Sunday, December 14, 2008

Course work according to Pascal

Customer: [Kovalchuk] Denis (liderdenis)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts, the development of applied [po]
Budget: 12 USD necessary to make course by pascal 1) the method of approximations of solving the algebraic equations to separate the roots of equation to analytically and determine [odn] of them by the method with accuracy 0,0001 2) indicated as a result the collision of automobile with the obstacle are destroyed its brittle elements and the like ...... to find from this formula the angle of gradient of road with similar that the values of [delta] and radius and are given the values of the speed of initial and height to me n necessary entire course to make with the formulation and the like to me it is necessary only the code of program and all. There is no [predoplaty] and it will not be. If you want let us make through [SBS].http: / / / projects / 86830.html

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