Friday, January 23, 2009

12 texts about the by the day lease

Customer: Stukalov Alexander (astrajournal)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the news/of article/the surveys
Budget: ? Is required the author of 12 texts about the [posutochuyu] lease. The profound knowledge of theme is not required - small (1500-2000 signs) articles about the general moments are necessary. With the checking primary attention will be given to the uniqueness (therefore it is necessary either [kopirayt] of level below average or good [rerayt]) and the literacy, but not to the content. Will have to use in each article of [klyucheviki] - to the selection of executor, I will grant list. Period - to the end of January. Cost of entire project - 1000 rubles (approximately 50 rubles for thousands of signs). Leave your proposals only in the project.http: / / / projects / 92769.html

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