Saturday, December 27, 2008

Translation from the German language is required (video)

Customer: Orlov Natalia (sevcom)
Category: Artistic transfers, the technical transfers
Budget: ? It is necessary to translate the pair of the hours of video recording from the German language (excellent television quality in the size of interview). Possible to divide volume between several translators in order to be packed in the period of delivery - Monday 15: 00 h. on Moscow. From you - positive recommendations, the unlimited Internet (to [skachat] large files with video material). Since this is telecast, will have to enter the time- codes in the text (to selected executor to [obsnyu] in more detail in [aske], I will send the model of text). Payment - 250 r. as 1800 signs with the gaps. I wait proposals into icq of ***.http: / / / projects / 89010.html

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