuance in the fact that in it to account for passenger flow is used the tourniquet with [prikreplennym] to its shaft [enkoderom] (sensor of angular turning), and I should use infrared [dachki] which will follow the passenger flow. Task: It is necessary to alter drawing and to calculate the added elements. finished course with the drawing, the specification and the explanatory note in the applications.http: / / / projects / 81088.html

Creation of the unique descriptions

Customer: Vitos K (vitosk)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the [Kontent]- management
Budget: ? The creation of unique descriptions for is more than 4000 goods of household equipment and electronics.http: / / / projects / 81090.html

Transfer of the artistic text

Customer: Kiselev Pavel Petrovich (Argamak)
Category: Artistic transfers
Budget: ? It is necessary to transfer 20 pages into Word of well-known, contemporary American writer. Transfer must be as verbatim as possible, but not artistic. Payment of webmoney.http: / / / projects / 81054.html

Writing the articles of construction thematics.

Customer: Alexander (alks)
Category: News/article/surveys, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? It is necessary to write small articles on the building. You select *** of popular forums, you read, you analyze information, write small [stateyki]- councils, [stateyki]- surveys (about 1000 symbols), you put picture. Wrote one [stateyku] and made 2 its [rerayta] (qualitative of [rerayta]). Work for the month. Write how much can write such articles in a 24 hour period.http: / / / projects / 81032.html

It [kopipast] articles for the site

Customer: [Milovanov] Maxim (Mirovan)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? It is necessary to [nakopipastit] articles for the site to the following thematics: - the end of the light - [sudnyy] day - freemasonry - Christianity - religion - government - terrorism article must consist of text of the size TXT and image (one and more). Price - 0,10 i for the article.http: / / / projects / 81029.html

Task with respect to the American system bay of the calculation

Customer: Klimov (afran)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts, the technical transfers
Budget: ? Object - Accounting. Task briefly: Instructions (a) Of prepare of separate of journal of entries to of record of the of transfer of of each of proprietorship's of assets and liabilities to of the of partnership. (b) Journalize of the of additional of cash of investment by of each of partner. (c) Prepare a of balance of sheet of for of the of partnership on Of january 1, 2008. Complete task I send on e-mail.http: / / / projects / 80968.html

Urgently now [kopirayt] of 1 texts

Customer: [Tsygankova] Anna (infodesign)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: 6 USD text about the people methods of the preventive maintenance of the diseases of the cavity of mouth. 3000 symbols, ***http: / / / projects / 80978.html

Transfers Russian- English (5)

Customer: [Pilyugina] Anna (JILilas)
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: ? At the present moment we have large volumes of technical All-Union State Stan.s. Direction of translation from Russian into English. We search for translators, competent in the field of metallurgy, power engineering and a little chemistry. If you interests a constant employment, large volumes and work in the command, if you are punctual and aimed at the prolonged collaboration, then we with the impatience wait your resumes and executed test. Work it is desirable in [Tradose]. At the output from you will be required the memory and the purified, correctly [otformatirovannye] files. Proposals direct to the address of ***http: / / / projects / 70340.html

Transfer En - Es

Customer: Gioielliere Of valerio (gioielliere)
Category: Technical transfers, the artistic transfers
Budget: ? Is required the transfer of text, with the Engl. in the Spanish. Indicate, if you please, the cost of your services. Test transfer is required. With the respect, Valerio.http: / / / projects / 80961.html

Monday, November 10, 2008

[Rerayt] of the articles

Customer: Ustinov Dmitriy (Nar-way)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? Is required [rerayt] of articles. Price of a question of 0,8[u].[e]. for 1000 with the gaps. Period evening, articles is many. Requirements - uniqueness and effectiveness.http: / / / projects / 80788.html

[Rerayting] of the articles

Customer: Ivan [Fedorenko] (Osho_ru)
Category: Editing/the correction
Budget: ? It is inexpensive, it is required. Volume approximately - 20 articles. With the prices of [pliz] into [lichku].http: / / / projects / 80742.html

Checking the transfer of the text of software

Customer: Gretchen Of deby (DaisyDoll)
Category: Editing/the correction
Budget: 5 USD the size of [pribl].3 of 000 [pech]. signs with the gaps. Period of 1-2 days language FRhttp: / / / projects / 80765.html

Checking the transfer of the text of software

Customer: Gretchen Of deby (DaisyDoll)
Category: Editing/the correction
Budget: 5 USD the size of [pribl].3 of 000 [pech]. signs with the gaps. Period of 1-2 days language FRhttp: / / / projects / 80765.html

[Rerayting] of the articles

Customer: Ivan [Fedorenko] (Osho_ru)
Category: Editing/the correction
Budget: ? It is inexpensive, it is required. Volume approximately - 20 articles. With the prices of [pliz] into [lichku].http: / / / projects / 80742.html

Texts on the theme of seo

Customer: Sergeyev Dmitriy (anodin)
Category: [Kontent]- management, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? Are necessary articles on the theme the advance of sites in the search systems. Requirements for the articles: - uniqueness - 2000 signs 1 article - interesting for [yuzerov] indicate if you please price for 10 articles. One person will have to order not more than 10 articles. It is not necessary to write in [asyu] or into [lichku]. Simply reference [portfolio] or opinions and write for how many wmz you they are ready to write 10 articles, each on 2 thousand symbols. Also indicate the period of writing. Preferences will return to inexpensive [kopiraytu], since articles are necessary for arrangement on other resources.http: / / / projects / 80706.html

Texts on the site of the advertising agency

Customer: Tokarev Sergey (RNF)
Category: Editing is/correction, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting] the budget: ? I will pay the errors on the site of the advertising agency of http accepted: // / / / projects / 80730.html

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Texts on the site of the advertising agency

Customer: Tokarev Sergey (RNF)
Category: Editing is/correction, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting] the budget: ? I will pay the errors on the site of the advertising agency of http accepted: // / / / projects / 80730.html

It is necessary to [sgenerirovat] the article

Customer: [Muzychenko] Fedor (gorizont-kiev)
Category: Advance of the site/OF SEO, the technical articles
Budget: ? For the company in [seozavre] it is necessary to make articles about the site the thematics of the louver of [rolety] of winch sun-protecting systems your proposals for 100 articleshttp: / / / projects / 80676.html

Texts on the theme of seo

Customer: Sergeyev Dmitriy (anodin)
Category: [Kontent]- management, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? Are necessary articles on the theme the advance of sites in the search systems. Requirements for the articles: - uniqueness - 2000 signs 1 article - interesting for [yuzerov] indicate if you please price for 10 articles. One person will have to order not more than 10 articles. It is not necessary to write in [asyu] or into [lichku]. Simply reference [portfolio] or opinions and write for how many wmz you they are ready to write 10 articles, each on 2 thousand symbols. Also indicate the period of writing. Preferences will return to inexpensive [kopiraytu], since articles are necessary for arrangement on other resources.http: / / / projects / 80706.html

Course on [fokspro

Customer: Is shady Alexander [Leonidovich] (wait)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? I allow to the course of [odnogruppnika], on the base it must be made to me with my theme (theoretically part + program). The sheets of *** it is required. Exemplary periods and price interest.http: / / / projects / 80657.html

Diploma on the information theory

Customer: Lopatin Svetlana (veseliyliveno4ek)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: to 250 USD the form of the work: Diploma work is discipline in the work: Control of information theory in the technical systems the theme of the work: Development of the mathematical models of the estimation of the comparative effectiveness of the different methods of the production of steel on the basis of the integrated energy-ecological analysis. Volume of the work: *** str the special requirements: see investments. ---------------------- Period of entire work as a whole: 27.11.08http: / / / projects / 80643.html

Texts for the site. Thematics is advertisement.

Customer: Birches Alexander (urd)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the news/of article/the surveys
Budget: ? It is urgently necessary to make [rerayt] of texts on the site. TODAY - TOMORROW! Payment for [dogovorenosti]. [Aska] of ***, requirement experience in this sphere, is desirable the presence of opinions.http: / / / projects / 80675.html

Texts on the theme of seo

Customer: Sergeyev Dmitriy (anodin)
Category: [Kontent]- management, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? Are necessary articles on the theme the advance of sites in the search systems. Requirements for the articles: - uniqueness - 2000 signs 1 article - interesting for [yuzerov] indicate if you please price for 10 articles. One person will have to order not more than 10 articles. It is not necessary to write in [asyu] or into [lichku]. Simply reference [portfolio] or opinions and write for how many wmz you they are ready to write 10 articles, each on 2 thousand symbols. Also indicate the period of writing.http: / / / projects / 80706.html

Course on [fokspro

Customer: Is shady Alexander [Leonidovich] (wait)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? I allow to the course of [odnogruppnika], on the base it must be made to me with my theme (theoretically part + program). The sheets of *** it is required. Exemplary periods and price interest.http: / / / projects / 80657.html

Transfer [FR]- RUS for tomorrow (10.00)

Customer: Ivanov Darya (translations)
Category: Artistic transfers, the technical transfers
Budget: ? It is necessary to translate article to the theme of criminal process. Volume 10 pages. Test transfer is required. Write in [lichku] your prices.http: / / / projects / 80625.html

Cryptography! Reading is necessary.

Customer: Stanislav (stanislav75)
Category: Editing/correction, is other
Budget: ? How do you do! Urgently is sought person, who examines cryptography. It is necessary to make reading the specialized text. The payment is contractual about 20 p.http: / / / projects / 80610.html

News on the auto-thematics

Customer: Klimov (afran)
Category: [Kontent]- management, the news/article/the surveys
Budget: to 50 USD they are necessary daily to the news on the auto-thematics: the news from the auto-peace + of the news about the formulation of automobiles. It is necessary: to find material for [rerayta], picture to it, to flood this to the site through the control panel ([legktsi] editor to the similarity of word). During the day are necessary one news, volume - *** of signs. I wait in the claims your cost of operation for one piece or monthly payment, experience is required.http: / / / projects / 80589.html

Diploma on the economy

Customer: [Zaytseva] Natalia (Zum)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Object: Economy of branches all details with the correspondencehttp: / / / projects / 80601.html

News on the auto-thematics

Customer: Klimov (afran)
Category: [Kontent]- management, the news/article/the surveys
Budget: to 50 USD they are necessary daily to the news on the auto-thematics: the news from the auto-peace + of the news about the formulation of automobiles. It is necessary: to find material for [rerayta], picture to it, to flood this to the site through the control panel ([legktsi] editor to the similarity of word). During the day are necessary one news, volume - *** of signs. I wait in the claims your cost of operation for one piece or monthly payment, experience is required.http: / / / projects / 80589.html