Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Rerayt of article with the addition to it of the neklyuchevykh words

Customer: Onishchenko Tatiana (Tatius- kA) the category:
Kreativ/Kopirayting The budget: 2 usd it is necessary to carry out
rerayt of article. Theme I assign 4, article you select themselves.
The read text to 1000 symbols must come out at the output. In the
article it is also necessary to add 1-2 words, indicated by me. Most
frequently these are nonthematic words. However, tyuey byvayeyut also
on the thematics. Price of fulfillment of assignments - 2 vmz. I now
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therefore work will be:)http: / / www.weblancer.net / projects / 72773.html

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