Thursday, November 27, 2008

To compose descriptions to the photographs.

Customer: Tfw Sergey (T_F_W)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the news/of article/the surveys
Budget: 50 USD how do you do! It is necessary to compose descriptions to Foto-[galereyam]. Only 540 descriptions, each description on 250 signs. [Klyucheviki] exist. Requirements: - the knowledge of cursor DLE - the experience of a similar work - the uniqueness of texts - 1 [klyuchevik] in the title and 2 in the text of executor I select: on the opinions, [portfolio], to price. In icq not to write, into [lichku] not to write, all proposals HERE. Previously the thanks to all, who will answer the project!http: / / / projects / 84049.html

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