Saturday, October 18, 2008

Site about the truck tires

Customer: Morozov Olga (Promgarant)
Category: Technical articles, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? Is necessary the daily renovation of the news and the weekly preparation of one publication on the site about the truck tires Conditions - the knowledge of the specific character of this sphere and literacy write your proposals from this work and a little about itself.http: / / / projects / 77031.html

Filling of forum [kontentom

Customer: [Oleynik] Ruslan (wizardlg)
Category: News/article/the surveys
Budget: ? The support of site in the plan of new communications on the forum is required. Thematics of the forum: palmtops, communicators, [smartfony]. Price of post - 1 cent. The version of a constant collaboration with the higher valuations is possible.http: / / / projects / 77010.html

Good, training verses for the children.

Customer: Kostya [Gagoshidze] (Naruto_San)
Category: Verses/the prose
Budget: ? Verses for the children (3-6 years) in the Russian language. Work experience - from the year. Payment - 15 rubles for the verse. Trial poem can send to me in [LS].http: / / / projects / 76983.html

Course work. Game Of [tetris]. Rational Of rose.

Customer: Kuznetsov Mikhail (MVK)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts, the development of applied ON the budget: ? Indicate price and periods. Thanks.http: / / / projects / 76977.html

Course work. [S]++.

Customer: Kuznetsov Mikhail (MVK)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts, the development of applied ON the budget: ? Indicate price and periods. Thanks.http: / / / projects / 76986.html

Filling of forum [kontentom

Customer: [Oleynik] Ruslan (wizardlg)
Category: News/article/the surveys
Budget: ? The support of site in the plan of new communications on the forum is required. Thematics of the forum: palmtops, communicators, [smartfony]. Price of post - 1 cent. The version of a constant collaboration with the higher valuations is possible.http: / / / projects / 77010.html

Good, training verses for the children.

Customer: Kostya [Gagoshidze] (Naruto_San)
Category: Verses/the prose
Budget: ? Verses for the children (3-6 years) in the Russian language. Work experience - from the year. Payment - 15 rubles for the verse. Trial poem can send to me in [LS].http: / / / projects / 76983.html

Course work. [S]++.

Customer: Kuznetsov Mikhail (MVK)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts, the development of applied ON the budget: ? Indicate price and periods. Thanks.http: / / / projects / 76986.html

Course work. Game Of [tetris]. Rational Of rose.

Customer: Kuznetsov Mikhail (MVK)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts, the development of applied ON the budget: ? Indicate price and periods. Thanks.http: / / / projects / 76977.html

Friday, October 17, 2008

Checking stylistics and orthography of the texts

Customer: Dmitriev Alexander (Flash2000)
Category: Editing/correction, the resumes/of the speech/of the letter
Budget: ? It is necessary to verify stylistics and orthography of texts on the site of http: //www.oilgas.suhttp: / / / projects / 76906.html

Work on the management

Customer: [Kartashov] Victor (victorcd)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Discipline: Management of state and municipal administration the form of the work: Report on the pre-graduate practice the theme: Design of the equipment of the standard service station of ecologically clean [avtomoykoy] with the circulating water supply the additional requirements: The volume of *** p. Of [metodichka] and material are applied. Period: 2 days the payment: Yandex (within a week after obtaining of finished work) the connection: ICQ of *** or *** Helenhttp: / / / projects / 76888.html

Transfer from the Russian to the Czech

Customer: Kagans Yuri (yuriinew)
Category: Artistic transfers
Budget: ? I need transfer from the Russian to the Czech of half of the page of text (letter) - 712 signs with the gaps. Who would can operationally and it is inexpensive to transfer?http: / / / projects / 76878.html

French- Russian [tekhperevod

Customer: Andrey Of cherevko (Andrey_Ch)
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: ? It is necessary to transfer management on the operation of industrial compressor from the French on the [russkiy].[Obem] - 7333 words, period of delivery - Tuesday of ***, in the morning work from [Trados] is very desirable. Preference will returned translator with [Tradosom] write to *** with the application of the resumehttp: / / / projects / 76868.html

writing the articles and news

Customer: [Tavonius] Denis Andreevich (tevik)
Category: The news/article/surveys, are other
Budget: ? Colleague for writing of the articles and news is required. [kopirayt]: 1000 signs without the gaps - 2$ [rerayt]: 1$ for the article of detail in [aske]. ***http: / / / projects / 76857.html

Press of [reliz] of the site

Customer: Next Of artem (a -next)
Category: News/article/the surveys
Budget: ? It is necessary to compose the press of [reliz] for the site. In it is necessary to describe site itself and its advantages over competitors. From you price and periods.http: / / / projects / 76848.html

Abstract on [marketngu] in the English

Customer: [Sivolapov] Alexander (LostSoul666)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: to 50 USD it is necessary [napisat] abstract on marketing on the theme of [brendinga] in the English, using any materials. Requirements for the material - 30 pages of text in the Russian or English, it is possible from different sources. Abstract itself must be approximately 10 pages of the printed text with the introduction and the conclusion, respectively in the English.http: / / / projects / 76822.html

Creation of article about the history [Aykido

Customer: [Bukreev] Vladimir (Bukos)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: to 50 USD it is necessary to write article about the history [Aykido]. Illustrations strongly are greeted. The bibliography of information is desirable.http: / / / projects / 76804.html

[Rerayting]. 500 texts.

Customer: [Steklov] Aleksey (alexfill)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], editing/the correction
Budget: ? [Rerayting]. Thematics - tourism. It is necessary to write order 500 texts. I search for 10 [frilanserov] - to each on 50 texts. Payment - 1$/thousand of symbols with the gaps. Periods: 1 week from the moment of the transfer of task to [frilanseru]. Request to write not into the personal communications, but to add its candidature into the project. Payment - WMZ.http: / / / projects / 76799.html

Transfer of texts from Engl. [yaz].

Customer: 3_a_k_a_z (3_a_k_a_z)
Category: Technical transfers, artistic transfers the budget: ? Transfer of texts from Engl. [yaz]. indicate cost for 1800 [zn].http: / / / projects / 76783.html

To write TZ

Customer: [Moiseev] Leonid (moiseev)
Category: Technical articles
Budget: ? To write detailed TZ and to open the principle of the operation of the site of evizitor. ruhttp: / / / projects / 76782.html

[Rerayt] of the news

Customer: Foresters Aleksey Alexandrovich (ab-kmv)
Category: News/article/surveys, editing/the correction
Budget: ? How do you do! It is necessary to [reraytit] on 5 news during the day. 3- to 13.00 msk, rest it is 2nd after 14.00 msk. Volume of each news - approximately *** of symbols. Thematics - economy, finances. The news must pass CopyScape to, i.e., be unique. Send your proposals into [lichku]. Work on a constant basis, I so that calculate for the cost not above 1 dollars for thousands of signs. Payment - weekly, [vebmani] of [vmr] or [vmz]. Mode of operation - with 9.30 msk. I send 3 news. And rest it is 2nd after 14.00 msk.http: / / / projects / 76760.html

Thursday, October 16, 2008

[Rerayt]-[kopirayt] of the tourist text

Customer: [Yaroshenko] Artem (seasick)
Category: It is other, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? There is a text by volume only more than 3000 signs to the tourist thematics. Text it is necessary to [otreraytit], accurately building in the text necessary keywords. In all such words 19. some must be used not on one time. If the existing text it is insufficient for this, it must be written. Call price immediately for entire work. Payment after fulfillment of assignments for your calculation in the system of [veblanser].http: / / / projects / 76750.html

Course work for Silent Of sahara (ashmush)

Customer: [Kartashov] Victor (victorcd)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: to 50 USD creation and working the bases of given by the means Of visual basic 6.0 or creation and processing the bases given by means DBMS (Data Base Management System) Of access. Connection on ICQhttp: / / / projects / 76713.html

Diploma on the history

Customer: [Svetlov] Maxim (SvetMax)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: 192 USD how do you do! I propose to carry out diploma work on the history. Theme in the fastened file. Period of the fulfillment of 8 days. Modification, if necessary, free of charge. VUZ (INSTITUTE OF HIGHER EDUCATION) is serious, instructor demanding. The price of a question 5000 r. I will examine all proposals and will answer executor tomorrow in the evening. With the respect, max.http: / / / projects / 76698.html

Is necessary [rerayt]-[kopirayt] in the thematics of the cinema

Customer: Vitallium (b-u-y-e- R)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? Is necessary [rerayter]-[kopirayter] for writing of small texts for the site (or deep [rerayta]). Texts are necessary constantly, but a quantity their not large. For the beginning it is necessary to write titles for the divisions of the catalog of sites about the cinema. Divisions approximately 15. In each it is necessary to write approximately 500 signs. It is desirable taking into account the keywords on the theme. Special support not to the literariness, but SEO.http: / / / projects / 76686.html

Filling of the Internet- store

Customer: Pitonov Of artur (pitono)
Category: [Kontent]- management, editing/the correction
Budget: ? Is a Internet- store, the system of administration, the list of divisions and goods. It is necessary to fill the store of [putem] of copying descriptions and photographs from several friendly sites. Quantity of positions on the order of 1.000 1.200. Your proposals on the price for one position and the general period of performance.http: / / / projects / 76675.html

Abstract on the tourism in the Tver region

Customer: [Karpunina] sea-scape (Umiko)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Is necessary man capable of writing abstract on the tourism in the Tver region. These questions must be in this abstract examined. 1) the development of route and stages for the Tver region. 2) the development of excursion for the little-known objects of Tver region. 3) [Prilozheni] and illustration, the analysis of the article of periodicals of that dedicated to the problems of the development of tourism. I will give preference to executor living in the Tver region. Your proposals and [asku] leave here.http: / / / projects / 76661.html

It is necessary to write the articles

Customer: Seeds Of [krapkin] (kitagor)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? It is necessary to write articles for the site on the freight traffic. It is desirable so that the man, which will write these articles, would examine freight traffic only better than superficially. Thematics: on the services both for the specialists (with the special-terminology) and for the simple businessman (accessibly, clearly, clearly)http: / / / projects / 76612.html

The filling of the forum is required

Customer: Dra Of ilia N (Tangos)
Category: News/article/surveys, the [Kontent]- management
Budget: ? Thematics: cinema and the films of on-line theme of forum from itself (not it [kopipast]). It is necessary to revive forum. Payment: the created theme + of 5,6 communications in it (intelligent communications!!!) = 0.6 dol of the responsibility: Executor creates nick and from under them writes and opens new themes.http: / / / projects / 76615.html

[Rerayt] of texts for the tourist site

Customer: Majors Yuri [Yurevich] (Infotran)
Category: Editing is/correction, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? Is required [rerayt] of texts for the tourist site Within the divisions: all pages of hotels, leisure in the goa, about the goa, the beaches of goa. Required requirement - editing directly through CMS (MODx, all intuitively understandably). Base texts exist. Request to indicate: - analogous works - cost - the periodshttp: / / / projects / 76608.html

Texts for the satellites gears

Customer: [Simagin] Andrey (SimaginAV)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? Tourism is required to write 51 unique text for the main pages of sites (satellites gears) on the thematics. The length of each text must vary from 1000 to 1300 symbols. Texts must be readable and diverse. Prices and periods are discussed, but it is desirably somewhat more rapidly (more it is important speed).http: / / / projects / 76596.html

Writing the articles

Customer: Smirnov Eugene (volnet35)
Category: News/article/the surveys
Budget: ? It is necessary to write articles, the it is greater, the better. On a constant basis. Propose your services only those, who with the experience. Price to propose as 1000 signs and to write [asyu]. The thematics of articles - advertisement (surveys, forms the like), but [grammatno], is interesting, it is readable and it is original. Plagiarism does not interest.http: / / / projects / 76595.html

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

[Kopirayting] and [rerayting] for the auto-site

Customer: [Gogison] Eugene (gogison)
Category: Editing is/correction, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? I please to propose the price: A) Of [rerayting] of 1000 symbols (near-automobile thematics) b) Of [kopirayting] of 1000 symbols (near-automobile thematics)http: / / / projects / 76544.html

To write the advertising text

Customer: [Dyanin] Stanislav (SPEED2008)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: 3 USD it is necessary to write advertising text for the distributions. This text must describe than it is good this site of http: // / / / projects / 76533.html

[Napisani]e of the articles

Customer: [Tolshmyakov] Sergey (tol7632)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? I collect the command of experimental [kopiraytirov] of 3-4 peoplehttp: / / / projects / 76531.html

Transfer with the Engl. to [ru]c., the thematics of [adalt

Customer: Acc Of limited (acclimit)
Category: Artistic transfers
Budget: to 100 USD it is necessary to translate from the Eng to RU, [tekt] of [adaltnoy] ([pornushnoy]) thematics. icq: 417034041http: / / / projects / 76527.html

Course about the synthesis of finite automaton into Excel

Customer: Cave (Cave)
Category: Diplomas/course/abstracts, are other
Budget: ? Good day! See investment. Formulation free, more- less detailed must be. The period of days 10. indicate, if you please, price how long will be engaged.http: / / / projects / 76459.html

Translation from Danish into English or Russian

Customer: [Kondrashonok] of the Daniels (danWolf)
Category: Technical transfers, the artistic transfers
Budget: ? It is necessary to translate the description of program product from Danish into English or at the worst in the Russian. Transfer must not be very professional. With bide what language they are ready to transfer (English or Russian) + the cost of transfer for 1000 words.http: / / / projects / 76445.html

Programs on Delphi

Customer: Kost Of maria (maria13)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Who can help to make 3 problems in the language of Delphi? It is in more detail, I will explain on [aske]: ***http: / / / projects / 76515.html

Is necessary [kopirayter

Customer: [Egorenko] Anton (krivetka)
Category: News/article/surveys, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: the day is good to 250 USD. Is necessary [kopirayter] with the juridical formation or very Jurassic. shod. Thematics - business is immigration into the countries the European Union. Do not write, into [asyu] also in [lichku]. All proposals are below.http: / / / projects / 76467.html

Transfer from eng to rus

Customer: Mogilev Irina (studio-maxaon)
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: ? The inserted file it is necessary to translate from [ang] to the Russian language. Period - tomorrow into 9-00.http: / / / projects / 76440.html

Translation from Danish into English or Russian

Customer: [Kondrashonok] of the Daniels (danWolf)
Category: Technical transfers, the artistic transfers
Budget: ? It is necessary to translate the description of program product from Danish into English or at the worst in the Russian. Transfer must not be very professional. With bide what language they are ready to transfer (English or Russian) + the cost of transfer for 1000 words.http: / / / projects / 76445.html

Urgently are required translator- carrier, RU>DE

Customer: [Dobrygina] Ekaterina (russian-perevod)
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: ? The carrier of German language for the translation of text from Russian into German language is required. Thematics is general technology. Initial size of pdf, doc. Transfer must be represented in the size of doc. Volume 3,4 [uch]. page ([uch]. the page = of 1800 signs with the gaps). Period of the delivery of the transfer today (15.10.2008) into 20.00 Moscow time. the tariff of 32,5 USD for [uch]. page. To be turned to ***, into skype: nastya_alliance or in ICQ of ***.http: / / / projects / 76417.html

Writing legally correct [polz].[soglash]- I

Customer: Alexander Mikhaylovich (botmaster)
Category: Technical articles, the juridical services
Budget: to 100 USD it is necessary to write user agreement for the buyers of program set, to 2[kh] the languages: Russian and English. Is important the presence of operating times, juridical formation, good possession of language.http: / / / projects / 76409.html

Writing the news (logistics)

Customer: Vasiliy Ivanov (spawn_ivv)
Category: News/article/the surveys
Budget: ? It is necessary to write the news on the theme the logistics: storages, warehouse terminals, loads for the storage or the transport, transport. Payment: WMZ, 1$ for the news (500 symbols).http: / / / projects / 76407.html

Is necessary the qualitative transfer of [probid] 6.03

Customer: [Gogison] Eugene (gogison) the category: Technical transfers
Budget: ? Is necessary the qualitative transfer of [probid] 6.03http: / / / projects / 76415.html

Transfer of documentation to the industrial equipment (2)

Customer: Denisov Of artem (xloc)
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: ? Translators for the joint effort on the transfer of documentation to the industrial equipment are required. Thematics: robot technology. Direction: En- Ru. They are given to translators: glossary and the memory of transfer; consultation in the regime of on-line; reward for the observance of requirements. Required requirements: the possession Of trados. Working conditions: transfer and the introduction of the corrections of editor. The successful fulfillment of test is participation condition in the project. Test fragment is applied. It is required: 1. To c[ozdat] memory. 2. to translate text. 3. to send [nechishchennyy] ttx and memory with the address: @ mail.ruhttp: / / / projects / 73508.html

Monday, October 13, 2008


Customer: Dalakyan Darya (dawa) the category: Editing/Correction Is
The budget: 6 usd it is necessary until the morning to otreraytit' 9
pieces of text. Payment with 0,6 for rerayt. Proposals into as'ku of
***http: / / / projects / 76190.html

Rerayt of 10 news, thematics - domestic animals

Customer: Studio Of e.tles (MVFedosov) the category:
News/Article/Surveys The budget: 11 usd it is necessary to make rerayt
of 10 news, the thematics of news - domestic animals. Payment: y,1$
for the news. Proposal will be accepted from the man with most
qualitative portfolio. Payment for WebMoney on the fact.http: / / / projects / 76165.html

Rerayt of the articles on the thematics "organization of holidays"

Customer: Maxim (macsim) the category: News/Article/Surveys The
budget: ? It is necessary to rewrite texts on the thematics
"organization of holidays". Volume - near *** of signs. Period - 3
days.http: / / / projects / 76156.html

Technical task for the site

Customer: Babchuk Novel (djmix) The category: Technical Articles The
budget: ? Regards by all. It is necessary to write TZ for the site of
hosting- company. Requirements: The knowledge of the region of hosting
(on the whole) adaptation under the Ukrainian and Russian market (in
the plan of payments) can in whom i.e., the finished solutions, it is
greeted.http: / / / projects / 76130.html

To correct texts on the site

Customer: Myagkov Ivan (heyvany) the category: Kontent- management,
Kreativ/Kopirayting The budget: ? It is text not more than to 5000
symbols. I wrote rough version, it is necessary to correct. Is correct
to build proposals, and the like style 85% of business. It is
important. Work for those, who know about which it goes speech, also,
for which this necessarily: PageRank, TITS, registration in the
catalogs and the like all proposals here or pm. In as'ku request not
to write.http: / / / projects / 76101.html

Maintenance of the address- telephone reference books

Customer: Tokarev Aleksandr (Informprom) The category: Kontent-
management, Editing/Correction Is The budget: to 500 usd is necessary
the colleague to a constant remote work on the alignment of
information for the address- telephone reference book and the request to send information
about himself and work experience. Colleagues are necessary only with
the experience of a similar work.http: / / / projects / 76100.html

Editing it is text on the site

Customer: Tokarev Aleksandr (Informprom) The category: Editing
Is/Correction, Kreativ/Kopirayting The budget: to 100 USD stylistics,
orthography, it is possible that new arguments site www.oilgas.suhttp: / / / projects / 76120.html

To correct texts on the site

Customer: Myagkov Ivan (heyvany) the category: Kontent- management,
Kreativ/Kopirayting The budget: ? It is text not more than to 5000
symbols. I wrote rough version, it is necessary to correct. Is correct
to build proposals, and the like style 85% of business. It is
important. Work for those, who know about which it goes speech, also,
for which this necessarily: PageRank, TITS, registration in the
catalogs and the like all proposals here or pm. In as'ku request not
to write.http: / / / projects / 76101.html

Writing khelpa to SEO- tool

Customer: Webplayer Sergey (wsm) the category: Technical Articles, The
advance Of site/SEO The budget: ? It is necessary to write khelp for
SEO- program. Is necessary knowledge in SEO + the experience of
writing khelpov.http: / / / projects / 76065.html

Personally for Tyutyunikovoy Irina (Lava24)

Customer: Kartashov Victor (victorcd) The category: Diplomas
Are/Course/Abstracts The budget: ? Geology "bases and the foundations"
of details in as'ke)http: / / / projects / 76048.html

Personally for Tyutyunikovoy Irina (Lava24)

Customer: Kartashov Victor (victorcd) The category: Diplomas
Are/Course/Abstracts The budget: ? "science of commodities.
Examination in the customs matter "details in as'ke)http: / / / projects / 76047.html

Personally for Tyutyunikovoy Irina (Lava24)

Customer: Kartashov Victor (victorcd) The category: Diplomas
Are/Course/Abstracts The budget: ? the "Audit" of details in as'ke)http: / / / projects / 76046.html

Maintenance of the address- telephone reference books

Customer: Tokarev Aleksandr (Informprom) The category: Kontent-
management, Editing/Correction Is The budget: to 500 usd is necessary
the colleague to a constant remote work on the alignment of
information for the address- telephone reference book and the request to send information
about himself and work experience. Colleagues are necessary only with
the experience of a similar work.http: / / / projects / 76100.html

Personally for Tyutyunikovoy Irina (Lava24)

Customer: Kartashov Victor (victorcd) The category: Diplomas
Are/Course/Abstracts The budget: ? "science of commodities.
Examination in the customs matter "details in as'ke)http: / / / projects / 76047.html

Packet of the medical sites

Customer: Yefimov Vladimir (drvo) The category: Technical Articles,
Kreativ/Kopirayting The budget: ? Is required the kontentnoye filling
(tracking) of the packet of medical sites. Speaking in general terms,
task is reduced to write the constantly supplemented medical
encyclopedia. Plus - the news of company and the like texts must be
sane, i.e., they are oriented to the living visitor, but not on
robots. In the ideal it would be desirable to meet with the prevailing
command of rayterov, capable of independently composing proposals
customer. If no - I will write proposals and form command. It is first
of all necessary to be oriented on the prices.http: / / / projects / 76035.html

Personally for Tyutyunikovoy Irina (Lava24)

Customer: Kartashov Victor (victorcd) The category: Diplomas
Are/Course/Abstracts The budget: ? "information of the analyst" of
details in as'ke)http: / / / projects / 76043.html

Personally for Tyutyunikovoy Irina (Lava24)

Customer: Kartashov Victor (victorcd) The category: Diplomas
Are/Course/Abstracts The budget: ? the "Audit" of details in as'ke)http: / / / projects / 76046.html

Personally for Tyutyunikovoy Irina (Lava24)

Customer: Kartashov Victor (victorcd) The category: Diplomas
Are/Course/Abstracts The budget: ? Geology "bases and the foundations"
of details in as'ke)http: / / / projects / 76048.html

Support of kontenta of project, news

Customer: Money Denis (deneg) The category: Kontent- management, The
news/Article/Surveys The budget: ? It is necessary to support
"liveliness" of project. It is necessary to search for news from this
sphere, to reraytit' for this. So to moderirovat', to fill by
purposeful kontentom. Men IT IS COMPULSORY from the Ukraine. Work
removed, constant. Thematics - startap projects. Money by arrangement,
is interesting your experience in similar tasks.http: / / / projects / 76021.html

Is necessary large ob'em of articles for tomorrow (RERAYT)

Customer: Xxx Valerie (berloga-kontent) the category:
Kreativ/Kopirayting The budget: 54 usd I greet! The large size of the
articles on the themes is for tomorrow necessary: Harvesting of
accomodations and the repair of apartments. I will give keys. Write:
*** the payment: y,2$ for yk. work is much. Payment after checking,
with the the protetsiyey. It is necessary 45 articles.http: / / / projects / 76019.html

To untwist the forum

Customer: Kaplinskiy Yevgeny (leopoldushka) the category: Advance Of
site/SEO, Kreativ/Kopirayting The budget: ? It is necessary to untwist
forum on the site. Direction: Web- design, design, imposition,
photograph. I await the real of predlozhenniya into lichku or to the
mail of *** site site itself it is not untwisted, we
be going to begin the spinup of site from the spinup of forum. Is
required subject person, which will raise project and will be able in
the consequence to become moderator. Work not so many for the money,
it is faster for the interest, and for the additions of experience!http: / / / projects / 76008.html

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Private project for Liubania

Customer: Gan'kina Julia (Baikalochka) the category: Artistic
transfers the budget: ? Rewrite text in the English. Project is
private, request to relate with the respect.http: / / / projects / 75867.html

Writing the publications

Customer: Vyacheslav (sliak) the category: News/Article/Surveys The
budget: ? 4 you I give theme, you search for information on this theme
and write. after y - ytys. of symbols. Volumes near e00tys. of symbols
per month. + are possible mini bonusy at the end of the work. TEXT
MUST BE UNIQUE, I is easy TO BE READ. Thematics are diversehttp: / / / projects / 75861.html

It is necessary to write the book astrology on computer (5)

Customer: Moslakov Evgeny (Evgeny_.Moslakov) the category:
Kreativ/Kopirayting, Technical Articles The budget: to 1000 usd is
required the author of the book astrology on the computer from the
competitor it is required the confirmation of degree of the possession
of object the size of the book of approximately 400 pages, including
the figures of proposal send to *** TO THE LETTERS in LICHKU THE
ANSWER IT IS NOT GUARANTEED!!!http: / / / projects / 72443.html

It is necessary to write management on Matlab (6)

Customer: Moslakov Evgeny (Evgeny_.Moslakov) the category: Technical
Articles, Kreativ/Kopirayting The budget: to 500 usd be required
technical writers (authors) for writing of management "work in Matlab"
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Is required management on yS: 8. * (3)

Customer: Moslakov Evgeny (Evgeny_.Moslakov) the category: Technical
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Is required management on Symbian (4)

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