Sunday, October 5, 2008

Translation SMS from English into the the Ukrainian

Customer: Forkin Anton (djfedot) The category: Artistic transfers,
technical transfers the budget: ? It is necessary to transfer several
hundred sms to the Ukrainian language periods - 1 day (on 6 October).
Requirements for the transfer: Ukrainian text roman alphabet must be
not more than 160 symbols. Brif on the transliteration I will grant
directly before the work. We work as follows: The selected executors
obtain on 5 test communications. Test work IS PAID, if he corresponds
to requirements. Further each of the executors obtains the remaining
communications, which it is ready to make after today. Subjectively 1
person can make 50 such transfers in the day, but indicate you can it
will manage with what quantity.http: / / / projects / 74762.html

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