Monday, September 22, 2008

Translation of site from English into the Russian

Customer: Web Team (webteamUA) the category: Technical transfers the
budget: ? Is a site portal on the search for work PHP it is written in
the English necessary to transfer it to the Russian text both in the
code and into Define here examples if(.confirm(".Are you sure that you
want to delete this template?\.n\.nBe aware that once deleted the
template can not be restored!")) $tools_oLinkTexts=array("image
Manager", to ".Chreate Form", "to.Manage the Forms", ".Posted Data");
# $$statistics_oLinkDescriptions>= array ("View reports for the
website visits", "View reports for the website referrals", "Google
queries", "", "", "to.Google"); and such type it is necessary it
povozitsya but I do not think that it will engage more than 3 it is
hour time. The main thing so that the transfer would be correct there
are three parts of the portal - ADMINKA, for the employers, and for
the competitors. I will give to transfer on one.http: / / / projects / 72575.html

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