Thursday, December 25, 2008

The addition of articles constantly and much is required

Customer: Crack1 (crack1)
Category: Editing/correction, the news/of article/the surveys
Budget: ? It is necessary to add articles on the financial theme to the site of http: // payment for 1 communication = of 3 rubles. [Rerayt] is insignificant + the change of titles. Texts can be taken from the different sources and mixed up. For the registration on the site [prisylylayte] to me into icq of *** of [login] password soap I you to [regyu] as the author. Payment once a week for Webmoney. A quantity of text the greater those better, examples it is possible to cast a look there. Communications it is possible to add as much as desired during the day, the payment is possible immediately in the initial stage. In [lichku] proposal not to write! The algorithm of work I described ABOVE. icq of ***http: / / / projects / 88639.html

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