Saturday, February 7, 2009

To write 2 programs to Turbo Of pascal (2)

Customer: Asrock Of asrock (Asrock)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: 10 USD it is necessary to write 2 programs to Turbo Of pascal. Detailed task it is possible to look here http: // on all questions into [privat] or OF ICQ367673869 the period: in the limits of 7 days the cost: $10http: / / / projects / 93725.html

Course work on [TMM

Customer: [Osipenkov] Dmitriy (oda992)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? The part of the work and [chertizhy] they are begun necessary to complete everything I will send in the place with the [metodichkoy] and [zadniem] form with the [zadanim] is fastened [sdes] the version of the second: to the weeping of 800 rubles to your purse.http: / / / projects / 95508.html

Site for the automobile enthusiast

Customer: Tsvet Of alex (lesha27)
Category: Design of sites, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? Is required the development of the design of site for the automobile enthusiast aid in the development of [t].[z]. of [kopirayting] on the assigned theme of [kontent] of [rayter] on the assigned theme work [kreativnaya] of menu and will substitute will be [soglasovanny] with me technical details; without the use of strange CMS - HTML it must be modular for that in order to I or you could control [kontent] with the aid of PHP - was important more the development of modular design and not the solution of the problems of [programirovaniya] - use of materials (pictures, texts and so forth) which do not disrupt copyrights. If to you is necessary picture find it on and I its purchase of proposal only to email of ***http: / / / projects / 95506.html

Friday, February 6, 2009

Diploma on the phonetics of the English

Customer: Sergey Sergey (cjseriy)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Volume of the work: *** str the period of the fulfillment: 20 days in practical chapter necessary to study the selection of periodicals further information sends to the mail. Indicate your prices and examples of your works. Payment - [Yandeks] of money.http: / / / projects / 95337.html

Transfer of the correspondence

Customer: Ilya Sergey (freeWG)
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: ? [Ishem] of man which manages English to 5+++ worthy payment. Contacts: ICQ: *** e-mail: ***http: / / / projects / 95344.html

Technical translation from English into the Russian

Customer: Daniel Of zorin (Lelouch)
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: to 250 USD it is necessary to translate several documents from English into Russian. Documents are the positions of contract on the project, connected with the thermal power stations. Size of the documents - from 20 to 50 pages, for each payment from 3000 to 7500 rubles depending on size. Period - until Monday February 9. Transfer is not official document; therefore absolute, juridical accuracy is not required.http: / / / projects / 95289.html

Editing of text (mp3 file and scan)

Customer: Inpers (inpers)
Category: Editing/the correction
Budget: to 50 USD it is necessary to make a collection of text. Sources - manuscript scan and mp3 file (to transfer vocal record into the text) I please to indicate price for one page of text of the scan and mp3 (if price is different) and your dialing rate.http: / / / projects / 95284.html

Task for the [kreativnykh

Customer: Vavilov Alexander (vavilov09)
Category: News/article/surveys, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? It is necessary to write a number of articles to [politicheskiyu] thematics (historical estimation of the value of some political events from the history 20 V and the newest history). [Nuzhn] fundamentally new, uncommon approach to [issledzhovaniyu] of problems. preference will be returned to [frilanseram] [portfolio]. [Ukazyyvayte] price as 1000 signs without the gaps. Period fulfillment- week from the moment of assertion. 7 articles on *** of symbols.http: / / / projects / 95296.html

Technical translation from English into the Russian

Customer: Daniel Of zorin (Lelouch)
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: to 250 USD it is necessary to translate several documents from English into Russian. Documents are the positions of contract on the project, connected with the thermal power stations. Size of the documents - from 20 to 50 pages, for each payment from 3000 to 7500 rubles depending on size. Period - until Monday February 9. Transfer is not official document; therefore absolute, juridical accuracy is not required.http: / / / projects / 95289.html

Task for the [kreativnykh

Customer: Vavilov Alexander (vavilov09)
Category: News/article/surveys, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? It is necessary to write a number of articles to [politicheskiyu] thematics (historical estimation of the value of some political events from the history 20 V and the newest history). [Nuzhn] fundamentally new, uncommon approach to [issledzhovaniyu] of problems. preference will be returned to [frilanseram] [portfolio]. [Ukazyyvayte] price as 1000 signs without the gaps. Period fulfillment- week from the moment of assertion. 7 articles on *** of symbols.http: / / / projects / 95296.html

Editing of text (mp3 file and scan)

Customer: Inpers (inpers)
Category: Editing/the correction
Budget: to 50 USD it is necessary to make a collection of text. Sources - manuscript scan and mp3 file (to transfer vocal record into the text) I please to indicate price for one page of text of the scan and mp3 (if price is different) and your dialing rate.http: / / / projects / 95284.html

Correct rules. (2)

Customer: Pivovarov Vladimir (burdinng)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], editing/the correction
Budget: to 50 USD Of [kopirayting]! To replace rules of the game (rule not of [zyblemy], but they they must be explained!) to the intelligible to any visitor to, for example, remove rules being been located here of http: // to by you those written for our money. It is not if you please necessary to indicate a quantity of money for a quantity of signs, I will not count them! Simply say, for example one rule costs from 1 to 10 dollars. here and all!.http: / / / projects / 90307.html

proof-reading the textbook of English [yazvka] for VUZ (Institute of Higher Education)

Customer: [Sasina] Maria (ikourait)
Category: Editing/correction, the technical transfers
Budget: ? Is necessary corrector with the knowledge of English work single: It is necessary proof-reading the textbook of English [yazvka] for VUZ (Institute of Higher Education). Text completely in the English. Volume: [okol] 400 str of the size of 84[kh]108/32 payments is contractual piece-work!http: / / / projects / 95243.html

Correct rules. (2)

Customer: Pivovarov Vladimir (burdinng)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], editing/the correction
Budget: to 50 USD Of [kopirayting]! To replace rules of the game (rule not of [zyblemy], but they they must be explained!) to the intelligible to any visitor to, for example, remove rules being been located here of http: // to by you those written for our money. It is not if you please necessary to indicate a quantity of money for a quantity of signs, I will not count them! Simply say, for example one rule costs from 1 to 10 dollars. here and all!.http: / / / projects / 90307.html

Translation of firm form from Russian into English.

Customer: [Dikun] Matvei (hlopec)
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: 20 USD it is necessary to make a small qualitative translation of firm form from Russian into English. Period - 1 day.http: / / / projects / 95267.html

Macro for EXCEL

Customer: Yuri (Yurs)
Category: Technical articles, are other
Budget: 10 USD the description of the required actions of macro - in TZ, simple problem for the person, who examines programming for MS EXCEL.http: / / / projects / 95207.html

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Private project for olga_pier

Customer: Timofeev Aleksey (warezey)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: 35 USD article in the Engl. language to the main page of the sitehttp: / / / projects / 95167.html

[Kopirayt], 3 articles

Customer: Helen (skromnaya)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: 12 USD how do you do! Is necessary [kopirayt] - 3 articles on 2000 signs on the culinary theme. Payment - 400 rub. (WebMoney) for everything, it is possible with [predoplatoy].http: / / / projects / 95172.html

[Kopirayt], 3 articles

Customer: Helen (skromnaya)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: 12 USD how do you do! Is necessary [kopirayt] - 3 articles on 2000 signs on the culinary theme. Payment - 400 rub. (WebMoney) for everything, it is possible with [predoplatoy].http: / / / projects / 95172.html

Private project for olga_pier

Customer: Timofeev Aleksey (warezey)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: 35 USD article in the Engl. language to the main page of the sitehttp: / / / projects / 95167.html

Translation of letter from the Czech language

Customer: Dialect Helen (dialect)
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: ? How do you do, is necessary the competent translation of letter from Czech language into Russian (approximately *** of signs) request to leave proposals with the prices and the periods here, in [LICHKU], IF YOU PLEASE, DO NOT WRITE. Proposals start only from the translators with the work experience with the Czech language. The prolonged possible collaboration.http: / / / projects / 95120.html

Writing articles in the English

Customer: Marenych Of nataliya (MareNat)
Category: News/article/the surveys
Budget: to 250 USD writing unique articles (500 words) in the English. Theme - essay and research of writing. Indicate price for one article. Resumes direct to ***http: / / / projects / 95099.html

11 articles to the financial thematics

Customer: [Mirashev] Of [misha] (murahew)
Category: Technical articles, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? It is necessary to write 11 articles to the financial thematics (10 divisions + 1 on the main page). Is desirably not less than 1500 signs, unique, or very good [rerayt]. Leave price for entire work, if work is earlier with you, indicate [url] of project, toward the evening to [vybiru] of executor.http: / / / projects / 95015.html

Business- plan from the English to the German

Customer: [Kernell] Of [yulianna] (Barselona)
Category: Technical transfers, the artistic transfers
Budget: 21 USD is necessary qualitative transfer the business of plan - production of roe and sturgeon, into the German language. Volume - 7 X of 1800 signs. Payment for entire transfer - 21 WMZ. Business is plan in the application. Period - on February 8 (resurrection).http: / / / projects / 95068.html

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Course work on the German language

Customer: [Karpunina] sea-scape (Umiko)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? It is necessary to write course on the German language. Period is week. Price from the executor. task in the application. Solution to [zadach]. the transfer of text. task with respect to the text made must not be.http: / / / projects / 94737.html

To make unique descriptions. Metallic cabinets.

Customer: Vyacheslav (sfs77)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? The unique descriptions of each category are necessary for the site on sale of metallic cabinets. Bookkeeping, card-filing and is other *** of signs for each category. Only of 12 categories. If you please indicate price not for a quantity of symbols, but general, for entire volume of work. Simply text file is necessary.http: / / / projects / 94745.html

Transfer RU -En of the site

Customer: [Verishchagin] Dmitriy (Clevar)
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: to 250 USD is required the translator from the Russian in the English. Transfer of the materials of site about real estate into the English. Request to the executors to adequately evaluate time and possibilities, t to work is much and the period of fulfillment by 5.02.09 to 20:00.http: / / / projects / 94699.html

Deep [rerayt] on real estate, 2000 signs.

Customer: [Yaroshenko] Artem (seasick)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], editing/the correction
Budget: ? Is required deep and qualitative [rerayt] of article from the appendix (foreign real estate, 2000 signs). Payment of 1 [u].[e]. for 1000 symbols without the gaps to your calculation in the system of weblancer after fulfillment of assignments. The volume of the source text is paid. The volume of the obtained text must be not less initial. Several executors are required.http: / / / projects / 94694.html

Transfer RU -Pl of the site

Customer: [Verishchagin] Dmitriy (Clevar)
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: to 250 USD is required the translator from the Russian in the Polish. Transfer of the materials of site about real estate into the Polish language. Request to the executors to adequately evaluate time and possibilities, t to work is much and the period of fulfillment by 5.02.09 to 20:00.http: / / / projects / 94700.html

To make unique descriptions. Metallic cabinets.

Customer: Vyacheslav (sfs77)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? The unique descriptions of each category are necessary for the site on sale of metallic cabinets. Bookkeeping, card-filing and is other *** of signs for each category. Only of 12 categories. If you please indicate price not for a quantity of symbols, but general, for entire volume of work. Simply text file is necessary.http: / / / projects / 94745.html

Course work on the German language

Customer: [Karpunina] sea-scape (Umiko)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? It is necessary to write course on the German language. Period is week. Price from the executor. task in the application. Solution to [zadach]. the transfer of text. task with respect to the text made must not be.http: / / / projects / 94737.html

Transfer RU -En of the site

Customer: [Verishchagin] Dmitriy (Clevar)
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: to 250 USD is required the translator from the Russian in the English. Transfer of the materials of site about real estate into the English. Request to the executors to adequately evaluate time and possibilities, t to work is much and the period of fulfillment by 5.02.09 to 20:00.http: / / / projects / 94699.html

Course work on the German language

Customer: [Karpunina] sea-scape (Umiko)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? It is necessary to write course on the German language. Period is week. Price from the executor. task in the application. Solution to [zadach]. the transfer of text. task with respect to the text made must not be.http: / / / projects / 94737.html

Transfer RU -Pl of the site

Customer: [Verishchagin] Dmitriy (Clevar)
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: to 250 USD is required the translator from the Russian in the Polish. Transfer of the materials of site about real estate into the Polish language. Request to the executors to adequately evaluate time and possibilities, t to work is much and the period of fulfillment by 5.02.09 to 20:00.http: / / / projects / 94700.html

To make unique descriptions. Metallic cabinets.

Customer: Vyacheslav (sfs77)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? The unique descriptions of each category are necessary for the site on sale of metallic cabinets. Bookkeeping, card-filing and is other *** of signs for each category. Only of 12 categories. If you please indicate price not for a quantity of symbols, but general, for entire volume of work. Simply text file is necessary.http: / / / projects / 94745.html

To write 8000 signs

Customer: Konev Sergey Vladimirovich (Sovytop)
Category: Technical articles
Budget: to 100 USD it is necessary to write article about Switzerland, approximately 8000 signs.http: / / / projects / 94712.html

Transfer RU -En of the site

Customer: [Verishchagin] Dmitriy (Clevar)
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: to 250 USD is required the translator from the Russian in the English. Transfer of the materials of site about real estate into the English. Request to the executors to adequately evaluate time and possibilities, t to work is much and the period of fulfillment by 5.02.09 to 20:00.http: / / / projects / 94699.html

Transfer RU -Pl of the site

Customer: [Verishchagin] Dmitriy (Clevar)
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: to 250 USD is required the translator from the Russian in the Polish. Transfer of the materials of site about real estate into the Polish language. Request to the executors to adequately evaluate time and possibilities, t to work is much and the period of fulfillment by 5.02.09 to 20:00.http: / / / projects / 94700.html

Deep [rerayt] on real estate, 2000 signs.

Customer: [Yaroshenko] Artem (seasick)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], editing/the correction
Budget: ? Is required deep and qualitative [rerayt] of article from the appendix (foreign real estate, 2000 signs). Payment of 1 [u].[e]. for 1000 symbols without the gaps to your calculation in the system of weblancer after fulfillment of assignments. The volume of the source text is paid. The volume of the obtained text must be not less initial. Several executors are required.http: / / / projects / 94694.html


Customer: [Maisheva] Natalia (maishewa- n)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Constitutional right of that accused to the protection. Scientific leader at the Permian State University. Where there will be protection thus far not clearly. Work itself already written. However, the leader has the observation: scientific analysis is absent. Period: until March 5, 2009.http: / / / projects / 94686.html

Writing garish article about the product for the publication

Customer: Matveyev Maxim (maxim77)
Category: News/article/surveys, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? Is required the article- news about the product (lactic acid product) for the publication on the female resources (for an example of Is required deep sinking into the material (everything is on the site), the treatment of this material and writing interesting, easily read and intelligible to all women of article! Purpose of article - to interest and to inform public about the new product. Base volume of the material 3- of 5 thousand signs. + to devise name for the article.http: / / / projects / 94649.html

Description of the models of the sensory kiosks

Customer: [Fatovskiy] Valerie (infos)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the technical articles
Budget: ? Is required the [kreativnoe] description of 17 models of sensory kiosks. Approximately on 1000 signs for each. 1000=1$ information it is possible to [podcherpnut] from the sites of a similar thematics. Example of http: // information on the new models will be in [private].http: / / / projects / 94614.html

Method of the transactions

Customer: Ekaterina (katrin2101)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Abstract on the object the financial medium of enterprise and owner's risks. The volume of *** of [listov].[Srok] of the fulfillment of 2 weeks, articles, the drawing of table, fresh to [dannye].[Te], who draws off works from the sites of abstracts, request not to disturb. Indicate cost in the rubles.http: / / / projects / 94606.html

Writing the advertising articles

Customer: Tarasov Andrey (andros)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the news/of article/the surveys
Budget: ? Several men for the work in one project are necessary! Requirements: skill [kreativno] to think of, to write advertising articles and the like payment is high! Additional [info] (details about the work, payment the like) by mail (into [lichku] not to write!): ***http: / / / projects / 94639.html


Customer: Vitallium [Tkachenko] (karpenter)
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: 200 USD Gentlemen of [frilansery]!!! THE COMPETENT translator of Indonesian language is required for the long-term cooperation. The following is required from you: 1. a good language proficiency at the level of carrier 2. skill of the transfer of technical articles 3. [portfolio] with examples of works 4. scan of diploma or document, which confirms your habits of the region of transfer importantly!!! In [lichku] not to write, [asku] not to touch, in [skaype] not to be solicited. Importunate will be doomed! Not [bespokoytes], if your knowledge [sootvesttvuyut], you means to us you approach! With the respect, Vitalius!http: / / / projects / 94655.html

Writing garish article about the product for the publication

Customer: Matveyev Maxim (maxim77)
Category: News/article/surveys, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? Is required the article- news about the product (lactic acid product) for the publication on the female resources (for an example of Is required deep sinking into the material (everything is on the site), the treatment of this material and writing interesting, easily read and intelligible to all women of article! Purpose of article - to interest and to inform public about the new product. Base volume of the material 3- of 5 thousand signs. + to devise name for the article.http: / / / projects / 94649.html


Customer: Vitallium [Tkachenko] (karpenter)
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: 200 USD Gentlemen of [frilansery]!!! THE COMPETENT translator of Indonesian language is required for the long-term cooperation. The following is required from you: 1. a good language proficiency at the level of carrier 2. skill of the transfer of technical articles 3. [portfolio] with examples of works 4. scan of diploma or document, which confirms your habits of the region of transfer importantly!!! In [lichku] not to write, [asku] not to touch, in [skaype] not to be solicited. Importunate will be doomed! Not [bespokoytes], if your knowledge [sootvesttvuyut], you means to us you approach! With the respect, Vitalius!http: / / / projects / 94655.html

Translation of text from English into Russian.

Customer: Pavel [Ostapenko] (pavel-ostap)
Category: Artistic transfers
Budget: 20 USD it is necessary to translate text from English into Russian. Text of the erotic content. text there is much, it is necessary to make today. Price of 20$. I cannot more give. Payment for fact.http: / / / projects / 94658.html

the algorithm

Customer: Sorokin Svetlana (DUX_SV)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? How do you do. It is necessary to 22 in the evening to today collect 10 sheets of algorithms ([A]4) into Visio. Everything according to All-Union State Stan.s.http: / / / projects / 94660.html

Writing the advertising articles

Customer: Tarasov Andrey (andros)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the news/of article/the surveys
Budget: ? Several men for the work in one project are necessary! Requirements: skill [kreativno] to think of, to write advertising articles and the like payment is high! Additional [info] (details about the work, payment the like) by mail (into [lichku] not to write!): ***http: / / / projects / 94639.html

Method of the transactions

Customer: Ekaterina (katrin2101)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Abstract on the object the financial medium of enterprise and owner's risks. The volume of *** of [listov].[Srok] of the fulfillment of 2 weeks, articles, the drawing of table, fresh to [dannye].[Te], who draws off works from the sites of abstracts, request not to disturb. Indicate cost in the rubles.http: / / / projects / 94606.html

Description of the models of the sensory kiosks

Customer: [Fatovskiy] Valerie (infos)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the technical articles
Budget: ? Is required the [kreativnoe] description of 17 models of sensory kiosks. Approximately on 1000 signs for each. 1000=1$ information it is possible to [podcherpnut] from the sites of a similar thematics. Example of http: // information on the new models will be in [private].http: / / / projects / 94614.html

Abstract [Nalogoobl]- e [fin]- GO of the sector of economy

Customer: Ekaterina (katrin2101)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Theme is any, but is urgent, and to connect from [krizisom].[stati], drawing [tablitsy].[Obem] of *** of [listov].[Srok] of the fulfillment of 2 weeks. Those, who draw off works from the sites of abstracts, request not to disturb. Indicate cost in the rubles.http: / / / projects / 94599.html

Content of the long-term financial policy

Customer: Ekaterina (katrin2101)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Abstract on the object long-term and short term financial [politika].[Obem] of *** of [listov].[Srok] of the fulfillment of 2 weeks, articles, the drawing of table, fresh to [dannye].[Te], who draws off works from the sites of abstracts, request not to disturb. Indicate cost in the rubles.http: / / / projects / 94590.html

Abstract on the financial right

Customer: Ekaterina (katrin2101)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Theme: Control and the supervision of the Central Bank of the activity of credit [organizatsiy].[Obem] of 20 [listov].[Srok] of the fulfillment of 2 weeks, articles, the drawing of table, fresh to [dannye].[Te], who draws off works from the sites of abstracts, request not to disturb. Indicate cost in the rubles.http: / / / projects / 94594.html

Abstract on the object the financial markets

Customer: Ekaterina (katrin2101)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Theme: The currency market. It is compulsory about its state now during the crisis, which with it occurs article, drawing of table, fresh data. Volume of *** of [listov].[Srok] of the fulfillment of 2 weeks. Those, who draw off works from the sites of abstracts, request not to disturb. Indicate cost in the rubles.http: / / / projects / 94597.html

Indices of the use of reverse active memberships of [predpr].

Customer: Ekaterina (katrin2101)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Abstract on the object financial [statistika].[Obem] of *** of [listov].[Srok] of the fulfillment of 2 weeks, articles, the drawing of table, fresh to [dannye].[Te], who draws off works from the sites of abstracts, request not to disturb. Indicate cost in the rubles.http: / / / projects / 94593.html

To correct and to supplement article on the requirements

Customer: [Filatova] Nataliya (NataliaFilia)
Category: Editing is/correction, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? How do you do, expensive [frilansery]. There is an article, more precise its part it must be corrected on the requirements. It is necessary to write ([rerayt] on the basis of several sources) 3 small [topika] on 300[zn] approximately to it. Article in the application, propose your prices directly in the project necessary to make today desirably faster into [asku] not you [stuchite], if you want write in [lichku], but it is better into the project.http: / / / projects / 94581.html

[Prezentatsionnye] texts about the flues

Customer: Kuprin Rodion (468468)
Category: [Kontent]- management, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? Are required texts for the site about the flues (sale, installation, installation the like) - the sense of text in the fact that the important company [KHKHKH] makes and establishes the best in the world modular flues made of the stainless steel. All this without the technicalities. Volume of approximately 7-8 thousand signs the main thing - compulsorily will be required encounter with the client (probably, on this week) for asserting the component-period- volume; therefore better, so that you would live in Moscow or region.http: / / / projects / 94588.html

To reconvert drawing from auto-KAyes into the compass

Customer: Center of documentation (kondor-1)
Category: Editing/the correction
Budget: ? It is necessary urgently as [mozhzh] to rather reconvert the drawing of schematic diagram from [avtokad] into the compass.http: / / / projects / 94555.html

Monday, February 2, 2009

Technical transfer - Engl.

Customer: Debian (Debian)
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: ? It is necessary advertising materials into the English. Thematics - natural gas equipment, service. Examples: http: // // / / / projects / 94547.html

Diploma work

Customer: [Androshchuk] Maxim Vladimirovich (WASP81)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Organization of control system of engineering [dannymi].[Sozdanie] of entire necessary size of the current forms and periodicals necessary for the accomplishment of mission of guarantee and planning the enterprise.http: / / / projects / 94553.html

Management to the convection furnace (Eng. - Russian.)

Customer: Yakov (juicemaster)
Category: Technical transfers, the artistic transfers
Budget: ? File in PDF, text, tables and pictures. It is necessary to transfer from the English and to make up into pages the transfer in [Vorde] with the retention of initial imposition. Let us determine a quantity of signs according to the fact of the end of work, document is accessible according to the reference in your proposal we must figure: price for p. 1800 of signs and the date of the delivery of work. Project ONLY for the professional translators. Are greeted free executors with which we already they collaborated on the analogous projects. Payment through [SBS].http: / / / projects / 94504.html

Light [rerayt

Customer: [Tutaev] Dmitriy (Ruslan_T)
Category: Editing/the correction
Budget: to 50 USD to make [rerayt] light of both texts. payment to 2[u].[e]. for 1000 [zn]. here text itself is correct! http: // 63611e5594http: / / / projects / 94515.html

Management to the convection furnace (Eng. - Russian.)

Customer: Yakov (juicemaster)
Category: Technical transfers, the artistic transfers
Budget: ? File in PDF, text, tables and pictures. It is necessary to transfer from the English and to make up into pages the transfer in [Vorde] with the retention of initial imposition. Let us determine a quantity of signs according to the fact of the end of work, document is accessible according to the reference in your proposal we must figure: price for p. 1800 of signs and the date of the delivery of work. Project ONLY for the professional translators. Are greeted free executors with which we already they collaborated on the analogous projects. Payment through [SBS].http: / / / projects / 94504.html

Light [rerayt

Customer: [Tutaev] Dmitriy (Ruslan_T)
Category: Editing/the correction
Budget: to 50 USD to make [rerayt] light of both texts. payment to 2[u].[e]. for 1000 [zn]. here text itself is correct! http: // 63611e5594http: / / / projects / 94515.html

Sunday, February 1, 2009

writing the unique small texts

Customer: Kharchenko Eugene (Cartmaker)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the news/of article/the surveys
Budget: 6 USD for writing of unique small texts (500 - 600 [zn].) Leave your e-mail, on which I will send the detail of work and ICQ. If you please, do not write personal communications!http: / / / projects / 94293.html

Articles on the theme of accessories for the cell phones

Customer: Sergey [I].[F]. (9480246) the category: Technical articles the budget: ? Articles on 5000 signs are necessaryhttp: / / / projects / 94295.html

writing the unique small texts

Customer: Kharchenko Eugene (Cartmaker)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the news/of article/the surveys
Budget: 6 USD for writing of unique small texts (500 - 600 [zn].) Leave your e-mail, on which I will send the detail of work and ICQ. If you please, do not write personal communications!http: / / / projects / 94293.html

Diploma. Protected exchange of data.

Customer: Kuznetsov Mikhail (MVK) the category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts the budget: ? Indicate price and periods. Thanks.http: / / / projects / 94242.html

[Rerayt] of the articles

Customer: Lavrentyev (vik1982)
Category: Of the news/article/surveys, editing/correction is the budget: to 50 USD is required [rerayt] of articles on real estate. 25 rub. as 1000 signs b/p.http: / / / projects / 94275.html

Diploma. PHP+MySQL.

Customer: Kuznetsov Mikhail (MVK) the category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts the budget: ? Indicate price and periods. Thanks.http: / / / projects / 94244.html

Articles on the theme of accessories for the cell phones

Customer: Sergey [I].[F]. (9480246) the category: Technical articles the budget: ? Articles on 5000 signs are necessaryhttp: / / / projects / 94295.html

Filling of Internet- store, to introduce the change

Customer: [Voytenko] Sergey (sergey- v)
Category: [Kontent]- management, editing/the correction
Budget: 20 USD by all regards! It is necessary to add the code of goods into the already existing goods on the site. As everything appears: Is Price sheet with the code of goods into Excel there is goods on the site without code 1. to find in the search goods. It searches for on [fragementu] of code 2. to copy the code from Price and to put into the card of goods necessary to process *** of lines. Approximate time for the addition of one code at the moderate rate - *** s. payment for each [dobavlenyy] code to the site of 0,20 [grn]. It is desirable to make in 2 days. Script of store - Shop Of cmshttp: / / / projects / 94241.html

SVD the decomposition

Customer: Timoshenko are sea-scape (CARD)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? There is the finished written program in the language Of pascal for the singular decomposition. It is necessary to write detailed commentary to all blocks in this program (for which answer the parameters, as are connected together blocks).http: / / / projects / 94256.html


Customer: [Tutaev] Dmitriy (Ruslan_T)
Category: Editing/the correction
Budget: to 500 USD it is necessary to make [rerayt] of the text: http: // 951a5c49e0 the payment of 1,5$ as 1000 signs. Attention! pictures changed must not be! Only text. For the test - make [rerayt] of the first page and send with the address: *** or throw text into [lichku].http: / / / projects / 94282.html