Monday, December 22, 2008

Writing ([rerayt]) several articles

Customer: [Krasnoshchekov] Alexander (Ales-Kras)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the news/of article/the surveys
Budget: to 50 USD for the site (store for the adult) are required several [ekslyuzivnykh] articles of near-subject [spetsyfiki]. No banalities, lewdness and nonstandard vocabulary be must. No [p]_[rnografii] and distortions. To write articles is possible independently, is possible to rewrite the obtained in the network materials (material search for themselves) so that it was possible to count authorship after the [ukazanym] above project. The themes of articles you select themselves (there are no special preferences. Requirements for the articles: presence in the name the article of any keywords of site, high of the tightly assigned keyword. [Kollichestvo] of symbols in each article: to 4000.http: / / / projects / 88070.html

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