Sunday, December 14, 2008

Automobile [kontent] ([rerayt])

Customer: [Vasilenko] Albert (m2)
Category: Technical articles
Budget: ? Are required about 50 mini articles approximately on 500 signs on the theme of the stamps of the automobiles (simple, brief description of characteristics and merits/of deficiencies from the point of view of history Brenda and its positioning and reputation on the market.) + of 9 [obshcheobzornykh] articles approximately on 1-1,5 [Kz] about the autos-producer of the countries: Germany, France, England, Italy, Sweden, China, Korea, Japan, America. [Rerayt] (source executor it searches for itself) not less than 98% it tried to grasp - checking DCFinder and [Kopiskeyp]. Precise enumeration: lateral menu on 5 auto-portals + remaining 4 references in the lining. From you: price for [Kz] (without considering gaps) and [portfolio] on the auto-theme. In [asku] and [privat] request not to knock and not to write - I look only here.http: / / / projects / 86895.html

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