Saturday, October 11, 2008

Rerayt (real estate)

Customer: Sinetskiy Denis Anatol'evich (kaiser) the category:
Editing/Correction Is The budget: necessary to make rerayt of several
it is text to 50 usd. General ob'em of ***.http: / / / projects / 75856.html


Customer: --- of --- (aswe) the category: Kreativ/Kopirayting The
budget: to 50 usd it is necessary to devise the chain of the
interconnected mini- slogans, which describe the abstract concept of
professionalism. Slogans must organically be combined with a visual
number - beautiful nature, the ancient lock.http: / / / projects / 75834.html

Is necessary rerayt. Construction thematics.

Customer: Smirnov Ivan (SmirnovPK) The category: Editing/Correction Is
The budget: ? Good day. Is necessary rerayt of articles to the
construction thematics. Subsequently there will be others. Volume for
the beginning near *** without the gaps. Text must not lose semantic
load. It Must Be Readable For THE MAN. Indicate your price of 1000
signs without the gaps. But so exemplary periods.http: / / / projects / 75823.html

Transfer is text from the the Polish

Customer: e_.a_.k_.a_.z (e_.a_.k_.a_.z) the category: Technical
transfers, artistic transfers the budget: ? 45 p. indicate cost for
1800 zn. I examine proposal to 300 rub for 1 str.http: / / / projects / 75791.html

Development of the forum

Customer: Vadim (chishir) the category: News/Article/Surveys,
Kreativ/Kopirayting The budget: to 100 USD is necessary two people for
the development of the forum of Tiraspol' city the regular filling of
forum with interesting (to read unique) posts conducting
simultaneously several akkauntov. The payment for weekly piece-work
(webmoney), of the calculation of 15 cents for the unique post by size
not less than 70 symbols the required knowledge of Tiraspol' and PMR
You stuchite immediately into As'ku of *** proposal for the
inhabitants PMR here I only appear extremely rarelyhttp: / / / projects / 75835.html

Conducting the technical catalogs

Customer: Loginova Helen (info123) The category: Technical articles,
technical transfers the budget: to 500 usd is necessary permanent
remote colleague for conducting the technical catalogs www.oilru.ruhttp: / / / projects / 75848.html

Article about the fight with the pirate CDS

Customer: Klimov (afran) the category: News/Article/Surveys,
Kreativ/Kopirayting The budget: ? Concrete content of article and name
- to judgement of the author. As version, it is possible to illuminate
some measures and laws, directed toward the fight with the output of
pirate product. In this case the article must be connected,
intelligible, interesting to the reader. Size of the article - *** of
signs. If you please, leave zyavku, if you are assured that you will
be able to write a good article according to requirements. In the
claim immediately write periods and cost for thousands of signs. Task
is urgent.http: / / / projects / 75849.html

Is necessary rerayt. Construction thematics.

Customer: Smirnov Ivan (SmirnovPK) The category: Editing/Correction Is
The budget: ? Good day. Is necessary rerayt of articles to the
construction thematics. Subsequently there will be others. Volume for
the beginning near *** without the gaps. Text must not lose semantic
load. It Must Be Readable For THE MAN. Indicate your price of 1000
signs without the gaps. But so exemplary periods.http: / / / projects / 75823.html

the filling of the site

Customer: Noses Aleksey (sairus) the category: Kreativ/Kopirayting,
Kontent- management The budget: ? To drive in site kopipastomhttp: / / / projects / 75805.html

Transfer is text from the the Polish

Customer: e_.a_.k_.a_.z (e_.a_.k_.a_.z) the category: Technical
transfers, artistic transfers the budget: ? 45 p. indicate cost for
1800 zn.http: / / / projects / 75791.html


Customer: Kartashov Victor (victorcd) The category: Diplomas
Are/Course/Abstracts The budget: ? Theme of the thesis: the
development of the investment planning of the development of power
engineering for the purpose of an increase in the security with the
energy resources of northwestern region. In the initial stage it is
necessary to compile plan and to write part of 1 of chapter. The
fulfillment of complete work, also, is discussed. Period: week is the
payment: Yandex (during the week after obtaining of the part of the
work) the connection: ICQ *** or *** Helenhttp: / / / projects / 75788.html

Rerayt (construction- repair thematics)

Customer: Zaytseva Natalie (Zum) the category: News/Article/Surveys
The budget: ? Are necessary 3 articles with the volume of *** of
zn.b/p (themes I will send to executor) period - on 12 October to
12.00 msk your proposals?http: / / / projects / 75764.html

Friday, October 10, 2008

Editing of transfer. Thematics - medicine.

Customer: Minasyan of Cristina anatol'evn (kristem) the category:
Technical transfers the budget: 10 USD good day! Is required to edit
text approximately into 4200 zn. of medical thematics in the English.
Period - to noon. Payment - 10 dollars to that, whose editorial staff
will be pleased more than rest. Plus - objective opinion and the
possibility of further collaboration. Text must be maximally
competent. Iskhodnik - in the application. Finished work send to ***http: / / / projects / 75748.html

Practical part of the course work

Customer: Kartashov Victor (victorcd) The category: Diplomas
Are/Course/Abstracts The budget: ? 1) discipline: Fiber - optical
transmission systems of 3 tasks 2) discipline: The devices of method
and processing of the signal of 2 tasks To metodichki and conditions
are applied. Period: Sunday in the evening the payment: Internet-
money (preferably Yandex) or bank transfer. Obtaining money during the
week after the fulfillment of work. Connection: ICQ *** or *** Helenhttp: / / / projects / 75724.html

Rerayt in the the English

Customer: Kul'pekina Galina (moigalcionoc) the category:
Editing/Correction Is The budget: ? How do you do. It is necessary to
make rerayt on the theme "Auto loan". Payment - $2- of 1000 signs
without the gaps. Desiring I please to carry out test rerayt. The test
task of the selected executor will be paid. Payment - webmoney.http: / / / projects / 75714.html

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Is required article, urgently. Rerayt

Customer: Nazin Artemiy (studio_.Wordcore) the category: Technical
Articles, Kreativ/Kopirayting The budget: ? Volume - 10 thousand signs
period - as fast as possible, desirably after it is somewhat hour
theme - polygraphy To otpisyvat'sya only here in the size: - period
(in the hours) - price (in i) urgently!http: / / / projects / 75505.html

Articles on the bookkeeping calculation, the Audit, msfo, etc

Customer: Galiullin To rustics (acopy) The category:
News/Article/Surveys The budget: ? Are necessary of the qualitative,
expanded, written by man with the knowledge this regions, article and
surveys on the theme of bookkeeping and adjacent thematics. Exemplary
structure of the writing: we take news, naprimer:"Gosduma accepted law
about the installment of the quarter payments on NDS with period for 3
months" in the first part it was described the in detail this news,
further necessary to make a common survey of the future changes on
NDS, to describe on whom they will influence and as. Size of the
articles from 3000 to *** of symbols from you examples of articles and
cost for 1000 symbolshttp: / / / projects / 75477.html

Rerayt. Urgently!

Customer: Malinovskaya of alene (almalinka) the category:
Editing/Correction Is The budget: to 50 usd it is necessary to 24.00
to otreraytit' 48k texts. Iskhodniki I give. Price of a question -
yu.e./of 1000 signs. You stuchite ***.http: / / / projects / 75461.html

It is necessary to transfer scenario on the Eng.

Customer: Berezin Aleksandr (urd) The category: Technical transfers
the budget: to 50 USD regards, it is urgently necessary to translate
the scenario of new year from Russian into English. 3 pages Aya, only
och. of proffesional'no.!!! All questions now into as'ku of ***http: / / / projects / 75450.html

Writing articles to construction tematku

Customer: Shustrov Dmitriy (den2607) the category:
News/Article/Surveys, Technical Articles The budget: ? Necessarily
writing interesting, unique articles to the construction thematics of
theme and the key phrases will be given after utverzhrenya information
about itself leave here compulsorily with the indication of the cost
(proposals without the indication of cost they are not examined) it is
required reference to portfolio with the indication of works in this
region!!!http: / / / projects / 75455.html

Journeys through Russia, the hotel

Customer: Your diploma (T777) the category: Kreativ/Kopirayting The
budget: ? It is necessary to rapidly write 6 articles on 2000 - 3000
signs about the hotels and fucoids on Russia. Periods compressed.
Kopiraytery are necessary adequate with the experience. All
information on ICQ *** one 9.http: / / / projects / 75428.html

Rerayt is text.

Customer: Svyatko (svyatko) the category: Editing/Correction Is The
budget: 20 usd there is a task - we let out to 10 sites in the week.
It is necessary to each site: a. to select the structure of site
(general menu and the menu of services) b. to select materials for
rerayta v. to otreraytit' materials are ready to pay - *** of u.e. for
the site. On the average on the site from 10 to 30 divisions, not
more. Text into the divisions is necessary not much. (2000-3000
optimally). I await proposals.http: / / / projects / 75412.html

Articles and surveys on the theme of job placement and career

Customer: Aliullov Oleg rashidovich (rashidovich) The category:
News/Article/Surveys, Kreativ/Kopirayting The budget: ? It is ready to
buy materials. I will place them on the site. Before the purchase I
will look the presence of text in the network.http: / / / projects / 75381.html

Eng->.Rus [ Rus->.Eng ] thematics is physics, the simulation

Customer: Myasnichenko Vladimir (Virtson) the category: Technical
transfers the budget: ? How do you do indicate price as 1000 signs,
examples of the transfers of scientific it is text connection here.http: / / / projects / 75367.html

Kursovik on the object "economy of enterprise"

Customer: Kartashov Victor (victorcd) The category: Diplomas
Are/Course/Abstracts The budget: ? It is necessary to write course
work. Specialization: International business is the object: Economy of
enterprise the theme of kursovika: 1 part - analysis of the foreign
experience of clustering and adaptation of this experience in S -PB
(India); 2 part - analysis of the experience of clustering in the
subjects RF (republic of the Komi and the Arkhangyelsk province) the
period: today the payment: Internet- money (preferably Yandex) or bank
transfer. Money after obtaining and checking the finished work.
Connection: ICQ *** or ***http: / / / projects / 75387.html

Development of the commercial proposals

Customer: Rodnenko Vitalius (simlink) the category:
Kreativ/Kopirayting The budget: 20 usd how do you do! It is necessary
to develop 2 commercial proposals. 1) commercial proposal to the
creation of site. 2) commercial proposal to the advance of site.
Proposal they must be universal, they are intended for the mass
distribution. Additional infu on the services to organization I will
send in pm, when we select executor.http: / / / projects / 75404.html


Customer: Yanovskiy Cyril (Kiriel) the category: Editing/Correction Is
The budget: ? It is necessary to make a review paper from several
sources. Theme - "NPF - non-governmental Pension funds". Orientation
in this region and ease of style is required. Periods sufficiently
compressed. I await proposals.http: / / / projects / 75409.html


Customer: Tolshmyakov Sergey (tol7632) the category:
Kreativ/Kopirayting The budget: ? 2-3 experienced persons to a
constant work are necessary, to write in privathttp: / / / projects / 75417.html

Articles and surveys on the theme of job placement and career

Customer: Aliullov Oleg rashidovich (rashidovich) The category:
News/Article/Surveys, Kreativ/Kopirayting The budget: ? It is ready to
buy materials. I will place them on the site. Before the purchase I
will look the presence of text in the network.http: / / / projects / 75381.html

Kursovik on the object "economy of enterprise"

Customer: Kartashov Victor (victorcd) The category: Diplomas
Are/Course/Abstracts The budget: ? It is necessary to write course
work. Specialization: International business is the object: Economy of
enterprise the theme of kursovika: 1 part - analysis of the foreign
experience of clustering and adaptation of this experience in S -PB
(India); 2 part - analysis of the experience of clustering in the
subjects RF (republic of the Komi and the Arkhangyelsk province) the
period: today the payment: Internet- money (preferably Yandex) or bank
transfer. Money after obtaining and checking the finished work.
Connection: ICQ *** or ***http: / / / projects / 75387.html

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

To translate letter from Russian into the the Netherlands

Customer: Latiy Aleksey (novoster) the category: Technical transfers
the budget: 5 usd I greet, frilanserov! It is necessary to translate
small pis'metso from Russian into Netherlands. According to statistics
MS Word: Signs and gaps 640. Words 87. Possibly then it is necessary
to transfer back answer. He worked as translator Eng. Russian. and I
count thus. To 800 symbols 5 wmz, and so it there is. Text of very
simple. We will leave all terms in the English, since they are
international in terms of their value. In you to this task the maximum
of 45 minutes will leave. 4 it would manage in 30 minutes, you be this
English. Payment in WebMoney = 5 wmz. I will be in ICQ and help if
there is something not clearly. Tomorrow in the morning let us study.
I will appear in ICQ about 10:00. Who will be in on- Lina, I will
agree with the fact. The description of task actually for 1000 Baxes
came out: -)http: / / / projects / 75350.html

Filling of site. It kopipast.

Customer: Chinese Valerie (valera-173) the category: The
news/Article/Surveys, Are other The budget: ? It is necessary to fill
site (catalog of articles) on any theme. Essence of the work: You fill
form in the catalog of articles, desirably if it there is with the
photo. I.e. work for grabbrer. Sites, I will indicate each theme. and
for one article you obtain 0.05$ i.e. 100 articles = 5 of Baxes. 1000
= shch0$ I collect 10 people. Payment every week for a quantity of
published articles.http: / / / projects / 75348.html

Urgent rerayt!

Customer: Xenia kseniya (_ Kseniya _) the category:
Kreativ/Kopirayting, Editing/Correction Is The budget: to 50 usd is
necessary rerayt of 5 articles on the jurisprudence with
klyuchevikami. Source material search for themselves - in you inete
much similar information. Volume of *** of signs without the gaps.
Payment for y as 1000 signs + opinion for the successful work. Request
to be turned by the fact, who is familiar with the thematics. Rerayt
is necessary already k you vecheru!!Pishite what volume you you will
overpower. Z.Y. of communication into lichku and as'ku - are ignored.http: / / / projects / 75347.html

Eng->.Rus [ Rus->.Eng ] thematics is physics, the simulation

Customer: Myasnichenko Vladimir (Virtson) the category: Technical
transfers the budget: ? How do you do indicate price as 1000 signs,
examples of the transfers of scientific it is text connection here.http: / / / projects / 75367.html

Filling of the forum

Customer: Crests Aleksey (KTIF) the category: Kreativ/Kopirayting The
budget: ? People for the filling of forum are necessary.
Communications must be unique. In the theme of 5-7 communications
write price for one such created theme.http: / / / projects / 75357.html

a constant writing of the articles

Customer: Popov Yuri (yumen) the category: News/Article/Surveys,
Kreativ/Kopirayting The budget: ? How do you do! I search for
responsible executor to a constant work on writing of articles, news
and another kind of materials on the different themes: Web- design,
the creation of sites, advance, contextual advertisement, design, ed
of graph, the forms of drawing, flash and all which with this is
connected directly or indirectly. Volumes: it is necessary to write 4
unique articles on 2500 - 3500 signs each day. Output Saturday -
Sunday. Altogether 5 workdays. Since these will be constant orders,
the cost of operation $20 in the week. I will produce once a week
payment.http: / / / projects / 75338.html

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Correction of Ukrainian and transfer in Russian (2)

Customer: Anton Alexandrovich (yits) The category: Editing/Correction
Is The budget: ? The original language of site - English is required:
- to correct the existing Ukrainian transfer of text elements - to
carry out the transfer of interface into the Russian language the
tentative volume of work - *** of lines, by line should be understood
one text element, one text element: - word - 30% - word combination -
50% - proposal - 20% I await your proposals - period and the pricehttp: / / / projects / 69657.html

Private project for professor1978

Customer: Pokhmelkin Andrey (Kai7ru) the category: Diplomas
Are/Course/Abstracts The budget: 30 usd to write the theoretical part
of the course works "statistics of basic capital" and the "statistics
of credit activity". Volume of each - 15 str.http: / / / projects / 75106.html

Transfer RUS > DEU

Customer: Dmitriev Tatiana (YWR) the category: Technical transfers the
budget: ? Text for the Internet- store. ok. 7 standard pages (on 1800
zn., inclusively gaps) is necessary competent transfer. Text is simple
- advantage, operational procedure + the collection of the standard
phrases, which appear in the process of authorization, the formulation
of the order (registration it is completed, incorrect login/password
and so forth.)http: / / / projects / 75052.html

Writing it is text for the site

Customer: Oganesov Arkady (Nomer99) the category: Kreativ/Kopirayting,
Technical Articles The budget: ? Are necessary articles (from 20
pieces) on 500 signs for the site with the keywords beautiful number
(beautiful numbers) straight number (straight numbers) gold number
(gold numbers) payment for the fact of writing. Cost of 1000 signs -
70 r.http: / / / projects / 75044.html

Transfer with eng to rus

Customer: Mogilev Irina (studio-maxaon) the category: Technical
transfers the budget: ? The inserted file it is necessary to translate
from ang to the Russian language period - Friday (to ***). proposal on
the price + the test transfer of 1-2 paragraphs. Payment -
Yandeks.Den'gi or the system of the money orders "contact".http: / / / projects / 75082.html

Filling of the client base

Customer: Borinshteyn Denis Vadimovich (borinshtein) The category:
Kontent- management, Editing/Correction Is The budget: ? How do you
do. There is a program, there are forms of the clients of store. It is
necessary to introduce into the base. Program is simple in the
rotation. Forms - somewhat pour on.http: / / / projects / 75036.html

Writing it is text for the site

Customer: Oganesov Arkady (Nomer99) the category: Kreativ/Kopirayting,
Technical Articles The budget: ? Are necessary articles (from 20
pieces) on 500 signs for the site with the keywords beautiful number
(beautiful numbers) straight number (straight numbers) gold number
(gold numbers) payment for the fact of writing.http: / / / projects / 75044.html

Transfer RUS > DEU

Customer: Oganesov Arkady (Nomer99) the category: Kreativ/Kopirayting,
Technical Articles The budget: ? Are necessary articles (from 20
pieces) on 500 signs for the site with the keywords beautiful number
(beautiful numbers) straight number (straight numbers) gold number
(gold numbers) payment for the fact of writing.http: / / / projects / 75044.html

Filling of the client base

Customer: Borinshteyn Denis Vadimovich (borinshtein) The category:
Kontent- management, Editing/Correction Is The budget: ? How do you
do. There is a program, there are forms of the clients of store. It is
necessary to introduce into the base. Program is simple in the
rotation. Forms - somewhat pour on.http: / / / projects / 75036.html

20 articles on the theme of the work

Customer: Alex (alexjoy1) the category: Kreativ/Kopirayting The
budget: 40 USD it is necessary 20 articles on 2500 symbols on the
theme of work (search for work, cadre agencies, resume, interview and
td) on the very low prices. Claims are examined strictly to $40http: / / / projects / 75027.html

To write abstract on radio engineering

Customer: Kartashov Victor (victorcd) The category: Diplomas
Are/Course/Abstracts The budget: ? It is necessary to write abstract
on radio engineering. Theme: Technology of the production of the
printed-circuit board of the sensor of the system of protection
signalling. 1. The survey of those existing is specific guarding
devices and the description of their operating principles. 2. Block
diagram of sensor. 3. Electrical circuit. 4. Printed-circuit board. 5.
Development of the technology of the production of printed-circuit
board. 10 - 15 str. Drawings the a-th (method of performance - any)
period - 2 days the payment: the Internet money or bank transfer is
the connection: ICQ *** or ***http: / / / projects / 75013.html

Technology of the repair of the housings of bushings the load of the railroad cars

Customer: Nikolayev Elizabeth (bal2007) The category: Diplomas
Are/Course/Abstracts The budget: ? Necessary to make 2 course works
you look investment period - 3 weekshttp: / / / projects / 75019.html

Private project for Alina (Seo_.Alice)

Customer: Natalya Embrechts (Natalya56) the category:
News/Article/Surveys The budget: to 100 USD private project for Alina
(Seo_.Alice) 1. Composition of juridical documents. 2. Written by me
texts, to edit.http: / / / projects / 75011.html

Base of data of akses

Customer: Markin Aleksey (comhelp) the category: Diplomas
Are/Course/Abstracts The budget: ? It is necessary to make course work
on the base of data of akses. Task an example and
formulation / / / projects / 75014.html

Six letters for the distribution.

Customer: Novel (RomanX) the category: Resumes/Speech/Of letter The
budget: to 100 usd how do you do. What is precisely necessary? To
create a series of letters for the distribution. Thematics: net
marketing, mlm, mlm. copying whose or distributions to me is not
necessary. Are necessary the competently comprised letters for
rekrutinga. Man must be clear it is familiar with this thematics. I
await your proposals in ICQ ***http: / / / projects / 75008.html

Description of goods of inet- store (2)

Customer: Khorev Dmitriy (bm00n) the category: Kreativ/Kopirayting The
budget: to 100 usd it is necessary to compose descriptions and names
for the sports shirts of Internet- store. Thematics: Lineage 2 World
of Warcraft Kibersport the volume of ~shch00 of the symbols, with
klyuchevikami which I will give necessarily a total of about 60
descriptions on 0.5$ for the description if you you manage at least
one of the data of themes - write, I will possibly divide the workhttp: / / / projects / 74327.html

Order of 20 construction articles.

Customer: Malykhin Sergey (SergeyMal) the category: Technical Articles
The budget: to 250 usd how do you do, is necessary writing 20 unique
articles of construction thematics. The volume of ***, I design for
cost in region 2,5 wmz as 1000 signs. Tentative themes: 1. foundations
of buildings, 2. skeleton houses, 3. safety engineering of
construction work. According to the results of work possible the
long-term cooperation.http: / / / projects / 75002.html

It is necessary to make a transfer of site into the the Ukrainian

Customer: Murin Aleksey (alex1178) the category: Technical transfers,
the advance of site/SEO the budget: to 100 usd it is necessary to make
a transfer of the template of site http: // from the
Russian to the Ukrainian (subsequently necessary to move it). Work
into two stages first the transfer of template - on the order of 20
small html pages, then the records BD, there volume a little more. I
await proposals on the price of the soap of ***http: / / / projects / 74981.html

Two surveys of goods of services according to Pieter are necessary

Customer: Yeroshin Andrey (test090) the category: News/Article/Surveys
The budget: ? Executor compulsorily must live in Pieter, cost is
specified separately, depending on the quality of work. The forms of
goods and services from which can be selected, I will give into
lichku. The periods of 1-2 days if we are operated, there will further
be orders.http: / / / projects / 74984.html

Monday, October 6, 2008

It is necessary to write management on Matlab (5)

Customer: Moslakov Evgeny (Evgeny_.Moslakov) the category: Technical
Articles, Kreativ/Kopirayting The budget: to 500 usd be required
technical writers (authors) for writing of management "work in Matlab"
of proposals send mendzheru from the work with the authors to the
address of *** with the notation "matlab" in the field THEME.
Compulsorily indicate the list of familiar to you the fields of
computer of technology (program, system, protocols, languages) and
also the presence of the experience of writing it is text computer
ANSWER IS NOT GUARANTEED!!!http: / / / projects / 71641.html

It is necessary to write the book astrology on computer (4)

Customer: Moslakov Evgeny (Evgeny_.Moslakov) the category:
Kreativ/Kopirayting, Technical Articles The budget: to 1000 usd is
required the author of the book astrology on the computer from the
competitor it is required the confirmation of degree of the possession
of object the size of the book of approximately 400 pages, including
the figures of proposal send to *** TO THE LETTERS in LICHKU THE
ANSWER IT IS NOT GUARANTEED!!!http: / / / projects / 72443.html

Course, podtema power analysis (looms)

Customer: Nikolayev Elizabeth (bal2007) The category: Diplomas
Are/Course/Abstracts The budget: ? It is necessary to make a task to
the course work: to describe 4 equations to the diagrams in general
form and to describe diagrams the period of 1-1,5 days in the
application you look tasks the theme: Power analysis, the loomshttp: / / / projects / 74920.html

4-5 articles for the site

Customer: Stepanenko Andrey (kaktusUA) the category: Technical
Articles, Kreativ/Kopirayting The budget: ? For site http:
// Unique article-survey- opinions it is strict on the
theme.http: / / / projects / 74887.html

It is necessary to write on 10 mini articles

Customer: Pavel lykanov (retasort) The category: Technical Articles
The budget: ? It is necessary to write on 10 mini articles (300-500
symbols) on such themes as: 1 press of malinki and rivet for site
http: // magnesite, magnesite sheet for site
http: // / / / projects / 74894.html

To write or to edit the rules of the casino

Customer: Dyanin Stanislav (SPEED2008) the category:
Kreativ/Kopirayting, Editing/Correction Is The budget: 10 usd on the
site of casino there are 4 divisions with the specific information and
this information must be written more extensively. To toyest' in the
script of casino goes standard text which must be changed either
corrected or written from zero. Kontent not necessarily must be
unique. Text 1 http: // text 2 http:
// text 3 http: //
text 4 http: // / / / projects / 74903.html

Addition of news to the site

Customer: Aleksandr (BISOLE) the category: News/Article/Surveys,
Technical Articles The budget: ? How do you do, for the information-
commercial area is required man, which would be occupied by search and
the addition of the news/of surveys. The search for news is required
both on the russkoyazychnom space and on the English-language (it is
required transfer). Theme of the resource: noutbuki and KPK the site:
http: // basic requirement for the candidate: Znaniche Engs of
language - Is compulsory. Payment is piece-work, work constant.
Payment will proceed from the cost for each news + transfer.http: / / / projects / 74932.html

Filling of the forum

Customer: Popov Aleksey Vladimirovich (textmaster) The category:
Kontent- management, The news/Article/Surveys The budget: ? Be
required people for the contact on the obshchetematicheskom forum the
payment: for the communication of 2 cents for the creation of the
theme of 20 cents (not less than 350 symbols unique for ps)http: / / / projects / 74936.html

Kopirayt/of rerayt

Customer: Makeyev Valerie (dizone) the category: Kreativ/Kopirayting,
The news/Of article/Surveys The budget: ? Is necessary rerayt it is
text, which I allow to 4 and author's kopirayt. Thematics - real
estate, formation, jurisprudence, another write price as 1000 signs -
kopirayt/of rerayt a constant collaboration payment; the first several
projects - the part of the text - I check- pay - you send rest.
Further - on predoplate.http: / / / projects / 74859.html

To write several abstracts and cont. the work

Customer: Kartashov Victor (victorcd) The category: Diplomas
Are/Course/Abstracts The budget: ? It is necessary to write the works:
1. discipline: World economy VED the theme: Shady
ekonomika(fiktivnaya, gray, criminal) the form: abstract 2.
Discipline: General management is the theme: Essence of risk as
administrative category the form: abstract 3. Discipline: Bases of
systems analysis and control in the customs matter the theme: Solution
of games in the mixed strategies: graphic method, the method of linear
programming. Form: abstract 4. Discipline: Ekskursovedeniye the theme:
to the selection from metodichki (it is applied) the form: test
additional requirements with the contact. The executed works are
checked on "antiplagiate", is not less than 70% period: until morning
07.10.08 connection: ICQ *** or ***http: / / / projects / 74837.html

Contributors of repair- interior thematics.

Customer: Uporova Irina (Uporova_.Irina) The category:
News/Article/Surveys, Kreativ/Kopirayting The budget: ? Internet
portal invites to the collaboration of contributors. Thematics
- building, repair, the design of interiors and everything that can be
attributed to the modernization of that surrounding space by its
hands. Interests both the size of instruction and surveys. Payment
composes 250 rubles for the article by the size of *** of signs.
Besides this, the best authors are monthly rewarded by prizes. For
example, the author of this month will obtain Apple iPhone 8Gb.
detailed information about how to become the author of portal, and
also about the requirements for the texts it is possible to obtain on
the site of company - http: // / / / projects / 74843.html

R.erayt of 30 thousand signs angl.teksta

Customer: Vik (viktorleo) the category: News/Article/Surveys The
budget: 45 usd it is necessary to make good rirayt of 30 thousand
signs Eng of text text on the theme "telephone maps" the text of the
simplehttp: / / / projects / 74847.html

Advance of angloyaz. of site with the fl3w- games

Customer: Melnikov Sergey (Serg31416) the category: Advance Of
site/SEO, Kreativ/Kopirayting The budget: ? There is angloyaz. a site
with the different fl3w- games and Google PR=4. it is necessary to
raise it in the prospectors on its keywords (flash games, online games
and so forth), and also to add to the pages with the games of simple
it is text with the keywords. It would be rather well increase its PR
methods they must not lead to the sanctions from the side of
prospectors. Writing it is text with the keywords - separate task,
another specialist can be occupied by it. You will report price and
your possibilities (with examples, if it is possible). Your
communications are closed from the survey with visitors. If they are
necessary to detail, give your e-mail. According to the result of work
I will select spetsov for the spinup of other analogous sites.http: / / / projects / 74828.html

Kopirayt - real estate

Customer: Kuz'min Maxim (maxum) the category: News/Article/Surveys,
Kreativ/Kopirayting The budget: ? Is necessary kopirayt on the
assigned keywords write in LS price for 1000 simv, otvechu by task.http: / / / projects / 74806.html

Articles on real estate (2) are necessary

Customer: Zagidullin Rhenate (zagrenat) The category: The
news/Article/Surveys, Are other The budget: 30 USD thematics
commercial real estate, offices storages, apartments, land sections,
finished business, regional and out-of-town real estate of article,
surveys, are simple news, vobshchem unique kontent for site from you sootvestvenno of price and periods, desirably
even and examples of works.http: / / / projects / 66826.html

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Transistor the switchboard- periodic tests

Customer: Shcherbakov Dmitriy (piat) the category: Diplomas
Are/Course/Abstracts The budget: ? It is necessary to make work on
predmetu:"Ispytaniye elektrooborudovaniya".Nazvaniye
raboty:"Tranzistornyy switchboard- periodic ispytaniya".Ob"em of 8
pages an example of the work: http: // / / / projects / 74785.html

Course in psychology dependent on age

Customer: Bergkhorn Ekaterina (kberghorn) The category: Diplomas
Are/Course/Abstracts The budget: ? Course work on psychology dependent
on age.http: / / / projects / 74786.html

Translation SMS from English into the the Ukrainian

Customer: Forkin Anton (djfedot) The category: Artistic transfers,
technical transfers the budget: ? It is necessary to transfer several
hundred sms to the Ukrainian language periods - 1 day (on 6 October).
Requirements for the transfer: Ukrainian text roman alphabet must be
not more than 160 symbols. Brif on the transliteration I will grant
directly before the work. We work as follows: The selected executors
obtain on 5 test communications. Test work IS PAID, if he corresponds
to requirements. Further each of the executors obtains the remaining
communications, which it is ready to make after today. Subjectively 1
person can make 50 such transfers in the day, but indicate you can it
will manage with what quantity.http: / / / projects / 74762.html

Basic types of relay for the installation on din the lath

Customer: Pankov Anton (Pankov- Anton) The category: Diplomas
Are/Course/Abstracts The budget: ? It is necessary to find the
concrete/grouped/classified information for writing of abstract the
"basic types of relay for the installation on din lath". Will go both
the textbooks and the articles, in which will be concretely described
the classification of relay for the installation on din lath.http: / / / projects / 74746.html

Answers to the forum (repair thematics)

Customer: Klimov (afran) the category: News/Article/Surveys, Kontent-
management The budget: ? How do you do! I search for executor to the
project from the work with the forum. It is necessary to write answers
to the forum, using already finished information sources, adding
entirely a little its text. Not to spam, tol'kopoleznye to the users
of communication.http: / / / projects / 74760.html

Urgent transfer Eng > Rus

Customer: Koryagin Sergey (Mr_.SK) the category: Technical transfers
the budget: ? Good evening. The urgent transfer of technical text is
required. There in no way much, the pair of pages. To return necessary
to 00-00 present days, well or to 01-00. On the whole it is today at
night necessary finished transfer. Trados. I will send terminology in
the Russian. Price: 120 rubles as 1800 signs with the gaps. I await
proposals to as'ku of ***, soap of *** or privat.http: / / / projects / 74717.html

Is required management on yS: 8. * (2)

Customer: Moslakov Evgeny (Evgeny_.Moslakov) the category: Technical
Articles The budget: to 500 usd is required the management on yS:
Control of trade in 8. * Level - for nainayushchikh volume 300 pages.
Proposals send to the address of ***http: / / / projects / 73698.html

Is required management on Symbian (3)

Customer: Moslakov Evgeny (Evgeny_.Moslakov) the category: Technical
Articles, Applications For PDA/PocketPC The budget: to 1000 usd is
required technical writer for the writing management on the
programming in Symbian. Tariff 2 usd as 1000 signs volume of
approximately 400 pages including figures payment for the delivery of
the text of the book the period: 2-3 months of proposal dispatch to
***http: / / / projects / 72903.html

the automation of the technical processes of polygraphy

Customer: Center Of documentation (kondor-1) The category: Diplomas
Are/Course/Abstracts The budget: ? It is necessary to urgently make
three control rooms on the object: the automatic systems for the
control of the technological processes of polygraphy the volume of
work 20 p. (content, introduction, the theory of 2-3 divisions,
conclusion, bibliography). Period in the course of 1 days.http: / / / projects / 74699.html