Saturday, November 8, 2008

To write mini- survey about the site

Customer: Vis Of ivan (Midnik)
Category: News/article/the surveys
Budget: 5 USD to write mini- survey (2-3 symbols) about the site of the thematics of the game of on-line. Directivity: Flesch game. From me only [url] into [lichku], from you finished article on the created means. [Zatochennost] under the search demand: to play a little (in the context of 2-3 references). Task must be carried out until Sunday. Leave claims, this evening by all [otpisavshimsya] I will throw down [url] or failure (if man will be found) with the respect, Ivan.http: / / / projects / 80585.html

Friday, November 7, 2008

article, descriptions, photo and video- finding (auto-)

Customer: Cyprian Vladimirs (avto-avto)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the news/of article/the surveys
Budget: ? I invite to the collaboration of all, who are ready to write articles, descriptions, to propose photo and video- findings for auto-BLHaug's our http: // Main requirement - uniqueness of texts, everything else must be not soiled and not [svorovanno]. And the second main requirement - this must be ridiculously! === we are ready to pay for your [kontent] constantly how more write - than better. Send your here fundamental agreement and examples of your materials. *** With the respect, the leader of the project of the Cyprians [V].[V].http: / / / projects / 80451.html

article, descriptions, photo and video- finding (auto-)

Customer: Cyprian Vladimirs (avto-avto)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the news/of article/the surveys
Budget: ? I invite to the collaboration of all, who are ready to write articles, descriptions, to propose photo and video- findings for auto-BLHaug's our http: // Main requirement - uniqueness of texts, everything else must be not soiled and not [svorovanno]. And the second main requirement - this must be ridiculously! === we are ready to pay for your [kontent] constantly how more write - than better. Send your here fundamental agreement and examples of your materials. *** With the respect, the leader of the project of the Cyprians [V].[V].http: / / / projects / 80451.html

article, descriptions, photo and video- finding (auto-)

Customer: Cyprian Vladimirs (avto-avto)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the news/of article/the surveys
Budget: ? I invite to the collaboration of all, who are ready to write articles, descriptions, to propose photo and video- findings for auto-BLHaug's our http: // Main requirement - uniqueness of texts, everything else must be not soiled and not [svorovanno]. And the second main requirement - this must be ridiculously! === we are ready to pay for your [kontent] constantly how more write - than better. Send your here fundamental agreement and examples of your materials. *** With the respect, the leader of the project of the Cyprians [V].[V].http: / / / projects / 80451.html

Transfer of interface for [softa

Customer: Vereitinova Of kira (VEROVERO)
Category: Technical transfers, the development of applied [po]
Budget: ? Is necessary the transfer of interface for [softa] into the Italian, French and German language.http: / / / projects / 80431.html

Personal project for The [tikhonovoy] sea-scape of martihon

Customer: Vasil'yev Constantine (BrezeNT)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: 100 USD Part II. Writing articles for the site. Theme - repair of apartments, offices, buildings.http: / / / projects / 80409.html


Customer: Kh Andrew (smgn)
Category: Editing/correction, is other
Budget: ? Are required several [rerayterov] for the copying of texts the thematics of texts different the contact of icq: ***http: / / / projects / 80381.html

9 article- surveys

Customer: [Glokov] Maxim (FladeX)
Category: News/article/surveys, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? It is necessary 9 article- surveys on the theme of computer games. Periods do not gather. Material on this theme in you [runete] there is. If necessary I can give references to the foreign sources on this thematics. I will grant precise themes to the selected executor. Request to indicate cost and exemplary periods.http: / / / projects / 80396.html

Transfer with the Engl. in the Russian with the formulation

Customer: [Semenov] Oleg (Joker84)
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: 320 USD in [atache] PSD to [ang]. it is necessary 1[n] into 1[n] to make on the [ruskom]. only of 110 p.http: / / / projects / 80383.html

Abstract on the economy of real estate

Customer: Vinogradov Vladimir (Vladimir2008)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: 20 USD of the good time of day by all! It is necessary to carry out abstract. Object: the economy of real estate (analysis of the state of the real estate market before and after of present crisis) volume - 20 sheets, 14 type, interval of 1,15, introduction, the detailed content, bibliography. The quantity of fundamental sources - not less than 3. is compulsory the use of sources media outlets (periodicals, electronic). Period - toward the evening of 09.11.08 g. I please to leave proposals about the cost and the periods.http: / / / projects / 80420.html

[Kopirayting] for the site Of, 50 articles

Customer: [Tsygankova] Anna (infodesign)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the news/of article/the surveys
Budget: 250 USD for the advance of the site Of it is necessary to write 50 standard small articles on the basis of the materials of site. It is possible to rewrite material available in the network. an example of article, tomcat. is necessary - http: // r759_id=241http: / / / projects / 80421.html

9 article- surveys

Customer: [Glokov] Maxim (FladeX)
Category: News/article/surveys, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? It is necessary 9 article- surveys on the theme of computer games. Periods do not gather. Material on this theme in you [runete] there is. If necessary I can give references to the foreign sources on this thematics. I will grant precise themes to the selected executor. Request to indicate cost and exemplary periods.http: / / / projects / 80396.html

Personal project for The [tikhonovoy] sea-scape of martihon

Customer: Vasil'yev Constantine (BrezeNT)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: 100 USD Part II. Writing articles for the site. Theme - repair of apartments, offices, buildings.http: / / / projects / 80409.html


Customer: Kh Andrew (smgn)
Category: Editing/correction, is other
Budget: ? Are required several [rerayterov] for the copying of texts the thematics of texts different the contact of icq: ***http: / / / projects / 80381.html

Filling of the forums

Customer: Shcherbakov Anastasiy (nastya_on_line)
Category: [Kontent]- management, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? Is required qualitative posting on the subject forums of plastic surgery.http: / / / projects / 80360.html

Analytical article

Customer: Dmitriy Alexandrovich (sh1971)
Category: Technical articles, diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: 100 USD the size of the article - 25 pages, 14 type, one-and-a-half interval it is necessary: 1) to describe the work of information- analytical system (analyst in the region of international collaboration). To describe all processes proceeding in it - the entrance of information, all steps, output and so forth 2) to depict the schematically this system (in the form connected of table), to describe all its branches, which comprise necessarily: [kopirayting] and [rerayting] + [kopipast] (compulsory to indicate sources) period - to 5 days.http: / / / projects / 80365.html

To create and to develop [blog] of plastic surgeon (2)

Customer: Shcherbakov Anastasiy (nastya_on_line)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the news/of article/the surveys
Budget: ? It is necessary to create and to develop [blog] of plastic surgeon. Long-term cooperation. Write in [lichku] your proposal and price by the word to create I imply not the creation of site, but popular [bloga]. I.e. we search for [bloggerahttp: / / / projects / 79071.html

Transfer from [Ang]. to the [ruskiy] with the formulation

Customer: [Semenov] Oleg (Joker84)
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: 320 USD in [atache] PSD to [ang]. it is necessary 1[n] into 1[n] to make on the [ruskom]. only of 110 p.http: / / / projects / 80383.html

To create and to develop [blog] of plastic surgeon (2)

Customer: Shcherbakov Anastasiy (nastya_on_line)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the news/of article/the surveys
Budget: ? It is necessary to create and to develop [blog] of plastic surgeon. Long-term cooperation. Write in [lichku] your proposal and price by the word to create I imply not the creation of site, but popular [bloga]. I.e. we search for [bloggerahttp: / / / projects / 79071.html

To create and to develop [blog] of plastic surgeon (2)

Customer: Shcherbakov Anastasiy (nastya_on_line)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the news/of article/the surveys
Budget: ? It is necessary to create and to develop [blog] of plastic surgeon. Long-term cooperation. Write in [lichku] your proposal and price by the word to create I imply not the creation of site, but popular [bloga]. I.e. we search for [bloggerahttp: / / / projects / 79071.html

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Diploma. Delphi.

Customer: Kuznetsov Mikhail (MVK)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts, the development of applied ON the budget: ? Indicate price and periods. Thanks.http: / / / projects / 80238.html

[rerayt] of 200 articles

Customer: Petrov Pavel [Olegovich] (PetrovP)
Category: News/article/the surveys
Budget: 250 USD is required 200 articles of [rerayt], thematics fishing (broken on [podtematiki], which I will give), 2000 signs in the article without the gaps, also must be flooded through [adminku] to the site with the observance of sizes and minimum with one picture, article you search for themselves. Period is month. Payment of [vmz].http: / / / projects / 80246.html

Course work. Microsoft Of visual C# 2005.

Customer: Kuznetsov Mikhail (MVK)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts, the development of applied ON the budget: ? Indicate price and periods. Thanks.http: / / / projects / 80228.html

To write the press release

Customer: Ustinov Alexander (Snus1)
Category: News/article/the surveys
Budget: 20 USD it is necessary to write press release about the Ukrainian regional search system of ePoisk.http: / / / projects / 80171.html

To write the press release

Customer: Ustinov Alexander (Snus1)
Category: News/article/the surveys
Budget: 20 USD it is necessary to write press release about the Ukrainian regional search system of ePoisk.http: / / / projects / 80171.html

Transfer for the Internet the dictionary

Customer: Tsvet Of alex (lesha27)
Category: Artistic transfers
Budget: ? Transfer for the Internet dictionary is required the knowledge of at least one of the following languages English French Hebrew German Spanish payment through PayPall, or WesternUnion of vse of predlojeniya s of ukazaniem of zeni of visilat na of ***http: / / / projects / 80116.html

Transfer for the Internet the dictionary

Customer: Tsvet Of alex (lesha27)
Category: Artistic transfers
Budget: ? Transfer for the Internet dictionary is required the knowledge of at least one of the following languages English French Hebrew German Spanish payment through PayPall, or WesternUnion of vse of predlojeniya s of ukazaniem of zeni of visilat na of ***http: / / / projects / 80116.html

Work on the correction of text.

Customer: Eaea Of eaea (eaea)
Category: Editing/the correction
Budget: to 50 USD ONLY for the assiduous it is required the pair of men to the work on the correction of text. The text of [pereveden] from the Bulgarian, but it is necessary it to lead into the readable form. Work not complex, but [mutornaya] and are required people, it is desirable novices. To weeping a little, since budget reduced (" for hundreds of [tekstikov] I give 10 [ue]. [tekstiki] on 500 symbols on the average. + I will write opinion. Write your [aski] in [kommentakh], I will be connected with each. If you please, only assiduous people, that they brought not me, not itself. Thankshttp: / / / projects / 80105.html

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

[Rerayt] of the surveys of the computer technology

Customer: [Alesya] Of [viones] (alwenla)
Category: Technical articles, are other
Budget: ? Is necessary [rerayt] of the articles of computer (digital) thematics and surveys of computer technology. Constantly 3-7 articles per month. From you only [rerayt], place we will be themselves.http: / / / projects / 79979.html

[Rerayt] of the surveys of the computer technology

Customer: [Alesya] Of [viones] (alwenla)
Category: Technical articles, are other
Budget: ? Is necessary [rerayt] of the articles of computer (digital) thematics and surveys of computer technology. Constantly 3-7 articles per month. From you only [rerayt], place we will be themselves.http: / / / projects / 79979.html

[Rerayt] of the surveys of the computer technology

Customer: [Alesya] Of [viones] (alwenla)
Category: Technical articles, are other
Budget: ? Is necessary [rerayt] of the articles of computer (digital) thematics and surveys of computer technology. Constantly 3-7 articles per month. From you only [rerayt], place we will be themselves.http: / / / projects / 79979.html

They are necessary to [tekstovki] for the site of www of the developer

Customer: [Vdovchenko] Anton (vdovcenko)
Category: Technical articles, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? I need writing of text to the development of sites, is necessary clean and [kreativnyy] text write price for 1000 [simsvolov]. ============== large request do not write in [privat]!!! It is compulsory an example of [tekstovok], that you made earlier than the detail with the correspondence. icq of *** of skype of mbarussia of 200drive (at) of gmail.comhttp: / / / projects / 79949.html

Are necessary eng of article on the financial theme

Customer: Aleksey Taranov (seomd)
Category: News/article/the surveys
Budget: ? It is necessary the order of *** of articles [obemom] into 1 1.5[k] from me at the entrance the list of [keyvordov] from you of the already [optizirovannye] article with the unique [kontentomhttp: / / / projects / 79926.html

To transfer from the English

Customer: [Vostrikov] Ivan (a -luxkz)
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: 15 USD how do you do, it is necessary to transfer 5 pages from the English. Text about the piercing. Periods of 1-2 days. 3 dollars for the page (1080 symbols) budget my are limited, and executor with the larger bag I select will not be. I wait your proposals.http: / / / projects / 79925.html

Name for the site

Customer: [Muzychenko] Fedor (gorizont-kiev)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: 10 USD site about the services of [keyteringa] - hookah - smoking tubes - cigar departure to the client to devise name - company - site condition simple - laconic name - short - memorizinghttp: / / / projects / 79923.html

Course in structural mechanics

Customer: Stanislav (logout)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Look task in the application. I wait proposals on the periods of fulfillment and the pricehttp: / / / projects / 79922.html

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Name for the site

Customer: [Muzychenko] Fedor (gorizont-kiev)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: 10 USD site about the services of [keyteringa] - hookah - smoking tubes - cigar departure to the client to devise name - company - site condition simple - laconic name - short - memorizinghttp: / / / projects / 79923.html

Course in structural mechanics

Customer: Stanislav (logout)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Look task in the application. I wait proposals on the periods of fulfillment and the pricehttp: / / / projects / 79922.html

To write the book of secrets WOW

Customer: [Kraychinskiy] Anton (Toni-Web)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? How do you do, it is necessary to write the book of the secrets of the earnings WOW GOLD guide for an increase in the level 1-70 (minimum) guides of obtaining the habit of professions. Additional materials to [soglasovuyutsya] and to [prinimayutsyahttp: / / / projects / 79837.html

Course on rate setting of labor and estimates

Customer: Kogan Alex (kakamungaI)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Respected comrades of [frilansery]! It is necessary to compose local, objective estimates and summary estimate calculation for the apartment building. Moreover desirable this all to do to 8 [utra]=) all necessary data I will grant. I will be specified. that it is necessary to use the Belorussian collectors, desirably certainly new. From you price.http: / / / projects / 79868.html

It is beautiful to write the articles

Customer: Di Maf (amid44)
Category: News/article/surveys, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? There is the text (read information). It is necessary it to re-read and it is beautiful the same to present only in other words, more competently. That would be SE[O] [optimizirovanno] for the prospectors, but by at the same time readable and interesting for the man. article for the salon of beauty. the description of some procedures. advertising motions.http: / / / projects / 79844.html

unique [kontent

Customer: Smirnov Alexander (LiCOS)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? Strictly, unique [kontent] in the mode:) Is necessary man into the command, which will work [kontentom] on the sites. Leave examples of your works and valuation. If that to a constant basis, work exists:)http: / / / projects / 79848.html

[Rerayt]. For those, whom it pleases to work at night:)

Customer: [Dalakyan] Darya (dawa)
Category: Editing/correction is the budget: ? [Rerayt]. Theme - automobiles. You [stuchite] ***.http: / / / projects / 79872.html

To write the book of secrets WOW

Customer: [Kraychinskiy] Anton (Toni-Web)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? How do you do, it is necessary to write the book of the secrets of the earnings WOW GOLD guide for an increase in the level 1-70 (minimum) guides of obtaining the habit of professions. Additional materials to [soglasovuyutsya] and to [prinimayutsyahttp: / / / projects / 79837.html

It is beautiful to write the articles

Customer: Di Maf (amid44)
Category: News/article/surveys, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? There is the text (read information). It is necessary it to re-read and it is beautiful the same to present only in other words, more competently. That would be SE[O] [optimizirovanno] for the prospectors, but by at the same time readable and interesting for the man. article for the salon of beauty. the description of some procedures. advertising motions.http: / / / projects / 79844.html

Course on rate setting of labor and estimates

Customer: Kogan Alex (kakamungaI)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Respected comrades of [frilansery]! It is necessary to compose local, objective estimates and summary estimate calculation for the apartment building. Moreover desirable this all to do to 8 [utra]=) all necessary data I will grant. I will be specified. that it is necessary to use the Belorussian collectors, desirably certainly new. From you price.http: / / / projects / 79868.html

unique [kontent

Customer: Smirnov Alexander (LiCOS)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? Strictly, unique [kontent] in the mode:) Is necessary man into the command, which will work [kontentom] on the sites. Leave examples of your works and valuation. If that to a constant basis, work exists:)http: / / / projects / 79848.html

To write the book of secrets WOW

Customer: [Kraychinskiy] Anton (Toni-Web)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? How do you do, it is necessary to write the book of the secrets of the earnings WOW GOLD guide for an increase in the level 1-70 (minimum) guides of obtaining the habit of professions. Additional materials to [soglasovuyutsya] and to [prinimayutsyahttp: / / / projects / 79837.html

It is beautiful to write the articles

Customer: Di Maf (amid44)
Category: News/article/surveys, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? There is the text (read information). It is necessary it to re-read and it is beautiful the same to present only in other words, more competently. That would be SE[O] [optimizirovanno] for the prospectors, but by at the same time readable and interesting for the man. article for the salon of beauty. the description of some procedures. advertising motions.http: / / / projects / 79844.html

Writing the texts

Customer: Popov Pavel (pal7941)
Category: News/article/the surveys
Budget: ? It is necessary to write texts for the sites with different keywords. Volume of text - *** of signs. Texts is must much, theme - different. Is preferable [rerayt] of texts from the sites of similar thematics. Payment 2$ - 1000 signs (Webmoney).http: / / / projects / 79759.html

[mat].[model] of the reliability of the windings of the electric motors

Customer: Lopatin Svetlana (veseliyliveno4ek)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Object: the reliability of everyday machines and instruments the theme: the mathematical model of the reliability of the windings of electric motors for the household equipment the type: kurs1 the volume: 50 sheets the period: On November 9, 2008 the wishes: introduction 1.1[analiticheskaya] the [chast].[obshchee] concept about the model 1.2[vliyanie] of factors for reliability and period of the service of 1.3[mat].[model] of interturn insulation in the coupling windings of the electric motors of 1.4[modeli] and the criterion. the similarity of the functioning of [khol].[mashin] in different stages of life cycle 1.5[ispytanie] to the reliability of the windings of the electric motor of airtight compressor conclusion on the theme literature is the applicationhttp: / / / projects / 79727.html

Selection of domain.

Customer: Vladimir [Kezling] (Darsi)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? It is necessary to select several domains for creating [zekral] of site. C[ayt] - allows free access to different applications, for example, on-line selection of hair-dos, or on-line- guess-work. 1. light [zapominaemost] - maximum of 5-6 letters, in the ideal of 3-4 letters. 2. blast furnaces it must bear the semantic load, connected with the thematics of site. 3. zone any successful - can be ru, su, but play on words with the use of a domain zone is best anything, the outstanding examples:,, and the like your proposals. Cost - adequate. Proposals we leave only here, any [LS], mail, [aski]!http: / / / projects / 79708.html

Monday, November 3, 2008

[mat].[model] of the reliability of the windings of the electric motors

Customer: Lopatin Svetlana (veseliyliveno4ek)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Object: the reliability of everyday machines and instruments the theme: the mathematical model of the reliability of the windings of electric motors for the household equipment the type: kurs1 the volume: 50 sheets the period: On November 9, 2008 the wishes: introduction 1.1[analiticheskaya] the [chast].[obshchee] concept about the model 1.2[vliyanie] of factors for reliability and period of the service of 1.3[mat].[model] of interturn insulation in the coupling windings of the electric motors of 1.4[modeli] and the criterion. the similarity of the functioning of [khol].[mashin] in different stages of life cycle 1.5[ispytanie] to the reliability of the windings of the electric motor of airtight compressor conclusion on the theme literature is the applicationhttp: / / / projects / 79727.html

Diagrams + the transfer of [rus]->[ukr]. the tech. text

Customer: Snowflake (snowflake)
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: ? It is necessary to translate from the Russian to the Ukrainian technical text (book) + to draw diagrams (block diagram and table). Everything must be designed in the form the document Of word. Work is sufficiently urgent (transfers I myself I make, but here to the timelines no - on this they must be as fast as possible made). In the application an example of diagram, which must be made. It is desirable to send to me an example of this [sdelanoy] diagram, that b I could estimate the quality of work.http: / / / projects / 79648.html

Selection of domain.

Customer: Vladimir [Kezling] (Darsi)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? It is necessary to select several domains for creating [zekral] of site. C[ayt] - allows free access to different applications, for example, on-line selection of hair-dos, or on-line- guess-work. 1. light [zapominaemost] - maximum of 5-6 letters, in the ideal of 3-4 letters. 2. blast furnaces it must bear the semantic load, connected with the thematics of site. 3. zone any successful - can be ru, su, but play on words with the use of a domain zone is best anything, the outstanding examples:,, and the like your proposals. Cost - adequate. Proposals we leave only here, any [LS], mail, [aski]!http: / / / projects / 79708.html

Seo- text to the main page of the site

Customer: [Glokov] Maxim (FladeX)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the [Kontent]- management
Budget: ? For the site of play thematics it is necessary to write text to the main page. I will grant the keywords to the selected executor. Respected [frilansery], request to immediately indicate the periods and the cost of operation.http: / / / projects / 79659.html

To select domain for [sots] of the network

Customer: [Anokhin] Dmitriy (Delpher)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: 10 USD it is necessary to select domain in the zone for the social network. Network without the directions, [obshchetematicheskaya]. Requirements: - domain must be free (https: // - domain must easily be memorized - the quantity of symbols does not have a value its versions write only in the commentaries, into icq me not to disturbhttp: / / / projects / 79653.html

Articles (2)

Customer: [Khoroshilova] Irina (Irina80)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? How do you do, respected to [frilansery].[Est] a constant work for [rerayterov]. Large volumes, the price of 0,5 [vmz] for 1000 [zn]. without the gaps. Write how much thousand you will be able to make during the day leave your coordinates. If payment does not arrange - do not spend your and my time. Thanks.http: / / / projects / 71194.html

Articles (2)

Customer: [Khoroshilova] Irina (Irina80)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? How do you do, respected to [frilansery].[Est] a constant work for [rerayterov]. Large volumes, the price of 0,5 [vmz] for 1000 [zn]. without the gaps. Write how much thousand you will be able to make during the day leave your coordinates. If payment does not arrange - do not spend your and my time. Thanks.http: / / / projects / 71194.html

Selection of domain.

Customer: Vladimir [Kezling] (Darsi)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? It is necessary to select several domains for creating [zekral] of site. C[ayt] - allows free access to different applications, for example, on-line selection of hair-dos, or on-line- guess-work. 1. light [zapominaemost] - maximum of 5-6 letters, in the ideal of 3-4 letters. 2. blast furnaces it must bear the semantic load, connected with the thematics of site. 3. zone any successful - can be ru, su, but play on words with the use of a domain zone is best anything, the outstanding examples:,, and the like your proposals. Cost - adequate. Proposals we leave only here, any [LS], mail, [aski]!http: / / / projects / 79708.html

To select domain for [sots] of the network

Customer: [Anokhin] Dmitriy (Delpher)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: 10 USD it is necessary to select domain in the zone for the social network. Network without the directions, [obshchetematicheskaya]. Requirements: - domain must be free (https: // - domain must easily be memorized - the quantity of symbols does not have a value its versions write only in the commentaries, into icq me not to disturbhttp: / / / projects / 79653.html

To select domain for [sots] of the network

Customer: [Anokhin] Dmitriy (Delpher)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: 10 USD it is necessary to select domain in the zone for the social network. Network without the directions, [obshchetematicheskaya]. Requirements: - domain must be free (https: // - domain must easily be memorized - the quantity of symbols does not have a value its versions write only in the commentaries, into icq me not to disturbhttp: / / / projects / 79653.html

Diagrams + the transfer of [rus]->[ukr]. the tech. text

Customer: Snowflake (snowflake)
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: ? It is necessary to translate from the Russian to the Ukrainian technical text (book) + to draw diagrams (block diagram and table). Everything must be designed in the form the document Of word. Work is sufficiently urgent (transfers I myself I make, but here to the timelines no - on this they must be as fast as possible made). In the application an example of diagram, which must be made. It is desirable to send to me an example of this [sdelanoy] diagram, that b I could estimate the quality of work.http: / / / projects / 79648.html

Translation from German into Russian (household equipment)

Customer: [Barykin] Alexander Alekseyevich (abby)
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: to 50 USD is necessary the transfer from the avenue about the built-in household equipment German in the Russian. Only of 11 pages with the illustrations, 1 p. contains approximately 1000 signs. Text contains both the slogans and the technical description, which will require the necessary habits of transfer. Budget composes *** rub.http: / / / projects / 79605.html