Monday, October 6, 2008

Advance of angloyaz. of site with the fl3w- games

Customer: Melnikov Sergey (Serg31416) the category: Advance Of
site/SEO, Kreativ/Kopirayting The budget: ? There is angloyaz. a site
with the different fl3w- games and Google PR=4. it is necessary to
raise it in the prospectors on its keywords (flash games, online games
and so forth), and also to add to the pages with the games of simple
it is text with the keywords. It would be rather well increase its PR
methods they must not lead to the sanctions from the side of
prospectors. Writing it is text with the keywords - separate task,
another specialist can be occupied by it. You will report price and
your possibilities (with examples, if it is possible). Your
communications are closed from the survey with visitors. If they are
necessary to detail, give your e-mail. According to the result of work
I will select spetsov for the spinup of other analogous sites.http: / / / projects / 74828.html

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