Saturday, November 29, 2008

Abstract on the strategic management

Customer: [Zaytseva] Natalia (Zum)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Work practical, consists of three parts: the strategic purposes of organization; SWOT- analysis; the [portfelnyy] activity analysis of organization. Period - on December 1.http: / / / projects / 84265.html

Friday, November 28, 2008

Transfer Eng. - Russian, the annual report to company ([tekhnich])

Customer: [Glushets] Natalia (glushec)
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: ? Transfer Eng- Russian. Thematics - general, technical (IT, the economy). Project for 3 months. To each translator it is proposed on *** of pages. Is desirable - [Trados] (many alliterations). Payment - 120 rub. for the standard page. Beginning of project - first days of Decemberhttp: / / / projects / 84220.html


Customer: [Prokashev] Nikolai (kamin) the category: Technical articles the budget: ? 50 articles, theme fireplaces - 100 lfhttp: / / / projects / 84195.html

Regulations of guild.

Customer: Light Svetlana (Suprema)
Category: Resumes/speech/of the letter
Budget: ? I should write the regulations of the guild of the game Of world Of warcraft. No [rerayta] and into those more plagiarism it starts. Is necessary man directly well knowing game, examples of regulations can be looked in the Internet, but to me is necessary the [kreativnyy] and competently presented text, so that its people would read and were accepted all established rules. It is desirable to write with simple intelligible language, but with not established framework. Explain I will not be much, the knowing people will understand that I I want. In the regulations must be all positions, write responsibility on the titles, for which they are obtained. On all questions you [stuchite] [nepostredstvenno] into [asku]353-765-928. Convincingly I please, it is not necessary to give regulations from the Internet.http: / / / projects / 84186.html

Completion of site by the articles

Customer: Kolpin Of alex (akolpin)
Category: Technical articles
Budget: to 250 USD it is necessary to create from *** of articles and texts for the pages of site with the thematics of [kosmetologiya], manicure, growth. Payment $15 as 1000 signs.http: / / / projects / 84171.html

Selection and [rerayt] of the texts

Customer: [Kozhemyako] Ruslan (malish_)
Category: Editing/correction, the news/of article/the surveys
Budget: 20 USD are necessary prescriptions for the culinary portal! Essence is such: 1) you search for texts (12000-14000 signs---->[vsya] work (approximately *** of signs to 1 prescription)) 2) you fulfill [rerayt] ([rerayt] it must be both the texts and ingredients!!!) 3) you publish texts on the site, reference I will give (cursor [DLE]) for everything (12000-14000) of signs I cry 20$ also after [rerayta] will have to verify text to the uniqueness in 100% of proposal it will be actually one day! Work also on one day, is smaller!http: / / / projects / 84131.html

Urgently! Are necessary articles about the gifts with [klyuchevikami

Customer: Atlantida Of qwe (AtlantidaQ)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? For the 2nd hours it is necessary of 5 articles the minimum on 2000 signs. I will give the keywords. Payment of 1[vmz] for 1000[zn].http: / / / projects / 84129.html

Planning the assembly shops

Customer: Center of documentation (kondor-1)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? It is necessary to make urgently, details with the correspondence.http: / / / projects / 84142.html

Abstracts on the rhetoric in the Belorussian language (2)

Customer: [Dremuk] Irina (irkadremuk)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? It is necessary to write 2 works on the rhetoric in the Belorussian language. Requirements are the strictest. Volume of *** p.http: / / / projects / 82987.html

Abstracts on the rhetoric in the Belorussian language (2)

Customer: [Dremuk] Irina (irkadremuk)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? It is necessary to write 2 works on the rhetoric in the Belorussian language. Requirements are the strictest. Volume of *** p.http: / / / projects / 82987.html

Thursday, November 27, 2008

To compose descriptions to the photographs.

Customer: Tfw Sergey (T_F_W)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the news/of article/the surveys
Budget: 50 USD how do you do! It is necessary to compose descriptions to Foto-[galereyam]. Only 540 descriptions, each description on 250 signs. [Klyucheviki] exist. Requirements: - the knowledge of cursor DLE - the experience of a similar work - the uniqueness of texts - 1 [klyuchevik] in the title and 2 in the text of executor I select: on the opinions, [portfolio], to price. In icq not to write, into [lichku] not to write, all proposals HERE. Previously the thanks to all, who will answer the project!http: / / / projects / 84049.html

The consultation is necessary

Customer: Tarasov Yuri (sfz)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? In Saint Petersburg the consultation on the themes is necessary: Bases of the theory of illegible sets, basis of the theory of neuron networks. The [dogosrochnoe] possible collaboration.http: / / / projects / 84041.html

Article about the musical group

Customer: [Glokov] Maxim (FladeX)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: 10 USD it is necessary to write 2 articles about the musical group. Initial data not so there are many; therefore it is necessary to appear fantasy. Examples of the fulfillment of similar works are desirable.http: / / / projects / 84047.html

To find error in transfer.

Customer: Bushes Igor (Kustik)
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: ? It is necessary to find errors in transfer. In whom will be most of all - that and it won. Conqueror will be able to work in my state, when transfers will appear. Outstanding opinion will be obtained. Competition is short, 1 day!http: / / / projects / 84036.html

Course (2)

Customer: [Onishchuk] Of [oleksandr] (Alex_r777)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? How do you do! [Nada] to urgently make course from the technical [elektrichesikh] systems. After the details write in [lichku].http: / / / projects / 81446.html

Abstract on the economy

Customer: Rusakov sea-scape (Marirusa)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Abstract on the economy, volume 25 p. period is week. Leave prices. [Portfolio] on the category is greeted.http: / / / projects / 84020.html

Articles to the computer thematics

Customer: L'vov Constantine (delire)
Category: Technical articles, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: to 250 USD are necessary the articles to the computer thematics of approximately hundred with unique the content in the [zadanym] keyshttp: / / / projects / 84030.html

Economic theory and the economy of the enterprise

Customer: Center of documentation (kondor-1)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: to 50 USD it is necessary to make three abstracts: two abstracts according to the economic theory and one on the economy of enterprise (two questions even two tasks in each). The volume of the disclosure of theoretical questions of approximately 5 p. must be content, bibliography. Period of fulfillment to 30.11.08http: / / / projects / 84008.html

Economic theory and the economy of the enterprise

Customer: Center of documentation (kondor-1)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: to 50 USD it is necessary to make three abstracts: two abstracts according to the economic theory and one on the economy of enterprise (two questions even two tasks in each). The volume of the disclosure of theoretical questions of approximately 5 p. must be content, bibliography. Period of fulfillment to 30.11.08http: / / / projects / 84008.html

Administration of group in the social networks

Customer: Jestovski [A].[L]. (azhestovsky)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the news/of article/surveys the budget: ? All details are discussed into icq of *** of *** Andreyhttp: / / / projects / 83987.html

Urgently small text!

Customer: [Pogudo] Olga (Smeshka)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? It is necessary to make the optimized text, 3 thousand symbols without the gaps. Payment - 1 wmz for 1000. made must be in the course of hour.http: / / / projects / 83978.html

[Kopirayt] of the description of the films

Customer: [Mirashev] Of [misha] (murahew)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? Man to a constant collaboration is necessary, work each day and it is much. Essence: the description of films to make independently, not more than 3-4 proposals, being based on that examined or being repulsed from the description which already there is. The girl is best anything: are more assiduous are more critical. For the film it is ready to pay 7-9 cents, their order of 5 thousand, and daily they are added. ICQ of *** four P.S. desirably minimum work experience with the cursor [DLE], and is certain the knowledge of the Russian language).http: / / / projects / 83950.html

[Seo] of the article

Customer: Petrov Sergey (petrov1976)
Category: News/article/the surveys
Budget: ? Is necessary experienced person for the writing [seo] of articles. [pisat] into [privathttp: / / / projects / 83928.html

Abstract on the Russian language

Customer: Rusakov sea-scape (Marirusa)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? To carry out abstract on the Russian language. Task in the accompanying archive. The version of work - 6. leave your prices, periods.http: / / / projects / 83918.html

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Course work

Customer: [Onishchuk] Of [oleksandr] (Alex_r777)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? [Nada] of 2 course works on discipline THE MATHEMATICAL SIMULATION OF PROCESSES [OMD] for the details be turned into [lichku].http: / / / projects / 83829.html

To copy [kontent] of several sites

Customer: [Aresov] Of [artes] (SMSdesign)
Category: [Kontent]- management, editing/the correction
Budget: ? Task - copying [kontenta] with its cleaning from TEG, references and the like and insert into new cms (with the filling of name, [predopisaniya] and basic text) from several sites. Each 500 - 1000 pages. From you cost for the page or the project, and also the period of transfer for example first hundred of the pageshttp: / / / projects / 83810.html

It is necessary to urgently transfer survey!

Customer: [Isakov] Of [adik] (g- m)
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: ? http: // cId=3171505 - reference to the survey, naturally, only survey itself is required to transfer. Period today! From VA price for entire survey, but not as usually write, for example, 2$/1000[zn]. And also, it is not necessary to write in [asyu], I nevertheless all ignore, just as in [LS]!http: / / / projects / 83740.html

Course work. Visual Of [s]++ 2005.

Customer: Kuznetsov Mikhail (MVK)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts, the development of applied ON the budget: ? Indicate price and periods. Thanks.http: / / / projects / 83736.html

Course work. Pascal or Delphi.

Customer: Kuznetsov Mikhail (MVK)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts, the development of applied ON the budget: ? Indicate price and periods. Thanks.http: / / / projects / 83738.html

To write FAQ for the divisions of portal.

Customer: Anton [Admin] (Antony_Web)
Category: [Kontent]- management, editing/the correction
Budget: ? It is necessary to write instruction for the work with the portal. [Kreativno] and laconically within the framework business! project. The selected executor must be ready to show an example of work on the acting site and the owner of site will be able to confirm that [kontent] is made by this executor. Send periods and orientator of price. If there are questions, assign. Let us report all divisions of portal to the selected executor.http: / / / projects / 83721.html

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Course, technical thermodynamics

Customer: Nikolayev Elizabeth (bal2007) the category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts the budget: 20 USD you look investment period - 16 dayshttp: / / / projects / 83656.html

Name of site for the hosting

Customer: Is shady Alexander [Leonidovich] (wait)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: 10 USD is required to devise domain for the company that allowing the services of hosting. Than it is more version- that more than chances. Name must be serious. Domain must be free into .ru .com zones immediately. I pay that pleasing.http: / / / projects / 83631.html

Description of the logotype

Customer: [Tolmachev] Anatoliy (Pershin)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: 15 USD of the good time of day, respected [frilansery]! I need the [kreativnom] description of the logotype of the site of [avtombilnoy] thematics. Logotype of site square wheel. Quantity of signs in the text of ***. In [asku] not to write, [otpisyvaytes] in the project.http: / / / projects / 83611.html

the Pair- troika of the articles

Customer: Nikulin Olga (OllyW)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the news/of article/surveys the budget: ? Regards, associate. Not you [podsobite] with the pair- troika of texts? Thanks!http: / / / projects / 83533.html

Is necessary transfer Russian. - Eng.

Customer: [Pilyugina] Anna (JILilas)
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: to 1000 USD at the present moment we have large volumes of technical All-Union State Stan.s. Direction of translation from Russian into English. We search for translators, competent in the field of metallurgy, power engineering and a little chemistry. If you interests a constant employment, large volumes and work in the command, if you are punctual and aimed at the prolonged collaboration, then we with the impatience wait your resumes and executed test. Work it is desirable in [Tradose]. At the output from you will be required the memory and the purified, correctly [otformatirovannye] files. Proposals direct to the address of ***http: / / / projects / 83536.html

Short transfer of the instruction of user (Engl.)

Customer: Gorshkov Oleg (Olem)
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: ? [Iskhodnik] in PDF file. http: // drs1100.pdf in the ideal would be desirable to obtain the same PDF but with the Russian transfer. 12 small pages, on which prevails the drawing. p.s of [manualka] for automobile [videoregistratora].http: / / / projects / 83558.html

Translation from Mongolian language into the Russian

Customer: [Dobrygina] Ekaterina (russian-perevod)
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: ? The translation of information from Mongolian language into Russian is required. Request to report its tariffs and entire contact information on *** (***) or Skype: russian-perevodhttp: / / / projects / 83596.html

To create [kontent], articles and [td] for the satellite gear.

Customer: [Kirichenko] Dmitriy (hischnick)
Category: [Kontent]- management, editing/the correction
Budget: ? To all [prvet] necessary unique ([poluunikalnyy], altered and [td]) [kontent] for the satellite gear. A quantity from 100 articles, all depends on prices. Periods of 2-5 weeks. Themes: Audio technician auto-electronics computers, server laptop computers and KPK the computer completing GPS navigators and communicators television sets, TV- panel telephony and connection Foto-[video] technology is large household equipment other electronicshttp: / / / projects / 83486.html

To compose 19 descriptions

Customer: Ivanov Aleksey (alex_the_dj)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the technical articles
Budget: 19 USD how do you do, it is necessary to comprise according to 1 original description for 19 television channels. Size of one description of *** of symbols. Each description must unique, characteristic and correspond to television channel. List of the channels: 2[kh]2, 7 TV, Euronews, MTV, domestic, [DTV], star, [Kultur], [Muz] ARE TV, NTV, the first channel, Petersburg 5 channel, the run OF TV, Russia, sport, STS, TV -3, [TVTS], TNT. Payment into wmzhttp: / / / projects / 83448.html

[Rerayt] of the man's clothing

Customer: Smirnov [Aleftina] (vlad2111)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], editing/correction is the budget: ? Are necessary [reraytory] theme man's clothing price from 05-1$/1000.http: / / / projects / 83470.html

Monday, November 24, 2008

To compose 19 descriptions

Customer: Ivanov Aleksey (alex_the_dj)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the technical articles
Budget: 19 USD how do you do, it is necessary to comprise according to 1 original description for 19 television channels. Size of one description of *** of symbols. Each description must unique, characteristic and correspond to television channel. List of the channels: 2[kh]2, 7 TV, Euronews, MTV, domestic, [DTV], star, [Kultur], [Muz] ARE TV, NTV, the first channel, Petersburg 5 channel, the run OF TV, Russia, sport, STS, TV -3, [TVTS], TNT. Payment into wmzhttp: / / / projects / 83448.html

[Rerayt] of the man's clothing

Customer: Smirnov [Aleftina] (vlad2111)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], editing/correction is the budget: ? Are necessary [reraytory] theme man's clothing price from 05-1$/1000.http: / / / projects / 83470.html

Course on the building (2)

Customer: Kurasov Of andrey (faeton)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Day good, it is necessary to write the course work (possibly part). Course is connected with the building, or more precisely with the calculation of the composition of the concretehttp: / / / projects / 82102.html

the transfer of [intrefeysa] of the program product

Customer: Vereitinova Of kira (VEROVERO)
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: to 50 USD is required the transfer of [intrefeysa] of program product into THE SPANISH language ok of *** of signs, the source language the English, low level of the complexityhttp: / / / projects / 83432.html

Alcoholic news

Customer: Pitonov Of artur (pitono)
Category: News/article/surveys, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? The daily (as far as possible) writing of the news on the alcoholic theme is required. One-two news during the day. Copying from other resources is not greeted. To as the minimum [otreraytit] the news. As maximum, the unique news. For example to transfer from the foreign site. Propose [sovi] of valuation to the [reraytnuyu] news and to the unique news. Thanks.http: / / / projects / 83430.html

To translate text Russian. - Eng.

Customer: Bushes Igor (Kustik)
Category: Technical transfers, the artistic transfers
Budget: ? It is necessary to translate text. From the Russian in the English. Text in [prelozhenii]. From you - periods and cost. It is possible to write in [lichku]. In [asku] - not to knock.http: / / / projects / 83388.html

Course work on heat engineering

Customer: Vinogradov Vladimir (Vladimir2008)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Good day! It is necessary to carry out course in heat engineering (thermodynamic cycles). Plan of fulfillment and initial data are located. I please to respond only with a good knowledge of object. Proposals here and into [lichku]. Period - to five days.http: / / / projects / 83424.html

Private project for [Krutikov] Dmitriy (daks84)

Customer: [Egorenko] Anton (krivetka)
Category: News/article/the surveys
Budget: 200 USD - 20 [SEO] of the optimized unique articles on the theme of real estate. (1200 -1500 [zn] with so on) - 2 [rerayta] on the theme of household equipment (on 8 000 [zn] with so on each) - 1 press release for the corporate site (3000-3500 [zn] with so on) the period of delivery - medium of *** msk the payment of 200 [vmz] for entire work.http: / / / projects / 83384.html

The filling of the site is required

Customer: [Leminov] Grigoriy (Leminov)
Category: Editing/the correction
Budget: ? Good time of day. It is necessary to fill site by declarations. Special habits and knowledge it is not required. Only assiduity. Details in ICQ of *** of thanks.http: / / / projects / 83368.html

Programming, course

Customer: Nikolayev Elizabeth (bal2007)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? It is necessary to carry out work task - in the investment indicate price and minimum periodshttp: / / / projects / 83392.html

Programming, course

Customer: Nikolayev Elizabeth (bal2007)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? It is necessary to carry out work task - in the investment indicate price and minimum periodshttp: / / / projects / 83392.html

To translate text Russian. - Eng.

Customer: Bushes Igor (Kustik)
Category: Technical transfers, the artistic transfers
Budget: ? It is necessary to translate text. From the Russian in the English. Text in [prelozhenii]. From you - periods and cost. It is possible to write in [lichku]. In [asku] - not to knock.http: / / / projects / 83388.html

Social slogans for the pharmaceutical network

Customer: Frolov Andrey (aptek)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? The regional network of drugstores will use the services of [frilanserov] on the fabrication of the advertising slogans of social directivity. Phrase must be short, that is memorized. Directivity is more to the middle stratum of society, it is possible to the pensioners. I will listen the slogans of pharmaceutical networks from your region. On all questions to write in [lichku] or to ***http: / / / projects / 83340.html

[Rerayt] of articles 50 000 of [simv].

Customer: Legal Of zoom (LegalZoom)
Category: News/article/the surveys
Budget: 50 USD is necessary [rerayt] of simple analytical text. Payment - 50$.http: / / / projects / 83329.html

Private project for [Krutikov] Dmitriy (daks84)

Customer: [Egorenko] Anton (krivetka)
Category: News/article/the surveys
Budget: 200 USD - 20 [SEO] of the optimized unique articles on the theme of real estate. (1200 -1500 [zn] with so on) - 2 [rerayta] on the theme of household equipment (on 8 000 [zn] with so on each) - 1 press release for the corporate site (3000-3500 [zn] with so on) the period of delivery - medium of *** msk the payment of 200 [vmz] for entire work.http: / / / projects / 83384.html

The filling of the site is required

Customer: [Leminov] Grigoriy (Leminov)
Category: Editing/the correction
Budget: ? Good time of day. It is necessary to fill site by declarations. Special habits and knowledge it is not required. Only assiduity. Details in ICQ of *** of thanks.http: / / / projects / 83368.html

Is necessary [rerayt

Customer: Foresters Aleksey Alexandrovich (ab-kmv)
Category: Editing/correction, the news/of article/the surveys
Budget: to 50 USD volume - 10 thousand signs. Thematics - finances. After [rerayta] of [kontent] must pass [kopiskeyp] and de [fender]. Price - 10 Baxes for entire maximum.http: / / / projects / 83364.html

Social slogans for the pharmaceutical network

Customer: Frolov Andrey (aptek)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? The regional network of drugstores will use the services of [frilanserov] on the fabrication of the advertising slogans of social directivity. Phrase must be short, that is memorized. Directivity is more to the middle stratum of society, it is possible to the pensioners. I will listen the slogans of pharmaceutical networks from your region. On all questions to write in [lichku] or to ***http: / / / projects / 83340.html

Description of goods.

Customer: Customer (customer)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the news/of article/the surveys
Budget: ? It is necessary to create the descriptions of goods. If there is similar into [portfolio] - apply references.http: / / / projects / 83276.html

20 unique interesting articles

Customer: [Glokov] Maxim (FladeX)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the technical articles
Budget: ? Writing 20 interesting articles on the technical theme is required. Size of the articles - 3000 symbols. Requirement for the articles: - the interesting account of material; - the competent formatting of text (laying out into the paragraphs, the optionally internal titles); - use in each article 3-5 of keywords from the list (for internal [perelinkovki] of pages) given; I will in more detail explain to the selected executor. I please to indicate the periods and the cost of operation.http: / / / projects / 83274.html

To devise/to correct the text

Customer: Nikolay (innncome)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], editing/the correction
Budget: 50 USD is necessary man which it will correct the fact that is, or (it [pridumet]) it will hit upon its text to the site. only of 2-3 pages, the text of [oochen] it is small. ICQ#482414609http: / / / projects / 83300.html

To rewrite the article

Customer: [Korenkov] Pavel (Playful)
Category: Editing/the correction
Budget: 15 USD are an article - invitation for New Year into the restaurant. it made from the pieces, it is necessary to make interconnected, to change writing the first three paragraphs. Period of 1-2 hourshttp: / / / projects / 83288.html

20 unique interesting articles

Customer: [Glokov] Maxim (FladeX)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the technical articles
Budget: ? Writing 20 interesting articles on the technical theme is required. Size of the articles - 3000 symbols. Requirement for the articles: - the interesting account of material; - the competent formatting of text (laying out into the paragraphs, the optionally internal titles); - use in each article 3-5 of keywords from the list (for internal [perelinkovki] of pages) given; I will in more detail explain to the selected executor. I please to indicate the periods and the cost of operation.http: / / / projects / 83274.html