Customer: [Yaroshenko] Artem (seasick)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the news/of article/the surveys
Budget: ? It is necessary to write text to the main page of site -[fotogalerei], using necessary key word combinations. Sites two. Volume of text - 2000 signs without the gaps. Payment to your calculation in the system of [veblanser] after fulfillment of assignments. In your proposals indicate cost and periods. Do not write in [lichku].http: / / / projects / 95548.html
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Saturday, February 7, 2009
To write 2 programs to Turbo Of pascal (2)
Customer: Asrock Of asrock (Asrock)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: 10 USD it is necessary to write 2 programs to Turbo Of pascal. Detailed task it is possible to look here http: // on all questions into [privat] or OF ICQ367673869 the period: in the limits of 7 days the cost: $10http: / / / projects / 93725.html
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: 10 USD it is necessary to write 2 programs to Turbo Of pascal. Detailed task it is possible to look here http: // on all questions into [privat] or OF ICQ367673869 the period: in the limits of 7 days the cost: $10http: / / / projects / 93725.html
Course work on [TMM
Customer: [Osipenkov] Dmitriy (oda992)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? The part of the work and [chertizhy] they are begun necessary to complete everything I will send in the place with the [metodichkoy] and [zadniem] form with the [zadanim] is fastened [sdes] the version of the second: to the weeping of 800 rubles to your purse.http: / / / projects / 95508.html
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? The part of the work and [chertizhy] they are begun necessary to complete everything I will send in the place with the [metodichkoy] and [zadniem] form with the [zadanim] is fastened [sdes] the version of the second: to the weeping of 800 rubles to your purse.http: / / / projects / 95508.html
Site for the automobile enthusiast
Customer: Tsvet Of alex (lesha27)
Category: Design of sites, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? Is required the development of the design of site for the automobile enthusiast aid in the development of [t].[z]. of [kopirayting] on the assigned theme of [kontent] of [rayter] on the assigned theme work [kreativnaya] of menu and will substitute will be [soglasovanny] with me technical details; without the use of strange CMS - HTML it must be modular for that in order to I or you could control [kontent] with the aid of PHP - was important more the development of modular design and not the solution of the problems of [programirovaniya] - use of materials (pictures, texts and so forth) which do not disrupt copyrights. If to you is necessary picture find it on and I its purchase of proposal only to email of ***http: / / / projects / 95506.html
Category: Design of sites, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? Is required the development of the design of site for the automobile enthusiast aid in the development of [t].[z]. of [kopirayting] on the assigned theme of [kontent] of [rayter] on the assigned theme work [kreativnaya] of menu and will substitute will be [soglasovanny] with me technical details; without the use of strange CMS - HTML it must be modular for that in order to I or you could control [kontent] with the aid of PHP - was important more the development of modular design and not the solution of the problems of [programirovaniya] - use of materials (pictures, texts and so forth) which do not disrupt copyrights. If to you is necessary picture find it on and I its purchase of proposal only to email of ***http: / / / projects / 95506.html
Friday, February 6, 2009
Diploma on the phonetics of the English
Customer: Sergey Sergey (cjseriy)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Volume of the work: *** str the period of the fulfillment: 20 days in practical chapter necessary to study the selection of periodicals further information sends to the mail. Indicate your prices and examples of your works. Payment - [Yandeks] of money.http: / / / projects / 95337.html
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Volume of the work: *** str the period of the fulfillment: 20 days in practical chapter necessary to study the selection of periodicals further information sends to the mail. Indicate your prices and examples of your works. Payment - [Yandeks] of money.http: / / / projects / 95337.html
Transfer of the correspondence
Customer: Ilya Sergey (freeWG)
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: ? [Ishem] of man which manages English to 5+++ worthy payment. Contacts: ICQ: *** e-mail: ***http: / / / projects / 95344.html
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: ? [Ishem] of man which manages English to 5+++ worthy payment. Contacts: ICQ: *** e-mail: ***http: / / / projects / 95344.html
Technical translation from English into the Russian
Customer: Daniel Of zorin (Lelouch)
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: to 250 USD it is necessary to translate several documents from English into Russian. Documents are the positions of contract on the project, connected with the thermal power stations. Size of the documents - from 20 to 50 pages, for each payment from 3000 to 7500 rubles depending on size. Period - until Monday February 9. Transfer is not official document; therefore absolute, juridical accuracy is not required.http: / / / projects / 95289.html
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: to 250 USD it is necessary to translate several documents from English into Russian. Documents are the positions of contract on the project, connected with the thermal power stations. Size of the documents - from 20 to 50 pages, for each payment from 3000 to 7500 rubles depending on size. Period - until Monday February 9. Transfer is not official document; therefore absolute, juridical accuracy is not required.http: / / / projects / 95289.html
Editing of text (mp3 file and scan)
Customer: Inpers (inpers)
Category: Editing/the correction
Budget: to 50 USD it is necessary to make a collection of text. Sources - manuscript scan and mp3 file (to transfer vocal record into the text) I please to indicate price for one page of text of the scan and mp3 (if price is different) and your dialing rate.http: / / / projects / 95284.html
Category: Editing/the correction
Budget: to 50 USD it is necessary to make a collection of text. Sources - manuscript scan and mp3 file (to transfer vocal record into the text) I please to indicate price for one page of text of the scan and mp3 (if price is different) and your dialing rate.http: / / / projects / 95284.html
Task for the [kreativnykh
Customer: Vavilov Alexander (vavilov09)
Category: News/article/surveys, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? It is necessary to write a number of articles to [politicheskiyu] thematics (historical estimation of the value of some political events from the history 20 V and the newest history). [Nuzhn] fundamentally new, uncommon approach to [issledzhovaniyu] of problems. preference will be returned to [frilanseram] [portfolio]. [Ukazyyvayte] price as 1000 signs without the gaps. Period fulfillment- week from the moment of assertion. 7 articles on *** of symbols.http: / / / projects / 95296.html
Category: News/article/surveys, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? It is necessary to write a number of articles to [politicheskiyu] thematics (historical estimation of the value of some political events from the history 20 V and the newest history). [Nuzhn] fundamentally new, uncommon approach to [issledzhovaniyu] of problems. preference will be returned to [frilanseram] [portfolio]. [Ukazyyvayte] price as 1000 signs without the gaps. Period fulfillment- week from the moment of assertion. 7 articles on *** of symbols.http: / / / projects / 95296.html
Technical translation from English into the Russian
Customer: Daniel Of zorin (Lelouch)
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: to 250 USD it is necessary to translate several documents from English into Russian. Documents are the positions of contract on the project, connected with the thermal power stations. Size of the documents - from 20 to 50 pages, for each payment from 3000 to 7500 rubles depending on size. Period - until Monday February 9. Transfer is not official document; therefore absolute, juridical accuracy is not required.http: / / / projects / 95289.html
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: to 250 USD it is necessary to translate several documents from English into Russian. Documents are the positions of contract on the project, connected with the thermal power stations. Size of the documents - from 20 to 50 pages, for each payment from 3000 to 7500 rubles depending on size. Period - until Monday February 9. Transfer is not official document; therefore absolute, juridical accuracy is not required.http: / / / projects / 95289.html
Task for the [kreativnykh
Customer: Vavilov Alexander (vavilov09)
Category: News/article/surveys, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? It is necessary to write a number of articles to [politicheskiyu] thematics (historical estimation of the value of some political events from the history 20 V and the newest history). [Nuzhn] fundamentally new, uncommon approach to [issledzhovaniyu] of problems. preference will be returned to [frilanseram] [portfolio]. [Ukazyyvayte] price as 1000 signs without the gaps. Period fulfillment- week from the moment of assertion. 7 articles on *** of symbols.http: / / / projects / 95296.html
Category: News/article/surveys, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? It is necessary to write a number of articles to [politicheskiyu] thematics (historical estimation of the value of some political events from the history 20 V and the newest history). [Nuzhn] fundamentally new, uncommon approach to [issledzhovaniyu] of problems. preference will be returned to [frilanseram] [portfolio]. [Ukazyyvayte] price as 1000 signs without the gaps. Period fulfillment- week from the moment of assertion. 7 articles on *** of symbols.http: / / / projects / 95296.html
Editing of text (mp3 file and scan)
Customer: Inpers (inpers)
Category: Editing/the correction
Budget: to 50 USD it is necessary to make a collection of text. Sources - manuscript scan and mp3 file (to transfer vocal record into the text) I please to indicate price for one page of text of the scan and mp3 (if price is different) and your dialing rate.http: / / / projects / 95284.html
Category: Editing/the correction
Budget: to 50 USD it is necessary to make a collection of text. Sources - manuscript scan and mp3 file (to transfer vocal record into the text) I please to indicate price for one page of text of the scan and mp3 (if price is different) and your dialing rate.http: / / / projects / 95284.html
Correct rules. (2)
Customer: Pivovarov Vladimir (burdinng)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], editing/the correction
Budget: to 50 USD Of [kopirayting]! To replace rules of the game (rule not of [zyblemy], but they they must be explained!) to the intelligible to any visitor to, for example, remove rules being been located here of http: // to by you those written for our money. It is not if you please necessary to indicate a quantity of money for a quantity of signs, I will not count them! Simply say, for example one rule costs from 1 to 10 dollars. here and all!.http: / / / projects / 90307.html
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], editing/the correction
Budget: to 50 USD Of [kopirayting]! To replace rules of the game (rule not of [zyblemy], but they they must be explained!) to the intelligible to any visitor to, for example, remove rules being been located here of http: // to by you those written for our money. It is not if you please necessary to indicate a quantity of money for a quantity of signs, I will not count them! Simply say, for example one rule costs from 1 to 10 dollars. here and all!.http: / / / projects / 90307.html
proof-reading the textbook of English [yazvka] for VUZ (Institute of Higher Education)
Customer: [Sasina] Maria (ikourait)
Category: Editing/correction, the technical transfers
Budget: ? Is necessary corrector with the knowledge of English work single: It is necessary proof-reading the textbook of English [yazvka] for VUZ (Institute of Higher Education). Text completely in the English. Volume: [okol] 400 str of the size of 84[kh]108/32 payments is contractual piece-work!http: / / / projects / 95243.html
Category: Editing/correction, the technical transfers
Budget: ? Is necessary corrector with the knowledge of English work single: It is necessary proof-reading the textbook of English [yazvka] for VUZ (Institute of Higher Education). Text completely in the English. Volume: [okol] 400 str of the size of 84[kh]108/32 payments is contractual piece-work!http: / / / projects / 95243.html
Correct rules. (2)
Customer: Pivovarov Vladimir (burdinng)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], editing/the correction
Budget: to 50 USD Of [kopirayting]! To replace rules of the game (rule not of [zyblemy], but they they must be explained!) to the intelligible to any visitor to, for example, remove rules being been located here of http: // to by you those written for our money. It is not if you please necessary to indicate a quantity of money for a quantity of signs, I will not count them! Simply say, for example one rule costs from 1 to 10 dollars. here and all!.http: / / / projects / 90307.html
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], editing/the correction
Budget: to 50 USD Of [kopirayting]! To replace rules of the game (rule not of [zyblemy], but they they must be explained!) to the intelligible to any visitor to, for example, remove rules being been located here of http: // to by you those written for our money. It is not if you please necessary to indicate a quantity of money for a quantity of signs, I will not count them! Simply say, for example one rule costs from 1 to 10 dollars. here and all!.http: / / / projects / 90307.html
Translation of firm form from Russian into English.
Customer: [Dikun] Matvei (hlopec)
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: 20 USD it is necessary to make a small qualitative translation of firm form from Russian into English. Period - 1 day.http: / / / projects / 95267.html
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: 20 USD it is necessary to make a small qualitative translation of firm form from Russian into English. Period - 1 day.http: / / / projects / 95267.html
Macro for EXCEL
Customer: Yuri (Yurs)
Category: Technical articles, are other
Budget: 10 USD the description of the required actions of macro - in TZ, simple problem for the person, who examines programming for MS EXCEL.http: / / / projects / 95207.html
Category: Technical articles, are other
Budget: 10 USD the description of the required actions of macro - in TZ, simple problem for the person, who examines programming for MS EXCEL.http: / / / projects / 95207.html
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Private project for olga_pier
Customer: Timofeev Aleksey (warezey)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: 35 USD article in the Engl. language to the main page of the sitehttp: / / / projects / 95167.html
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: 35 USD article in the Engl. language to the main page of the sitehttp: / / / projects / 95167.html
[Kopirayt], 3 articles
Customer: Helen (skromnaya)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: 12 USD how do you do! Is necessary [kopirayt] - 3 articles on 2000 signs on the culinary theme. Payment - 400 rub. (WebMoney) for everything, it is possible with [predoplatoy].http: / / / projects / 95172.html
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: 12 USD how do you do! Is necessary [kopirayt] - 3 articles on 2000 signs on the culinary theme. Payment - 400 rub. (WebMoney) for everything, it is possible with [predoplatoy].http: / / / projects / 95172.html
[Kopirayt], 3 articles
Customer: Helen (skromnaya)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: 12 USD how do you do! Is necessary [kopirayt] - 3 articles on 2000 signs on the culinary theme. Payment - 400 rub. (WebMoney) for everything, it is possible with [predoplatoy].http: / / / projects / 95172.html
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: 12 USD how do you do! Is necessary [kopirayt] - 3 articles on 2000 signs on the culinary theme. Payment - 400 rub. (WebMoney) for everything, it is possible with [predoplatoy].http: / / / projects / 95172.html
Private project for olga_pier
Customer: Timofeev Aleksey (warezey)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: 35 USD article in the Engl. language to the main page of the sitehttp: / / / projects / 95167.html
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: 35 USD article in the Engl. language to the main page of the sitehttp: / / / projects / 95167.html
Translation of letter from the Czech language
Customer: Dialect Helen (dialect)
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: ? How do you do, is necessary the competent translation of letter from Czech language into Russian (approximately *** of signs) request to leave proposals with the prices and the periods here, in [LICHKU], IF YOU PLEASE, DO NOT WRITE. Proposals start only from the translators with the work experience with the Czech language. The prolonged possible collaboration.http: / / / projects / 95120.html
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: ? How do you do, is necessary the competent translation of letter from Czech language into Russian (approximately *** of signs) request to leave proposals with the prices and the periods here, in [LICHKU], IF YOU PLEASE, DO NOT WRITE. Proposals start only from the translators with the work experience with the Czech language. The prolonged possible collaboration.http: / / / projects / 95120.html
Writing articles in the English
Customer: Marenych Of nataliya (MareNat)
Category: News/article/the surveys
Budget: to 250 USD writing unique articles (500 words) in the English. Theme - essay and research of writing. Indicate price for one article. Resumes direct to ***http: / / / projects / 95099.html
Category: News/article/the surveys
Budget: to 250 USD writing unique articles (500 words) in the English. Theme - essay and research of writing. Indicate price for one article. Resumes direct to ***http: / / / projects / 95099.html
11 articles to the financial thematics
Customer: [Mirashev] Of [misha] (murahew)
Category: Technical articles, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? It is necessary to write 11 articles to the financial thematics (10 divisions + 1 on the main page). Is desirably not less than 1500 signs, unique, or very good [rerayt]. Leave price for entire work, if work is earlier with you, indicate [url] of project, toward the evening to [vybiru] of executor.http: / / / projects / 95015.html
Category: Technical articles, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? It is necessary to write 11 articles to the financial thematics (10 divisions + 1 on the main page). Is desirably not less than 1500 signs, unique, or very good [rerayt]. Leave price for entire work, if work is earlier with you, indicate [url] of project, toward the evening to [vybiru] of executor.http: / / / projects / 95015.html
Business- plan from the English to the German
Customer: [Kernell] Of [yulianna] (Barselona)
Category: Technical transfers, the artistic transfers
Budget: 21 USD is necessary qualitative transfer the business of plan - production of roe and sturgeon, into the German language. Volume - 7 X of 1800 signs. Payment for entire transfer - 21 WMZ. Business is plan in the application. Period - on February 8 (resurrection).http: / / / projects / 95068.html
Category: Technical transfers, the artistic transfers
Budget: 21 USD is necessary qualitative transfer the business of plan - production of roe and sturgeon, into the German language. Volume - 7 X of 1800 signs. Payment for entire transfer - 21 WMZ. Business is plan in the application. Period - on February 8 (resurrection).http: / / / projects / 95068.html
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Course work on the German language
Customer: [Karpunina] sea-scape (Umiko)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? It is necessary to write course on the German language. Period is week. Price from the executor. task in the application. Solution to [zadach]. the transfer of text. task with respect to the text made must not be.http: / / / projects / 94737.html
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? It is necessary to write course on the German language. Period is week. Price from the executor. task in the application. Solution to [zadach]. the transfer of text. task with respect to the text made must not be.http: / / / projects / 94737.html
To make unique descriptions. Metallic cabinets.
Customer: Vyacheslav (sfs77)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? The unique descriptions of each category are necessary for the site on sale of metallic cabinets. Bookkeeping, card-filing and is other *** of signs for each category. Only of 12 categories. If you please indicate price not for a quantity of symbols, but general, for entire volume of work. Simply text file is necessary.http: / / / projects / 94745.html
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? The unique descriptions of each category are necessary for the site on sale of metallic cabinets. Bookkeeping, card-filing and is other *** of signs for each category. Only of 12 categories. If you please indicate price not for a quantity of symbols, but general, for entire volume of work. Simply text file is necessary.http: / / / projects / 94745.html
Transfer RU -En of the site
Customer: [Verishchagin] Dmitriy (Clevar)
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: to 250 USD is required the translator from the Russian in the English. Transfer of the materials of site about real estate into the English. Request to the executors to adequately evaluate time and possibilities, t to work is much and the period of fulfillment by 5.02.09 to 20:00.http: / / / projects / 94699.html
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: to 250 USD is required the translator from the Russian in the English. Transfer of the materials of site about real estate into the English. Request to the executors to adequately evaluate time and possibilities, t to work is much and the period of fulfillment by 5.02.09 to 20:00.http: / / / projects / 94699.html
Deep [rerayt] on real estate, 2000 signs.
Customer: [Yaroshenko] Artem (seasick)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], editing/the correction
Budget: ? Is required deep and qualitative [rerayt] of article from the appendix (foreign real estate, 2000 signs). Payment of 1 [u].[e]. for 1000 symbols without the gaps to your calculation in the system of weblancer after fulfillment of assignments. The volume of the source text is paid. The volume of the obtained text must be not less initial. Several executors are required.http: / / / projects / 94694.html
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], editing/the correction
Budget: ? Is required deep and qualitative [rerayt] of article from the appendix (foreign real estate, 2000 signs). Payment of 1 [u].[e]. for 1000 symbols without the gaps to your calculation in the system of weblancer after fulfillment of assignments. The volume of the source text is paid. The volume of the obtained text must be not less initial. Several executors are required.http: / / / projects / 94694.html
Transfer RU -Pl of the site
Customer: [Verishchagin] Dmitriy (Clevar)
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: to 250 USD is required the translator from the Russian in the Polish. Transfer of the materials of site about real estate into the Polish language. Request to the executors to adequately evaluate time and possibilities, t to work is much and the period of fulfillment by 5.02.09 to 20:00.http: / / / projects / 94700.html
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: to 250 USD is required the translator from the Russian in the Polish. Transfer of the materials of site about real estate into the Polish language. Request to the executors to adequately evaluate time and possibilities, t to work is much and the period of fulfillment by 5.02.09 to 20:00.http: / / / projects / 94700.html
To make unique descriptions. Metallic cabinets.
Customer: Vyacheslav (sfs77)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? The unique descriptions of each category are necessary for the site on sale of metallic cabinets. Bookkeeping, card-filing and is other *** of signs for each category. Only of 12 categories. If you please indicate price not for a quantity of symbols, but general, for entire volume of work. Simply text file is necessary.http: / / / projects / 94745.html
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? The unique descriptions of each category are necessary for the site on sale of metallic cabinets. Bookkeeping, card-filing and is other *** of signs for each category. Only of 12 categories. If you please indicate price not for a quantity of symbols, but general, for entire volume of work. Simply text file is necessary.http: / / / projects / 94745.html
Course work on the German language
Customer: [Karpunina] sea-scape (Umiko)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? It is necessary to write course on the German language. Period is week. Price from the executor. task in the application. Solution to [zadach]. the transfer of text. task with respect to the text made must not be.http: / / / projects / 94737.html
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? It is necessary to write course on the German language. Period is week. Price from the executor. task in the application. Solution to [zadach]. the transfer of text. task with respect to the text made must not be.http: / / / projects / 94737.html
Transfer RU -En of the site
Customer: [Verishchagin] Dmitriy (Clevar)
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: to 250 USD is required the translator from the Russian in the English. Transfer of the materials of site about real estate into the English. Request to the executors to adequately evaluate time and possibilities, t to work is much and the period of fulfillment by 5.02.09 to 20:00.http: / / / projects / 94699.html
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: to 250 USD is required the translator from the Russian in the English. Transfer of the materials of site about real estate into the English. Request to the executors to adequately evaluate time and possibilities, t to work is much and the period of fulfillment by 5.02.09 to 20:00.http: / / / projects / 94699.html
Course work on the German language
Customer: [Karpunina] sea-scape (Umiko)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? It is necessary to write course on the German language. Period is week. Price from the executor. task in the application. Solution to [zadach]. the transfer of text. task with respect to the text made must not be.http: / / / projects / 94737.html
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? It is necessary to write course on the German language. Period is week. Price from the executor. task in the application. Solution to [zadach]. the transfer of text. task with respect to the text made must not be.http: / / / projects / 94737.html
Transfer RU -Pl of the site
Customer: [Verishchagin] Dmitriy (Clevar)
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: to 250 USD is required the translator from the Russian in the Polish. Transfer of the materials of site about real estate into the Polish language. Request to the executors to adequately evaluate time and possibilities, t to work is much and the period of fulfillment by 5.02.09 to 20:00.http: / / / projects / 94700.html
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: to 250 USD is required the translator from the Russian in the Polish. Transfer of the materials of site about real estate into the Polish language. Request to the executors to adequately evaluate time and possibilities, t to work is much and the period of fulfillment by 5.02.09 to 20:00.http: / / / projects / 94700.html
To make unique descriptions. Metallic cabinets.
Customer: Vyacheslav (sfs77)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? The unique descriptions of each category are necessary for the site on sale of metallic cabinets. Bookkeeping, card-filing and is other *** of signs for each category. Only of 12 categories. If you please indicate price not for a quantity of symbols, but general, for entire volume of work. Simply text file is necessary.http: / / / projects / 94745.html
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? The unique descriptions of each category are necessary for the site on sale of metallic cabinets. Bookkeeping, card-filing and is other *** of signs for each category. Only of 12 categories. If you please indicate price not for a quantity of symbols, but general, for entire volume of work. Simply text file is necessary.http: / / / projects / 94745.html
To write 8000 signs
Customer: Konev Sergey Vladimirovich (Sovytop)
Category: Technical articles
Budget: to 100 USD it is necessary to write article about Switzerland, approximately 8000 signs.http: / / / projects / 94712.html
Category: Technical articles
Budget: to 100 USD it is necessary to write article about Switzerland, approximately 8000 signs.http: / / / projects / 94712.html
Transfer RU -En of the site
Customer: [Verishchagin] Dmitriy (Clevar)
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: to 250 USD is required the translator from the Russian in the English. Transfer of the materials of site about real estate into the English. Request to the executors to adequately evaluate time and possibilities, t to work is much and the period of fulfillment by 5.02.09 to 20:00.http: / / / projects / 94699.html
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: to 250 USD is required the translator from the Russian in the English. Transfer of the materials of site about real estate into the English. Request to the executors to adequately evaluate time and possibilities, t to work is much and the period of fulfillment by 5.02.09 to 20:00.http: / / / projects / 94699.html
Transfer RU -Pl of the site
Customer: [Verishchagin] Dmitriy (Clevar)
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: to 250 USD is required the translator from the Russian in the Polish. Transfer of the materials of site about real estate into the Polish language. Request to the executors to adequately evaluate time and possibilities, t to work is much and the period of fulfillment by 5.02.09 to 20:00.http: / / / projects / 94700.html
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: to 250 USD is required the translator from the Russian in the Polish. Transfer of the materials of site about real estate into the Polish language. Request to the executors to adequately evaluate time and possibilities, t to work is much and the period of fulfillment by 5.02.09 to 20:00.http: / / / projects / 94700.html
Deep [rerayt] on real estate, 2000 signs.
Customer: [Yaroshenko] Artem (seasick)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], editing/the correction
Budget: ? Is required deep and qualitative [rerayt] of article from the appendix (foreign real estate, 2000 signs). Payment of 1 [u].[e]. for 1000 symbols without the gaps to your calculation in the system of weblancer after fulfillment of assignments. The volume of the source text is paid. The volume of the obtained text must be not less initial. Several executors are required.http: / / / projects / 94694.html
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], editing/the correction
Budget: ? Is required deep and qualitative [rerayt] of article from the appendix (foreign real estate, 2000 signs). Payment of 1 [u].[e]. for 1000 symbols without the gaps to your calculation in the system of weblancer after fulfillment of assignments. The volume of the source text is paid. The volume of the obtained text must be not less initial. Several executors are required.http: / / / projects / 94694.html
Customer: [Maisheva] Natalia (maishewa- n)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Constitutional right of that accused to the protection. Scientific leader at the Permian State University. Where there will be protection thus far not clearly. Work itself already written. However, the leader has the observation: scientific analysis is absent. Period: until March 5, 2009.http: / / / projects / 94686.html
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Constitutional right of that accused to the protection. Scientific leader at the Permian State University. Where there will be protection thus far not clearly. Work itself already written. However, the leader has the observation: scientific analysis is absent. Period: until March 5, 2009.http: / / / projects / 94686.html
Writing garish article about the product for the publication
Customer: Matveyev Maxim (maxim77)
Category: News/article/surveys, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? Is required the article- news about the product (lactic acid product) for the publication on the female resources (for an example of Is required deep sinking into the material (everything is on the site), the treatment of this material and writing interesting, easily read and intelligible to all women of article! Purpose of article - to interest and to inform public about the new product. Base volume of the material 3- of 5 thousand signs. + to devise name for the article.http: / / / projects / 94649.html
Category: News/article/surveys, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? Is required the article- news about the product (lactic acid product) for the publication on the female resources (for an example of Is required deep sinking into the material (everything is on the site), the treatment of this material and writing interesting, easily read and intelligible to all women of article! Purpose of article - to interest and to inform public about the new product. Base volume of the material 3- of 5 thousand signs. + to devise name for the article.http: / / / projects / 94649.html
Description of the models of the sensory kiosks
Customer: [Fatovskiy] Valerie (infos)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the technical articles
Budget: ? Is required the [kreativnoe] description of 17 models of sensory kiosks. Approximately on 1000 signs for each. 1000=1$ information it is possible to [podcherpnut] from the sites of a similar thematics. Example of http: // information on the new models will be in [private].http: / / / projects / 94614.html
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the technical articles
Budget: ? Is required the [kreativnoe] description of 17 models of sensory kiosks. Approximately on 1000 signs for each. 1000=1$ information it is possible to [podcherpnut] from the sites of a similar thematics. Example of http: // information on the new models will be in [private].http: / / / projects / 94614.html
Method of the transactions
Customer: Ekaterina (katrin2101)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Abstract on the object the financial medium of enterprise and owner's risks. The volume of *** of [listov].[Srok] of the fulfillment of 2 weeks, articles, the drawing of table, fresh to [dannye].[Te], who draws off works from the sites of abstracts, request not to disturb. Indicate cost in the rubles.http: / / / projects / 94606.html
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Abstract on the object the financial medium of enterprise and owner's risks. The volume of *** of [listov].[Srok] of the fulfillment of 2 weeks, articles, the drawing of table, fresh to [dannye].[Te], who draws off works from the sites of abstracts, request not to disturb. Indicate cost in the rubles.http: / / / projects / 94606.html
Writing the advertising articles
Customer: Tarasov Andrey (andros)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the news/of article/the surveys
Budget: ? Several men for the work in one project are necessary! Requirements: skill [kreativno] to think of, to write advertising articles and the like payment is high! Additional [info] (details about the work, payment the like) by mail (into [lichku] not to write!): ***http: / / / projects / 94639.html
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the news/of article/the surveys
Budget: ? Several men for the work in one project are necessary! Requirements: skill [kreativno] to think of, to write advertising articles and the like payment is high! Additional [info] (details about the work, payment the like) by mail (into [lichku] not to write!): ***http: / / / projects / 94639.html
Customer: Vitallium [Tkachenko] (karpenter)
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: 200 USD Gentlemen of [frilansery]!!! THE COMPETENT translator of Indonesian language is required for the long-term cooperation. The following is required from you: 1. a good language proficiency at the level of carrier 2. skill of the transfer of technical articles 3. [portfolio] with examples of works 4. scan of diploma or document, which confirms your habits of the region of transfer importantly!!! In [lichku] not to write, [asku] not to touch, in [skaype] not to be solicited. Importunate will be doomed! Not [bespokoytes], if your knowledge [sootvesttvuyut], you means to us you approach! With the respect, Vitalius!http: / / / projects / 94655.html
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: 200 USD Gentlemen of [frilansery]!!! THE COMPETENT translator of Indonesian language is required for the long-term cooperation. The following is required from you: 1. a good language proficiency at the level of carrier 2. skill of the transfer of technical articles 3. [portfolio] with examples of works 4. scan of diploma or document, which confirms your habits of the region of transfer importantly!!! In [lichku] not to write, [asku] not to touch, in [skaype] not to be solicited. Importunate will be doomed! Not [bespokoytes], if your knowledge [sootvesttvuyut], you means to us you approach! With the respect, Vitalius!http: / / / projects / 94655.html
Writing garish article about the product for the publication
Customer: Matveyev Maxim (maxim77)
Category: News/article/surveys, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? Is required the article- news about the product (lactic acid product) for the publication on the female resources (for an example of Is required deep sinking into the material (everything is on the site), the treatment of this material and writing interesting, easily read and intelligible to all women of article! Purpose of article - to interest and to inform public about the new product. Base volume of the material 3- of 5 thousand signs. + to devise name for the article.http: / / / projects / 94649.html
Category: News/article/surveys, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? Is required the article- news about the product (lactic acid product) for the publication on the female resources (for an example of Is required deep sinking into the material (everything is on the site), the treatment of this material and writing interesting, easily read and intelligible to all women of article! Purpose of article - to interest and to inform public about the new product. Base volume of the material 3- of 5 thousand signs. + to devise name for the article.http: / / / projects / 94649.html
Customer: Vitallium [Tkachenko] (karpenter)
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: 200 USD Gentlemen of [frilansery]!!! THE COMPETENT translator of Indonesian language is required for the long-term cooperation. The following is required from you: 1. a good language proficiency at the level of carrier 2. skill of the transfer of technical articles 3. [portfolio] with examples of works 4. scan of diploma or document, which confirms your habits of the region of transfer importantly!!! In [lichku] not to write, [asku] not to touch, in [skaype] not to be solicited. Importunate will be doomed! Not [bespokoytes], if your knowledge [sootvesttvuyut], you means to us you approach! With the respect, Vitalius!http: / / / projects / 94655.html
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: 200 USD Gentlemen of [frilansery]!!! THE COMPETENT translator of Indonesian language is required for the long-term cooperation. The following is required from you: 1. a good language proficiency at the level of carrier 2. skill of the transfer of technical articles 3. [portfolio] with examples of works 4. scan of diploma or document, which confirms your habits of the region of transfer importantly!!! In [lichku] not to write, [asku] not to touch, in [skaype] not to be solicited. Importunate will be doomed! Not [bespokoytes], if your knowledge [sootvesttvuyut], you means to us you approach! With the respect, Vitalius!http: / / / projects / 94655.html
Translation of text from English into Russian.
Customer: Pavel [Ostapenko] (pavel-ostap)
Category: Artistic transfers
Budget: 20 USD it is necessary to translate text from English into Russian. Text of the erotic content. text there is much, it is necessary to make today. Price of 20$. I cannot more give. Payment for fact.http: / / / projects / 94658.html
Category: Artistic transfers
Budget: 20 USD it is necessary to translate text from English into Russian. Text of the erotic content. text there is much, it is necessary to make today. Price of 20$. I cannot more give. Payment for fact.http: / / / projects / 94658.html
the algorithm
Customer: Sorokin Svetlana (DUX_SV)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? How do you do. It is necessary to 22 in the evening to today collect 10 sheets of algorithms ([A]4) into Visio. Everything according to All-Union State Stan.s.http: / / / projects / 94660.html
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? How do you do. It is necessary to 22 in the evening to today collect 10 sheets of algorithms ([A]4) into Visio. Everything according to All-Union State Stan.s.http: / / / projects / 94660.html
Writing the advertising articles
Customer: Tarasov Andrey (andros)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the news/of article/the surveys
Budget: ? Several men for the work in one project are necessary! Requirements: skill [kreativno] to think of, to write advertising articles and the like payment is high! Additional [info] (details about the work, payment the like) by mail (into [lichku] not to write!): ***http: / / / projects / 94639.html
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the news/of article/the surveys
Budget: ? Several men for the work in one project are necessary! Requirements: skill [kreativno] to think of, to write advertising articles and the like payment is high! Additional [info] (details about the work, payment the like) by mail (into [lichku] not to write!): ***http: / / / projects / 94639.html
Method of the transactions
Customer: Ekaterina (katrin2101)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Abstract on the object the financial medium of enterprise and owner's risks. The volume of *** of [listov].[Srok] of the fulfillment of 2 weeks, articles, the drawing of table, fresh to [dannye].[Te], who draws off works from the sites of abstracts, request not to disturb. Indicate cost in the rubles.http: / / / projects / 94606.html
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Abstract on the object the financial medium of enterprise and owner's risks. The volume of *** of [listov].[Srok] of the fulfillment of 2 weeks, articles, the drawing of table, fresh to [dannye].[Te], who draws off works from the sites of abstracts, request not to disturb. Indicate cost in the rubles.http: / / / projects / 94606.html
Description of the models of the sensory kiosks
Customer: [Fatovskiy] Valerie (infos)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the technical articles
Budget: ? Is required the [kreativnoe] description of 17 models of sensory kiosks. Approximately on 1000 signs for each. 1000=1$ information it is possible to [podcherpnut] from the sites of a similar thematics. Example of http: // information on the new models will be in [private].http: / / / projects / 94614.html
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the technical articles
Budget: ? Is required the [kreativnoe] description of 17 models of sensory kiosks. Approximately on 1000 signs for each. 1000=1$ information it is possible to [podcherpnut] from the sites of a similar thematics. Example of http: // information on the new models will be in [private].http: / / / projects / 94614.html
Abstract [Nalogoobl]- e [fin]- GO of the sector of economy
Customer: Ekaterina (katrin2101)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Theme is any, but is urgent, and to connect from [krizisom].[stati], drawing [tablitsy].[Obem] of *** of [listov].[Srok] of the fulfillment of 2 weeks. Those, who draw off works from the sites of abstracts, request not to disturb. Indicate cost in the rubles.http: / / / projects / 94599.html
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Theme is any, but is urgent, and to connect from [krizisom].[stati], drawing [tablitsy].[Obem] of *** of [listov].[Srok] of the fulfillment of 2 weeks. Those, who draw off works from the sites of abstracts, request not to disturb. Indicate cost in the rubles.http: / / / projects / 94599.html
Content of the long-term financial policy
Customer: Ekaterina (katrin2101)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Abstract on the object long-term and short term financial [politika].[Obem] of *** of [listov].[Srok] of the fulfillment of 2 weeks, articles, the drawing of table, fresh to [dannye].[Te], who draws off works from the sites of abstracts, request not to disturb. Indicate cost in the rubles.http: / / / projects / 94590.html
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Abstract on the object long-term and short term financial [politika].[Obem] of *** of [listov].[Srok] of the fulfillment of 2 weeks, articles, the drawing of table, fresh to [dannye].[Te], who draws off works from the sites of abstracts, request not to disturb. Indicate cost in the rubles.http: / / / projects / 94590.html
Abstract on the financial right
Customer: Ekaterina (katrin2101)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Theme: Control and the supervision of the Central Bank of the activity of credit [organizatsiy].[Obem] of 20 [listov].[Srok] of the fulfillment of 2 weeks, articles, the drawing of table, fresh to [dannye].[Te], who draws off works from the sites of abstracts, request not to disturb. Indicate cost in the rubles.http: / / / projects / 94594.html
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Theme: Control and the supervision of the Central Bank of the activity of credit [organizatsiy].[Obem] of 20 [listov].[Srok] of the fulfillment of 2 weeks, articles, the drawing of table, fresh to [dannye].[Te], who draws off works from the sites of abstracts, request not to disturb. Indicate cost in the rubles.http: / / / projects / 94594.html
Abstract on the object the financial markets
Customer: Ekaterina (katrin2101)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Theme: The currency market. It is compulsory about its state now during the crisis, which with it occurs article, drawing of table, fresh data. Volume of *** of [listov].[Srok] of the fulfillment of 2 weeks. Those, who draw off works from the sites of abstracts, request not to disturb. Indicate cost in the rubles.http: / / / projects / 94597.html
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Theme: The currency market. It is compulsory about its state now during the crisis, which with it occurs article, drawing of table, fresh data. Volume of *** of [listov].[Srok] of the fulfillment of 2 weeks. Those, who draw off works from the sites of abstracts, request not to disturb. Indicate cost in the rubles.http: / / / projects / 94597.html
Indices of the use of reverse active memberships of [predpr].
Customer: Ekaterina (katrin2101)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Abstract on the object financial [statistika].[Obem] of *** of [listov].[Srok] of the fulfillment of 2 weeks, articles, the drawing of table, fresh to [dannye].[Te], who draws off works from the sites of abstracts, request not to disturb. Indicate cost in the rubles.http: / / / projects / 94593.html
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Abstract on the object financial [statistika].[Obem] of *** of [listov].[Srok] of the fulfillment of 2 weeks, articles, the drawing of table, fresh to [dannye].[Te], who draws off works from the sites of abstracts, request not to disturb. Indicate cost in the rubles.http: / / / projects / 94593.html
To correct and to supplement article on the requirements
Customer: [Filatova] Nataliya (NataliaFilia)
Category: Editing is/correction, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? How do you do, expensive [frilansery]. There is an article, more precise its part it must be corrected on the requirements. It is necessary to write ([rerayt] on the basis of several sources) 3 small [topika] on 300[zn] approximately to it. Article in the application, propose your prices directly in the project necessary to make today desirably faster into [asku] not you [stuchite], if you want write in [lichku], but it is better into the project.http: / / / projects / 94581.html
Category: Editing is/correction, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? How do you do, expensive [frilansery]. There is an article, more precise its part it must be corrected on the requirements. It is necessary to write ([rerayt] on the basis of several sources) 3 small [topika] on 300[zn] approximately to it. Article in the application, propose your prices directly in the project necessary to make today desirably faster into [asku] not you [stuchite], if you want write in [lichku], but it is better into the project.http: / / / projects / 94581.html
[Prezentatsionnye] texts about the flues
Customer: Kuprin Rodion (468468)
Category: [Kontent]- management, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? Are required texts for the site about the flues (sale, installation, installation the like) - the sense of text in the fact that the important company [KHKHKH] makes and establishes the best in the world modular flues made of the stainless steel. All this without the technicalities. Volume of approximately 7-8 thousand signs the main thing - compulsorily will be required encounter with the client (probably, on this week) for asserting the component-period- volume; therefore better, so that you would live in Moscow or region.http: / / / projects / 94588.html
Category: [Kontent]- management, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? Are required texts for the site about the flues (sale, installation, installation the like) - the sense of text in the fact that the important company [KHKHKH] makes and establishes the best in the world modular flues made of the stainless steel. All this without the technicalities. Volume of approximately 7-8 thousand signs the main thing - compulsorily will be required encounter with the client (probably, on this week) for asserting the component-period- volume; therefore better, so that you would live in Moscow or region.http: / / / projects / 94588.html
To reconvert drawing from auto-KAyes into the compass
Customer: Center of documentation (kondor-1)
Category: Editing/the correction
Budget: ? It is necessary urgently as [mozhzh] to rather reconvert the drawing of schematic diagram from [avtokad] into the compass.http: / / / projects / 94555.html
Category: Editing/the correction
Budget: ? It is necessary urgently as [mozhzh] to rather reconvert the drawing of schematic diagram from [avtokad] into the compass.http: / / / projects / 94555.html
Monday, February 2, 2009
Technical transfer - Engl.
Customer: Debian (Debian)
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: ? It is necessary advertising materials into the English. Thematics - natural gas equipment, service. Examples: http: // // / / / projects / 94547.html
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: ? It is necessary advertising materials into the English. Thematics - natural gas equipment, service. Examples: http: // // / / / projects / 94547.html
Diploma work
Customer: [Androshchuk] Maxim Vladimirovich (WASP81)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Organization of control system of engineering [dannymi].[Sozdanie] of entire necessary size of the current forms and periodicals necessary for the accomplishment of mission of guarantee and planning the enterprise.http: / / / projects / 94553.html
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Organization of control system of engineering [dannymi].[Sozdanie] of entire necessary size of the current forms and periodicals necessary for the accomplishment of mission of guarantee and planning the enterprise.http: / / / projects / 94553.html
Management to the convection furnace (Eng. - Russian.)
Customer: Yakov (juicemaster)
Category: Technical transfers, the artistic transfers
Budget: ? File in PDF, text, tables and pictures. It is necessary to transfer from the English and to make up into pages the transfer in [Vorde] with the retention of initial imposition. Let us determine a quantity of signs according to the fact of the end of work, document is accessible according to the reference in your proposal we must figure: price for p. 1800 of signs and the date of the delivery of work. Project ONLY for the professional translators. Are greeted free executors with which we already they collaborated on the analogous projects. Payment through [SBS].http: / / / projects / 94504.html
Category: Technical transfers, the artistic transfers
Budget: ? File in PDF, text, tables and pictures. It is necessary to transfer from the English and to make up into pages the transfer in [Vorde] with the retention of initial imposition. Let us determine a quantity of signs according to the fact of the end of work, document is accessible according to the reference in your proposal we must figure: price for p. 1800 of signs and the date of the delivery of work. Project ONLY for the professional translators. Are greeted free executors with which we already they collaborated on the analogous projects. Payment through [SBS].http: / / / projects / 94504.html
Light [rerayt
Customer: [Tutaev] Dmitriy (Ruslan_T)
Category: Editing/the correction
Budget: to 50 USD to make [rerayt] light of both texts. payment to 2[u].[e]. for 1000 [zn]. here text itself is correct! http: // 63611e5594http: / / / projects / 94515.html
Category: Editing/the correction
Budget: to 50 USD to make [rerayt] light of both texts. payment to 2[u].[e]. for 1000 [zn]. here text itself is correct! http: // 63611e5594http: / / / projects / 94515.html
Management to the convection furnace (Eng. - Russian.)
Customer: Yakov (juicemaster)
Category: Technical transfers, the artistic transfers
Budget: ? File in PDF, text, tables and pictures. It is necessary to transfer from the English and to make up into pages the transfer in [Vorde] with the retention of initial imposition. Let us determine a quantity of signs according to the fact of the end of work, document is accessible according to the reference in your proposal we must figure: price for p. 1800 of signs and the date of the delivery of work. Project ONLY for the professional translators. Are greeted free executors with which we already they collaborated on the analogous projects. Payment through [SBS].http: / / / projects / 94504.html
Category: Technical transfers, the artistic transfers
Budget: ? File in PDF, text, tables and pictures. It is necessary to transfer from the English and to make up into pages the transfer in [Vorde] with the retention of initial imposition. Let us determine a quantity of signs according to the fact of the end of work, document is accessible according to the reference in your proposal we must figure: price for p. 1800 of signs and the date of the delivery of work. Project ONLY for the professional translators. Are greeted free executors with which we already they collaborated on the analogous projects. Payment through [SBS].http: / / / projects / 94504.html
Light [rerayt
Customer: [Tutaev] Dmitriy (Ruslan_T)
Category: Editing/the correction
Budget: to 50 USD to make [rerayt] light of both texts. payment to 2[u].[e]. for 1000 [zn]. here text itself is correct! http: // 63611e5594http: / / / projects / 94515.html
Category: Editing/the correction
Budget: to 50 USD to make [rerayt] light of both texts. payment to 2[u].[e]. for 1000 [zn]. here text itself is correct! http: // 63611e5594http: / / / projects / 94515.html
Sunday, February 1, 2009
writing the unique small texts
Customer: Kharchenko Eugene (Cartmaker)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the news/of article/the surveys
Budget: 6 USD for writing of unique small texts (500 - 600 [zn].) Leave your e-mail, on which I will send the detail of work and ICQ. If you please, do not write personal communications!http: / / / projects / 94293.html
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the news/of article/the surveys
Budget: 6 USD for writing of unique small texts (500 - 600 [zn].) Leave your e-mail, on which I will send the detail of work and ICQ. If you please, do not write personal communications!http: / / / projects / 94293.html
Articles on the theme of accessories for the cell phones
Customer: Sergey [I].[F]. (9480246) the category: Technical articles the budget: ? Articles on 5000 signs are necessaryhttp: / / / projects / 94295.html
writing the unique small texts
Customer: Kharchenko Eugene (Cartmaker)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the news/of article/the surveys
Budget: 6 USD for writing of unique small texts (500 - 600 [zn].) Leave your e-mail, on which I will send the detail of work and ICQ. If you please, do not write personal communications!http: / / / projects / 94293.html
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the news/of article/the surveys
Budget: 6 USD for writing of unique small texts (500 - 600 [zn].) Leave your e-mail, on which I will send the detail of work and ICQ. If you please, do not write personal communications!http: / / / projects / 94293.html
Diploma. Protected exchange of data.
Customer: Kuznetsov Mikhail (MVK) the category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts the budget: ? Indicate price and periods. Thanks.http: / / / projects / 94242.html
[Rerayt] of the articles
Customer: Lavrentyev (vik1982)
Category: Of the news/article/surveys, editing/correction is the budget: to 50 USD is required [rerayt] of articles on real estate. 25 rub. as 1000 signs b/p.http: / / / projects / 94275.html
Category: Of the news/article/surveys, editing/correction is the budget: to 50 USD is required [rerayt] of articles on real estate. 25 rub. as 1000 signs b/p.http: / / / projects / 94275.html
Diploma. PHP+MySQL.
Customer: Kuznetsov Mikhail (MVK) the category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts the budget: ? Indicate price and periods. Thanks.http: / / / projects / 94244.html
Articles on the theme of accessories for the cell phones
Customer: Sergey [I].[F]. (9480246) the category: Technical articles the budget: ? Articles on 5000 signs are necessaryhttp: / / / projects / 94295.html
Filling of Internet- store, to introduce the change
Customer: [Voytenko] Sergey (sergey- v)
Category: [Kontent]- management, editing/the correction
Budget: 20 USD by all regards! It is necessary to add the code of goods into the already existing goods on the site. As everything appears: Is Price sheet with the code of goods into Excel there is goods on the site without code 1. to find in the search goods. It searches for on [fragementu] of code 2. to copy the code from Price and to put into the card of goods necessary to process *** of lines. Approximate time for the addition of one code at the moderate rate - *** s. payment for each [dobavlenyy] code to the site of 0,20 [grn]. It is desirable to make in 2 days. Script of store - Shop Of cmshttp: / / / projects / 94241.html
Category: [Kontent]- management, editing/the correction
Budget: 20 USD by all regards! It is necessary to add the code of goods into the already existing goods on the site. As everything appears: Is Price sheet with the code of goods into Excel there is goods on the site without code 1. to find in the search goods. It searches for on [fragementu] of code 2. to copy the code from Price and to put into the card of goods necessary to process *** of lines. Approximate time for the addition of one code at the moderate rate - *** s. payment for each [dobavlenyy] code to the site of 0,20 [grn]. It is desirable to make in 2 days. Script of store - Shop Of cmshttp: / / / projects / 94241.html
SVD the decomposition
Customer: Timoshenko are sea-scape (CARD)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? There is the finished written program in the language Of pascal for the singular decomposition. It is necessary to write detailed commentary to all blocks in this program (for which answer the parameters, as are connected together blocks).http: / / / projects / 94256.html
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? There is the finished written program in the language Of pascal for the singular decomposition. It is necessary to write detailed commentary to all blocks in this program (for which answer the parameters, as are connected together blocks).http: / / / projects / 94256.html
Customer: [Tutaev] Dmitriy (Ruslan_T)
Category: Editing/the correction
Budget: to 500 USD it is necessary to make [rerayt] of the text: http: // 951a5c49e0 the payment of 1,5$ as 1000 signs. Attention! pictures changed must not be! Only text. For the test - make [rerayt] of the first page and send with the address: *** or throw text into [lichku].http: / / / projects / 94282.html
Category: Editing/the correction
Budget: to 500 USD it is necessary to make [rerayt] of the text: http: // 951a5c49e0 the payment of 1,5$ as 1000 signs. Attention! pictures changed must not be! Only text. For the test - make [rerayt] of the first page and send with the address: *** or throw text into [lichku].http: / / / projects / 94282.html
Friday, January 30, 2009
technical articles on the theme of [biotopliva
Customer: [Ishchenko] sea-scape (rossomaxa- m)
Category: News/article/surveys, the technical articles
Budget: ? How do you do respected [frilansery]. Are required experienced specialists for writing of scientific and technical articles in the field of the production of [biotopliva]. Necessary conditions to the aspirants: - the knowledge of theme; - experience in writing of similar works; - [ssylochki], [portfolio]; - the accessibility of executor; - the citizen (kA) of the Ukraine; - small test with the selection. The work is serious, is critical - is required adequate person, who has the desire to work well. We propose prolonged collaboration. I wait from you proposals with the indication of the cost of operation. Test - to selected executors, all questions in [LS].http: / / / projects / 94030.html
Category: News/article/surveys, the technical articles
Budget: ? How do you do respected [frilansery]. Are required experienced specialists for writing of scientific and technical articles in the field of the production of [biotopliva]. Necessary conditions to the aspirants: - the knowledge of theme; - experience in writing of similar works; - [ssylochki], [portfolio]; - the accessibility of executor; - the citizen (kA) of the Ukraine; - small test with the selection. The work is serious, is critical - is required adequate person, who has the desire to work well. We propose prolonged collaboration. I wait from you proposals with the indication of the cost of operation. Test - to selected executors, all questions in [LS].http: / / / projects / 94030.html
[Rerayt] of Russ. texts. Thematics Health- medicine
Customer: Alex [Vasterman] (Santi)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: 400 USD is necessary [rerayt] of the large number of articles on the thematics Health- medicine. Requirements for the executors: - the knowledge of thematics - [rerayt] without the loss of the keywords of phrases in the text as we work: We give articles by [faylikami], in the name of file a quantity of symbols you make [rerayt] we we check work ( or themselves on the prospectors) we pay for each article. 1$ - 1[k] of signs. In [blizhashchie]1-3 of day is necessary [rerayt] of 10 articles. And so on at intervals of 1-3 days. A total of about 200 articles. Approximately 400[k] of signs.http: / / / projects / 94006.html
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: 400 USD is necessary [rerayt] of the large number of articles on the thematics Health- medicine. Requirements for the executors: - the knowledge of thematics - [rerayt] without the loss of the keywords of phrases in the text as we work: We give articles by [faylikami], in the name of file a quantity of symbols you make [rerayt] we we check work ( or themselves on the prospectors) we pay for each article. 1$ - 1[k] of signs. In [blizhashchie]1-3 of day is necessary [rerayt] of 10 articles. And so on at intervals of 1-3 days. A total of about 200 articles. Approximately 400[k] of signs.http: / / / projects / 94006.html
[Rerayt] of article about the history of the city
Customer: [Korenkov] Pavel (Playful)
Category: Editing/the correction
Budget: ? A little to rewrite, to make [pokompaktnee] almost 2 times, and beginning and end in other words. Payment of *** of [yandeks] of the moneyhttp: / / / projects / 93959.html
Category: Editing/the correction
Budget: ? A little to rewrite, to make [pokompaktnee] almost 2 times, and beginning and end in other words. Payment of *** of [yandeks] of the moneyhttp: / / / projects / 93959.html
It is necessary to compose TZ
Customer: Settlement Ivan (1971)
Category: Technical articles
Budget: ? It is necessary to compose TZ for the Internet casino! TZ to [zdelat] on the site of http: //, [Pishim] periods and the costhttp: / / / projects / 93964.html
Category: Technical articles
Budget: ? It is necessary to compose TZ for the Internet casino! TZ to [zdelat] on the site of http: //, [Pishim] periods and the costhttp: / / / projects / 93964.html
Translation CV from English into the German
Customer: [Kernell] Of [yulianna] (Barselona)
Category: Technical transfers, the artistic transfers
Budget: 6 USD it is necessary to translate CV from English into German (2 pages). About 3500 signs (with the gaps), price 6$. In the appendix CV.http: / / / projects / 93989.html
Category: Technical transfers, the artistic transfers
Budget: 6 USD it is necessary to translate CV from English into German (2 pages). About 3500 signs (with the gaps), price 6$. In the appendix CV.http: / / / projects / 93989.html
Course according to the statistics
Customer: Rusakov sea-scape (Marirusa)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Course work according to the statistics with the complex problems. Solved everything must be until Monday. I will return only to person, who actually examines object.http: / / / projects / 93994.html
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Course work according to the statistics with the complex problems. Solved everything must be until Monday. I will return only to person, who actually examines object.http: / / / projects / 93994.html
Course according to the statistics
Customer: Rusakov sea-scape (Marirusa)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Course work according to the statistics with the complex problems. Solved everything must be until Monday. I will return only to person, who actually examines object.http: / / / projects / 93994.html
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Course work according to the statistics with the complex problems. Solved everything must be until Monday. I will return only to person, who actually examines object.http: / / / projects / 93994.html
[Rerayt] of Russ. texts. Thematics Health- medicine
Customer: Alex [Vasterman] (Santi)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: 400 USD is necessary [rerayt] of the large number of articles on the thematics Health- medicine. Requirements for the executors: - the knowledge of thematics - [rerayt] without the loss of the keywords of phrases in the text as we work: We give articles by [faylikami], in the name of file a quantity of symbols you make [rerayt] we we check work ( or themselves on the prospectors) we pay for each article. 1$ - 1[k] of signs. In [blizhashchie]1-3 of day is necessary [rerayt] of 10 articles. And so on at intervals of 1-3 days. A total of about 200 articles. Approximately 400[k] of signs.http: / / / projects / 94006.html
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: 400 USD is necessary [rerayt] of the large number of articles on the thematics Health- medicine. Requirements for the executors: - the knowledge of thematics - [rerayt] without the loss of the keywords of phrases in the text as we work: We give articles by [faylikami], in the name of file a quantity of symbols you make [rerayt] we we check work ( or themselves on the prospectors) we pay for each article. 1$ - 1[k] of signs. In [blizhashchie]1-3 of day is necessary [rerayt] of 10 articles. And so on at intervals of 1-3 days. A total of about 200 articles. Approximately 400[k] of signs.http: / / / projects / 94006.html
Translation CV from English into the German
Customer: [Kernell] Of [yulianna] (Barselona)
Category: Technical transfers, the artistic transfers
Budget: 6 USD it is necessary to translate CV from English into German (2 pages). About 3500 signs (with the gaps), price 6$. In the appendix CV.http: / / / projects / 93989.html
Category: Technical transfers, the artistic transfers
Budget: 6 USD it is necessary to translate CV from English into German (2 pages). About 3500 signs (with the gaps), price 6$. In the appendix CV.http: / / / projects / 93989.html
It is necessary to compose TZ
Customer: Settlement Ivan (1971)
Category: Technical articles
Budget: ? It is necessary to compose TZ for the Internet casino! TZ to [zdelat] on the site of http: //, [Pishim] periods and the costhttp: / / / projects / 93964.html
Category: Technical articles
Budget: ? It is necessary to compose TZ for the Internet casino! TZ to [zdelat] on the site of http: //, [Pishim] periods and the costhttp: / / / projects / 93964.html
[Rerayt] of article about the history of the city
Customer: [Korenkov] Pavel (Playful)
Category: Editing/the correction
Budget: ? A little to rewrite, to make [pokompaktnee] almost 2 times, and beginning and end in other words. Payment of *** of [yandeks] of the moneyhttp: / / / projects / 93959.html
Category: Editing/the correction
Budget: ? A little to rewrite, to make [pokompaktnee] almost 2 times, and beginning and end in other words. Payment of *** of [yandeks] of the moneyhttp: / / / projects / 93959.html
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Writing press releases on the Engl.
Customer: Bags Dmitriy (mailtodemon)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the news/of article/the surveys
Budget: ? It is necessary to write press release on the Engl. on the thematics unique of [sots]. network! Preference will be returned to man, who has an experience (and respectively base) of publication in the foreign media outlets (Internet/paper) price contractual. The presence of opinions is compulsory! A constant work is possible.http: / / / projects / 93727.html
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the news/of article/the surveys
Budget: ? It is necessary to write press release on the Engl. on the thematics unique of [sots]. network! Preference will be returned to man, who has an experience (and respectively base) of publication in the foreign media outlets (Internet/paper) price contractual. The presence of opinions is compulsory! A constant work is possible.http: / / / projects / 93727.html
To add 100 news
Customer: Artem [Isakov] (ar -is)
Category: News/article/the surveys
Budget: ? To add 100 news to the site of News - text (copy-paste) and picture. Call price. Claims closed, so that paint everything in detail.http: / / / projects / 93755.html
Category: News/article/the surveys
Budget: ? To add 100 news to the site of News - text (copy-paste) and picture. Call price. Claims closed, so that paint everything in detail.http: / / / projects / 93755.html
Writing TZ for compiling Of flash of the map
Customer: Kim Of sergey (mehanizator)
Category: Technical articles, Flash
Budget: 25 USD to develop TZ for compiling Of flash of map with the functional of http: // is separately prescribed each function, and also design in the form of the requirementshttp: / / / projects / 93754.html
Category: Technical articles, Flash
Budget: 25 USD to develop TZ for compiling Of flash of map with the functional of http: // is separately prescribed each function, and also design in the form of the requirementshttp: / / / projects / 93754.html
Artistic description of articles made of the stone
Customer: [Tyamaev] [Ilshat] (ledon)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the news/of article/the surveys
Budget: ? For the arrangement on the site are necessary the texts with the description of articles made of the marble, the granite (fireplaces, table top, window-sills, the elements of topographical architecture so forth). Send references to your works and cost of services, attentively let us examine and will select: "http: / / / projects / 93745.html
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the news/of article/the surveys
Budget: ? For the arrangement on the site are necessary the texts with the description of articles made of the marble, the granite (fireplaces, table top, window-sills, the elements of topographical architecture so forth). Send references to your works and cost of services, attentively let us examine and will select: "http: / / / projects / 93745.html
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
[Dobavleni]e of the news to the site
Customer: [Gelman] Of capcha (dlb)
Category: News/article/the surveys
Budget: ? Are required personnel from 10[chelovek], for adding the news to the site of http: // the cost of one news of 0.3$ immediately be recorded and add the news. Minimum payment 3$http: / / / projects / 93722.html
Category: News/article/the surveys
Budget: ? Are required personnel from 10[chelovek], for adding the news to the site of http: // the cost of one news of 0.3$ immediately be recorded and add the news. Minimum payment 3$http: / / / projects / 93722.html
To write 2 programs to Turbo Of pascal
Customer: Asrock Of asrock (Asrock)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: 10 USD it is necessary to write 2 programs to Turbo Of pascal. Detailed task it is possible to look here http: // on all questions into [privat] or OF ICQ367673869 the period: in the limits of 7 days the cost: $10http: / / / projects / 93725.html
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: 10 USD it is necessary to write 2 programs to Turbo Of pascal. Detailed task it is possible to look here http: // on all questions into [privat] or OF ICQ367673869 the period: in the limits of 7 days the cost: $10http: / / / projects / 93725.html
Writing press releases on the Engl.
Customer: Bags Dmitriy (mailtodemon)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the news/of article/the surveys
Budget: ? It is necessary to write press release on the Engl. on the thematics unique of [sots]. network! Preference will be returned to man, who has an experience (and respectively base) of publication in the foreign media outlets (Internet/paper) price contractual. The presence of opinions is compulsory! A constant work is possible.http: / / / projects / 93727.html
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the news/of article/the surveys
Budget: ? It is necessary to write press release on the Engl. on the thematics unique of [sots]. network! Preference will be returned to man, who has an experience (and respectively base) of publication in the foreign media outlets (Internet/paper) price contractual. The presence of opinions is compulsory! A constant work is possible.http: / / / projects / 93727.html
[Rerayt] of the text
Customer: [Ardetov] Stanislav (Stason)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the news/of article/the surveys
Budget: ? To make [rerayt] of text, uniqueness 100%. Thematics is a healthy way of life (6000 signs).http: / / / projects / 93655.html
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the news/of article/the surveys
Budget: ? To make [rerayt] of text, uniqueness 100%. Thematics is a healthy way of life (6000 signs).http: / / / projects / 93655.html
[Ekologiya]+[materialovedenie], the abstract
Customer: Nikolayev Elizabeth (bal2007)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: 8 USD necessary to carry out work you look investment period - on February 1http: / / / projects / 93659.html
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: 8 USD necessary to carry out work you look investment period - on February 1http: / / / projects / 93659.html
[Ekologiya]+[materialovedenie], the abstract
Customer: Nikolayev Elizabeth (bal2007)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: 8 USD necessary to carry out work you look investment period - on February 1http: / / / projects / 93659.html
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: 8 USD necessary to carry out work you look investment period - on February 1http: / / / projects / 93659.html
[Rerayt] of the text
Customer: [Ardetov] Stanislav (Stason)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the news/of article/the surveys
Budget: ? To make [rerayt] of text, uniqueness 100%. Thematics is a healthy way of life (6000 signs).http: / / / projects / 93655.html
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the news/of article/the surveys
Budget: ? To make [rerayt] of text, uniqueness 100%. Thematics is a healthy way of life (6000 signs).http: / / / projects / 93655.html
[Rerayt] of the text
Customer: [Ardetov] Stanislav (Stason)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the news/of article/the surveys
Budget: ? To make [rerayt] of text, uniqueness 100%. Thematics is a healthy way of life (6000 signs).http: / / / projects / 93655.html
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the news/of article/the surveys
Budget: ? To make [rerayt] of text, uniqueness 100%. Thematics is a healthy way of life (6000 signs).http: / / / projects / 93655.html
[Ekologiya]+[materialovedenie], the abstract
Customer: Nikolayev Elizabeth (bal2007)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: 8 USD necessary to carry out work you look investment period - on February 1http: / / / projects / 93659.html
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: 8 USD necessary to carry out work you look investment period - on February 1http: / / / projects / 93659.html
Transfer of the texts
Customer: Chernov Victoria (vchernova)
Category: Technical transfers, the technical articles
Budget: ? Is technical documentation the description of pumping facility in the English. It is necessary to transfer to the Russian language, all files in the size PDF. Size it is desirable not to change.http: / / / projects / 93615.html
Category: Technical transfers, the technical articles
Budget: ? Is technical documentation the description of pumping facility in the English. It is necessary to transfer to the Russian language, all files in the size PDF. Size it is desirable not to change.http: / / / projects / 93615.html
To conduct and to support group in the contact and diary
Customer: Bocharov Julia (JuliaBC)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? There is a group in the contacts, there is a diary to this [meylakh].[Vse] created, that to [propiarit] on these social servers of the professional of [fotografa].[U] me there is no time by these of [zanimatsya].[Ya] I propose to the fact, who so on 2-3 hours sits in the Internet, to be occupied by this for me. I give themes, new materials and renovations. Your task to conduct are everything this, to invite into the group of people, and in the diary respectively to stir with others and to be friends. Everything is simple) to weeping once a weekhttp: / / / projects / 93624.html
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? There is a group in the contacts, there is a diary to this [meylakh].[Vse] created, that to [propiarit] on these social servers of the professional of [fotografa].[U] me there is no time by these of [zanimatsya].[Ya] I propose to the fact, who so on 2-3 hours sits in the Internet, to be occupied by this for me. I give themes, new materials and renovations. Your task to conduct are everything this, to invite into the group of people, and in the diary respectively to stir with others and to be friends. Everything is simple) to weeping once a weekhttp: / / / projects / 93624.html
Editing into the language! Eng, it, [fran], [ispan], [it
Customer: [Glushets] Natalia (glushec)
Category: Editing/the correction
Budget: ? Editing by carrier- jurist! (or by editors, long time living and working by [zarubezhom]). Thematics: legislation, the documents of international organizations, referenda, questions of selections. To help to the required study the packet of documents and references is proposed. Russian- Eng, Russian- it, Russian -[fran], Russian -[ispan], Russian- Italian. Is compulsory [portfolio] with the works (transfers and editorial staff in the jurisprudence) complete agreement to international terminology and to the standardshttp: / / / projects / 93547.html
Category: Editing/the correction
Budget: ? Editing by carrier- jurist! (or by editors, long time living and working by [zarubezhom]). Thematics: legislation, the documents of international organizations, referenda, questions of selections. To help to the required study the packet of documents and references is proposed. Russian- Eng, Russian- it, Russian -[fran], Russian -[ispan], Russian- Italian. Is compulsory [portfolio] with the works (transfers and editorial staff in the jurisprudence) complete agreement to international terminology and to the standardshttp: / / / projects / 93547.html
Customer: Mironov Pavel (GoodMan)
Category: Technical articles, the [Kontent]- management
Budget: ? The [prodovaemyy] text (commercial proposal) writing 40 unique articles (from 400 to 3000 [simv]) Of [kopirayt] of 10 popular articles texts for the social networks (for the sending to users) all this for the site, the thematics of reduction, action, the sales of Nizhniy Novgorod texts must be SEO optimized! Cost? Periods? ICQ of ***http: / / / projects / 93529.html
Category: Technical articles, the [Kontent]- management
Budget: ? The [prodovaemyy] text (commercial proposal) writing 40 unique articles (from 400 to 3000 [simv]) Of [kopirayt] of 10 popular articles texts for the social networks (for the sending to users) all this for the site, the thematics of reduction, action, the sales of Nizhniy Novgorod texts must be SEO optimized! Cost? Periods? ICQ of ***http: / / / projects / 93529.html
Are required [rerayt]/of [kopirayt
Customer: Info Of newsware (newsware)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], editing/the correction
Budget: ? It is required [reraytery]/of [kopiraytery] for the site of http: // the thematics of the site: the computer news. Basic task will be the creation of qualitative [rerayta]/of [kopirayta].http: / / / projects / 93536.html
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], editing/the correction
Budget: ? It is required [reraytery]/of [kopiraytery] for the site of http: // the thematics of the site: the computer news. Basic task will be the creation of qualitative [rerayta]/of [kopirayta].http: / / / projects / 93536.html
Is required writing scenario for call of the center
Customer: St Media (dimpro)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: to 100 USD Of [trebuetmya] to finish and to work all possible situations so that would come out a maximally convenient, professional instruction for the operators of call of center. It is necessary professionally [prorabotat] all possible situations and to prepare competent, professional answers for the operators. Original text in the application. Since the starting of [kolltsentra] after 6 hours, the revised texts are necessary in the hour -two. All proposals request to leave only here. Compulsorily indicate your price.http: / / / projects / 93548.html
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: to 100 USD Of [trebuetmya] to finish and to work all possible situations so that would come out a maximally convenient, professional instruction for the operators of call of center. It is necessary professionally [prorabotat] all possible situations and to prepare competent, professional answers for the operators. Original text in the application. Since the starting of [kolltsentra] after 6 hours, the revised texts are necessary in the hour -two. All proposals request to leave only here. Compulsorily indicate your price.http: / / / projects / 93548.html
article for the project about [bloggerakh
Customer: [Trukhanov] Anton Vladimirovich (Zeus6x)
Category: News/article/the surveys
Budget: ? I search for contributor for the project about [bloggerakh] and [blogosfere] Of webloger.Ru of http: // necessary man, which examines thematics and it will write original, interesting materials. Payment: $10-15 for the post (from 3-4 thousand signs). More lately it can be increased for the regular contributors. Also regular contributor can pretend in the portion in the project. The first time will have to write near 3[kh]-4[kh] of posts in the week. Is also possible the version, with which the author obtains portion in the project instead of the payment (to 40%). Write in [lichku].http: / / / projects / 93575.html
Category: News/article/the surveys
Budget: ? I search for contributor for the project about [bloggerakh] and [blogosfere] Of webloger.Ru of http: // necessary man, which examines thematics and it will write original, interesting materials. Payment: $10-15 for the post (from 3-4 thousand signs). More lately it can be increased for the regular contributors. Also regular contributor can pretend in the portion in the project. The first time will have to write near 3[kh]-4[kh] of posts in the week. Is also possible the version, with which the author obtains portion in the project instead of the payment (to 40%). Write in [lichku].http: / / / projects / 93575.html
Articles about [kayty
Customer: It is hidden unnecessarily (the_one)
Category: News/article/surveys, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? There is this article - [kayt] (kite). There is their producer. Are necessary as review papers (possibly, transfer), so also concrete.http: / / / projects / 93595.html
Category: News/article/surveys, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? There is this article - [kayt] (kite). There is their producer. Are necessary as review papers (possibly, transfer), so also concrete.http: / / / projects / 93595.html
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
to write the text of letter for direct hit- marketing.
Customer: Nesterov Sergey (Rik5555)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the news/of article/the surveys
Budget: ? It is necessary to write the text of letter for direct hit- marketing. Volume - 1 page Of [a]4. Responded I please to record the cost of operation, periods, and so to represent examples of works. Work is single. We additionally search for colleague in this region. The most remote possible constant collaboration.http: / / / projects / 93388.html
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the news/of article/the surveys
Budget: ? It is necessary to write the text of letter for direct hit- marketing. Volume - 1 page Of [a]4. Responded I please to record the cost of operation, periods, and so to represent examples of works. Work is single. We additionally search for colleague in this region. The most remote possible constant collaboration.http: / / / projects / 93388.html
Private project for The [korotovskikh] Eugene
Customer: Vinogradov Anastasiy (PrettyFly)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? How do you do, Eugene! Again I need your services;) TZ sent to the mail.http: / / / projects / 93361.html
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? How do you do, Eugene! Again I need your services;) TZ sent to the mail.http: / / / projects / 93361.html
Monday, January 26, 2009
Course, correction pedagogy (2)
Customer: Nikolayev Elizabeth (bal2007)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: 40 USD is required an experimental study according to the classes [KRO] (elementary school) volume - 25 p. the establishing, forming and check experimenthttp: / / / projects / 89583.html
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: 40 USD is required an experimental study according to the classes [KRO] (elementary school) volume - 25 p. the establishing, forming and check experimenthttp: / / / projects / 89583.html
Course, correction pedagogy (2)
Customer: Nikolayev Elizabeth (bal2007)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: 40 USD is required an experimental study according to the classes [KRO] (elementary school) volume - 25 p. the establishing, forming and check experimenthttp: / / / projects / 89583.html
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: 40 USD is required an experimental study according to the classes [KRO] (elementary school) volume - 25 p. the establishing, forming and check experimenthttp: / / / projects / 89583.html
the filling of the catalog of articles, the transfers of the articles
Customer: Taras (portativka)
Category: Technical articles, the technical transfers
Budget: ? Is necessary not on the staff editor the journalist of [kopirayter] for the filling of the catalog of articles, transfer of articles on the photo technician, the communication engineer, the computer technology and the rest work removed on the Internet. Wage is contractual. [aska] of *** fivehttp: / / / projects / 93263.html
Category: Technical articles, the technical transfers
Budget: ? Is necessary not on the staff editor the journalist of [kopirayter] for the filling of the catalog of articles, transfer of articles on the photo technician, the communication engineer, the computer technology and the rest work removed on the Internet. Wage is contractual. [aska] of *** fivehttp: / / / projects / 93263.html
[Rerayt] for the auto- site
Customer: [Kuzmin] Maxim (maxum)
Category: News/article/surveys, the technical articles
Budget: ? Is required [rerayt] (with the keywords, to the unique state) of several articles about the domestic automobiles. Write price for 1000 [simv] in [LShttp: / / / projects / 93137.html
Category: News/article/surveys, the technical articles
Budget: ? Is required [rerayt] (with the keywords, to the unique state) of several articles about the domestic automobiles. Write price for 1000 [simv] in [LShttp: / / / projects / 93137.html
Sunday, January 25, 2009
To make a visual instruction.
Customer: Popov Vladimir (620312)
Category: Technical articles, are other
Budget: to 100 USD it is necessary to make an instruction (with the pictures, [printskrin] from the screen) for the users of site. Basic audience, users are older than 30 years. Heavy to them computers are given. Instruction on the points. For example: 1. change of password 2. addition of user to the list of those selected and so forth I wait your proposals.http: / / / projects / 93075.html
Category: Technical articles, are other
Budget: to 100 USD it is necessary to make an instruction (with the pictures, [printskrin] from the screen) for the users of site. Basic audience, users are older than 30 years. Heavy to them computers are given. Instruction on the points. For example: 1. change of password 2. addition of user to the list of those selected and so forth I wait your proposals.http: / / / projects / 93075.html
Are necessary several articles on the thematics VIP of the auto- services
Customer: George (George_27)
Category: News/article/surveys, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? Good day, it is necessary to write several articles (4-5) of those describing some transport services. The more detailed description of services and also additional components I will transmit to the selected executor. Give to know about your price proposals and also references to examples of your works. excellent day!http: / / / projects / 93047.html
Category: News/article/surveys, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? Good day, it is necessary to write several articles (4-5) of those describing some transport services. The more detailed description of services and also additional components I will transmit to the selected executor. Give to know about your price proposals and also references to examples of your works. excellent day!http: / / / projects / 93047.html
Transfer from Word in HTML
Customer: [Meleshnikov] Aleksey [Alevtinovich] (james303)
Category: HTML- imposition, editing/the correction
Budget: 30 USD are a document Of word, 47 pages, a [vklyuchashchiy] number of divisions and subsections. It is necessary accurately, with the retention of formatting to transfer it in HTML, separating divisions into the folders, and subsections - into the separate HTML- files. Document includes tables and pair of figures.http: / / / projects / 93068.html
Category: HTML- imposition, editing/the correction
Budget: 30 USD are a document Of word, 47 pages, a [vklyuchashchiy] number of divisions and subsections. It is necessary accurately, with the retention of formatting to transfer it in HTML, separating divisions into the folders, and subsections - into the separate HTML- files. Document includes tables and pair of figures.http: / / / projects / 93068.html
[Rerayt] to the automobile thematics
Customer: [Pozdeev] Roman (exeron)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the news/of article/the surveys
Budget: ? It is necessary to make [rerayt] on the automobile thematics. Required requirement: the uniqueness of articles, information value - finally is done for the people. Requirements for the executor - it is necessary to actually examine automobiles. Leave all proposals here. In [privat] to write not necessary.http: / / / projects / 93084.html
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the news/of article/the surveys
Budget: ? It is necessary to make [rerayt] on the automobile thematics. Required requirement: the uniqueness of articles, information value - finally is done for the people. Requirements for the executor - it is necessary to actually examine automobiles. Leave all proposals here. In [privat] to write not necessary.http: / / / projects / 93084.html
[Rerayt] to the automobile thematics
Customer: [Pozdeev] Roman (exeron)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the news/of article/the surveys
Budget: ? It is necessary to make [rerayt] on the automobile thematics. Required requirement: the uniqueness of articles, information value - finally is done for the people. Requirements for the executor - it is necessary to actually examine automobiles. Leave all proposals here. In [privat] to write not necessary.http: / / / projects / 93084.html
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the news/of article/the surveys
Budget: ? It is necessary to make [rerayt] on the automobile thematics. Required requirement: the uniqueness of articles, information value - finally is done for the people. Requirements for the executor - it is necessary to actually examine automobiles. Leave all proposals here. In [privat] to write not necessary.http: / / / projects / 93084.html
To make a visual instruction.
Customer: Popov Vladimir (620312)
Category: Technical articles, are other
Budget: to 100 USD it is necessary to make an instruction (with the pictures, [printskrin] from the screen) for the users of site. Basic audience, users are older than 30 years. Heavy to them computers are given. Instruction on the points. For example: 1. change of password 2. addition of user to the list of those selected and so forth I wait your proposals.http: / / / projects / 93075.html
Category: Technical articles, are other
Budget: to 100 USD it is necessary to make an instruction (with the pictures, [printskrin] from the screen) for the users of site. Basic audience, users are older than 30 years. Heavy to them computers are given. Instruction on the points. For example: 1. change of password 2. addition of user to the list of those selected and so forth I wait your proposals.http: / / / projects / 93075.html
Transfer from Word in HTML
Customer: [Meleshnikov] Aleksey [Alevtinovich] (james303)
Category: HTML- imposition, editing/the correction
Budget: 30 USD are a document Of word, 47 pages, a [vklyuchashchiy] number of divisions and subsections. It is necessary accurately, with the retention of formatting to transfer it in HTML, separating divisions into the folders, and subsections - into the separate HTML- files. Document includes tables and pair of figures.http: / / / projects / 93068.html
Category: HTML- imposition, editing/the correction
Budget: 30 USD are a document Of word, 47 pages, a [vklyuchashchiy] number of divisions and subsections. It is necessary accurately, with the retention of formatting to transfer it in HTML, separating divisions into the folders, and subsections - into the separate HTML- files. Document includes tables and pair of figures.http: / / / projects / 93068.html
Customer: [Lebedinskaya] [Anya] (norme- g)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Abstract about control systems of the fatigue strength of the elements of automobile, their classification. Least durable components in the automobiles of domestic models. The formulation of work is not necessary, only text. The volume of work is not less than 20 pages 14 by type with the one-and-a-half interval.http: / / / projects / 93007.html
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Abstract about control systems of the fatigue strength of the elements of automobile, their classification. Least durable components in the automobiles of domestic models. The formulation of work is not necessary, only text. The volume of work is not less than 20 pages 14 by type with the one-and-a-half interval.http: / / / projects / 93007.html
Is necessary transfer with the Russ. - > Czech
Customer: Manson Of vlad (vladok_)
Category: Artistic transfers
Budget: ? Translation from Russian into Czech language is necessary. Text of the approximately 1/2 pages Of [a]4. Special features: there is a pair of the terms from the region of the Internet and computer technologies. Price of transfer to indicate. Communications written into [lichku] be examined will not be.http: / / / projects / 92993.html
Category: Artistic transfers
Budget: ? Translation from Russian into Czech language is necessary. Text of the approximately 1/2 pages Of [a]4. Special features: there is a pair of the terms from the region of the Internet and computer technologies. Price of transfer to indicate. Communications written into [lichku] be examined will not be.http: / / / projects / 92993.html
Skill of ancient Rome the abstract
Customer: [Seroochenko] Tatiana (Tanyam)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: 15 USD of 1.[Osobennosti] of architecture ancient [Rimayu] 2.[rimskiy] sculptural portrait. 3. salient buildings of ancient Rome. 4. painting of ancient Rome and its styles.http: / / / projects / 93012.html
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: 15 USD of 1.[Osobennosti] of architecture ancient [Rimayu] 2.[rimskiy] sculptural portrait. 3. salient buildings of ancient Rome. 4. painting of ancient Rome and its styles.http: / / / projects / 93012.html
Are necessary several articles on the thematics VIP of the auto- services
Customer: George (George_27)
Category: News/article/surveys, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? Good day, it is necessary to write several articles (4-5) of those describing some transport services. The more detailed description of services and also additional components I will transmit to the selected executor. Give to know about your price proposals and also references to examples of your works. excellent day!http: / / / projects / 93047.html
Category: News/article/surveys, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? Good day, it is necessary to write several articles (4-5) of those describing some transport services. The more detailed description of services and also additional components I will transmit to the selected executor. Give to know about your price proposals and also references to examples of your works. excellent day!http: / / / projects / 93047.html
Customer: [Lebedinskaya] [Anya] (norme- g)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Abstract about control systems of the fatigue strength of the elements of automobile, their classification. Least durable components in the automobiles of domestic models. The formulation of work is not necessary, only text. The volume of work is not less than 20 pages 14 by type with the one-and-a-half interval.http: / / / projects / 93007.html
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Abstract about control systems of the fatigue strength of the elements of automobile, their classification. Least durable components in the automobiles of domestic models. The formulation of work is not necessary, only text. The volume of work is not less than 20 pages 14 by type with the one-and-a-half interval.http: / / / projects / 93007.html
Is necessary transfer with the Russ. - > Czech
Customer: Manson Of vlad (vladok_)
Category: Artistic transfers
Budget: ? Translation from Russian into Czech language is necessary. Text of the approximately 1/2 pages Of [a]4. Special features: there is a pair of the terms from the region of the Internet and computer technologies. Price of transfer to indicate. Communications written into [lichku] be examined will not be.http: / / / projects / 92993.html
Category: Artistic transfers
Budget: ? Translation from Russian into Czech language is necessary. Text of the approximately 1/2 pages Of [a]4. Special features: there is a pair of the terms from the region of the Internet and computer technologies. Price of transfer to indicate. Communications written into [lichku] be examined will not be.http: / / / projects / 92993.html
Skill of ancient Rome the abstract
Customer: [Seroochenko] Tatiana (Tanyam)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: 15 USD of 1.[Osobennosti] of architecture ancient [Rimayu] 2.[rimskiy] sculptural portrait. 3. salient buildings of ancient Rome. 4. painting of ancient Rome and its styles.http: / / / projects / 93012.html
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: 15 USD of 1.[Osobennosti] of architecture ancient [Rimayu] 2.[rimskiy] sculptural portrait. 3. salient buildings of ancient Rome. 4. painting of ancient Rome and its styles.http: / / / projects / 93012.html
Are necessary several articles on the thematics VIP of the auto- services
Customer: George (George_27)
Category: News/article/surveys, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? Good day, it is necessary to write several articles (4-5) of those describing some transport services. The more detailed description of services and also additional components I will transmit to the selected executor. Give to know about your price proposals and also references to examples of your works. excellent day!http: / / / projects / 93047.html
Category: News/article/surveys, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? Good day, it is necessary to write several articles (4-5) of those describing some transport services. The more detailed description of services and also additional components I will transmit to the selected executor. Give to know about your price proposals and also references to examples of your works. excellent day!http: / / / projects / 93047.html
Text of the presentation of the company of en>>ru
Customer: Econcept Of andy (Dr-Karlson)
Category: Artistic transfers
Budget: ? It is necessary to translate the text of the presentation of company. See in the application. Prices I please to indicate in THE 10 KOPECKS.http: / / / projects / 93009.html
Category: Artistic transfers
Budget: ? It is necessary to translate the text of the presentation of company. See in the application. Prices I please to indicate in THE 10 KOPECKS.http: / / / projects / 93009.html
Is necessary transfer with the Russ. - > Czech
Customer: Manson Of vlad (vladok_)
Category: Artistic transfers
Budget: ? Translation from Russian into Czech language is necessary. Text of the approximately 1/2 pages Of [a]4. Special features: there is a pair of the terms from the region of the Internet and computer technologies. Price of transfer to indicate. Communications written into [lichku] be examined will not be.http: / / / projects / 92993.html
Category: Artistic transfers
Budget: ? Translation from Russian into Czech language is necessary. Text of the approximately 1/2 pages Of [a]4. Special features: there is a pair of the terms from the region of the Internet and computer technologies. Price of transfer to indicate. Communications written into [lichku] be examined will not be.http: / / / projects / 92993.html
Text of booklet ([ang]>>[rus]),
Customer: Econcept Of andy (Dr-Karlson)
Category: Technical transfers, the artistic transfers
Budget: ? It is necessary to translate the text of advertising booklet on [devaysu] for the security systems. See in the application. Technical text in it - the minimum. Prices I please to indicate in THE 10 KOPECKS.http: / / / projects / 93006.html
Category: Technical transfers, the artistic transfers
Budget: ? It is necessary to translate the text of advertising booklet on [devaysu] for the security systems. See in the application. Technical text in it - the minimum. Prices I please to indicate in THE 10 KOPECKS.http: / / / projects / 93006.html
Customer: [Lebedinskaya] [Anya] (norme- g)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Abstract about control systems of the fatigue strength of the elements of automobile, their classification. Least durable components in the automobiles of domestic models. The formulation of work is not necessary, only text. The volume of work is not less than 20 pages 14 by type with the one-and-a-half interval.http: / / / projects / 93007.html
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Abstract about control systems of the fatigue strength of the elements of automobile, their classification. Least durable components in the automobiles of domestic models. The formulation of work is not necessary, only text. The volume of work is not less than 20 pages 14 by type with the one-and-a-half interval.http: / / / projects / 93007.html
Skill of ancient Rome the abstract
Customer: [Seroochenko] Tatiana (Tanyam)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: 15 USD of 1.[Osobennosti] of architecture ancient [Rimayu] 2.[rimskiy] sculptural portrait. 3. salient buildings of ancient Rome. 4. painting of ancient Rome and its styles.http: / / / projects / 93012.html
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: 15 USD of 1.[Osobennosti] of architecture ancient [Rimayu] 2.[rimskiy] sculptural portrait. 3. salient buildings of ancient Rome. 4. painting of ancient Rome and its styles.http: / / / projects / 93012.html
Text of booklet ([ang]>>[rus]),
Customer: Econcept Of andy (Dr-Karlson)
Category: Technical transfers, the artistic transfers
Budget: ? It is necessary to translate the text of advertising booklet on [devaysu] for the security systems. See in the application. Technical text in it - the minimum. Prices I please to indicate in THE 10 KOPECKS.http: / / / projects / 93006.html
Category: Technical transfers, the artistic transfers
Budget: ? It is necessary to translate the text of advertising booklet on [devaysu] for the security systems. See in the application. Technical text in it - the minimum. Prices I please to indicate in THE 10 KOPECKS.http: / / / projects / 93006.html
Two article- surveys of the Internet- stores
Customer: [Sharabarov] Alexander (grrrl)
Category: News/article/surveys, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? It is necessary to write two original surveys of Internet- stores, to emphasize the special features of each. Are executed articles they must be not the dry language of survey, but living, so that to the simple person it would be wanted something to acquire. Stores are occupied by sale of sports shirts. Size of each survey - approximately of 2000 signs. It is more 3$ for 1[k] of signs not to propose, budget is limited. Further possible collaboration.http: / / / projects / 92966.html
Category: News/article/surveys, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? It is necessary to write two original surveys of Internet- stores, to emphasize the special features of each. Are executed articles they must be not the dry language of survey, but living, so that to the simple person it would be wanted something to acquire. Stores are occupied by sale of sports shirts. Size of each survey - approximately of 2000 signs. It is more 3$ for 1[k] of signs not to propose, budget is limited. Further possible collaboration.http: / / / projects / 92966.html
Turkish in the Russian
Customer: [Adminov] Eugene (eugen20063)
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: to 100 USD by all how do you do, and so immediately to the matter I should transfer 100[kb] of Turkish text in the Russian, thematics such this the Turkish script of social network and word there will be encountered such as profile/forum/guests/friends so forthhttp: / / / projects / 92978.html
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: to 100 USD by all how do you do, and so immediately to the matter I should transfer 100[kb] of Turkish text in the Russian, thematics such this the Turkish script of social network and word there will be encountered such as profile/forum/guests/friends so forthhttp: / / / projects / 92978.html
Is necessary transfer with the Russ. - > Czech
Customer: Manson Of vlad (vladok_)
Category: Artistic transfers
Budget: ? Translation from Russian into Czech language is necessary. Text of the approximately 1/2 pages Of [a]4. Special features: there is a pair of the terms from the region of the Internet and computer technologies. Price of transfer to indicate. Communications written into [lichku] be examined will not be.http: / / / projects / 92993.html
Category: Artistic transfers
Budget: ? Translation from Russian into Czech language is necessary. Text of the approximately 1/2 pages Of [a]4. Special features: there is a pair of the terms from the region of the Internet and computer technologies. Price of transfer to indicate. Communications written into [lichku] be examined will not be.http: / / / projects / 92993.html
Customer: [Lebedinskaya] [Anya] (norme- g)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Abstract about control systems of the fatigue strength of the elements of automobile, their classification. Least durable components in the automobiles of domestic models. The formulation of work is not necessary, only text. The volume of work is not less than 20 pages 14 by type with the one-and-a-half interval.http: / / / projects / 93007.html
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Abstract about control systems of the fatigue strength of the elements of automobile, their classification. Least durable components in the automobiles of domestic models. The formulation of work is not necessary, only text. The volume of work is not less than 20 pages 14 by type with the one-and-a-half interval.http: / / / projects / 93007.html
Text of the presentation of the company of en>>ru
Customer: Econcept Of andy (Dr-Karlson)
Category: Artistic transfers
Budget: ? It is necessary to translate the text of the presentation of company. See in the application. Prices I please to indicate in THE 10 KOPECKS.http: / / / projects / 93009.html
Category: Artistic transfers
Budget: ? It is necessary to translate the text of the presentation of company. See in the application. Prices I please to indicate in THE 10 KOPECKS.http: / / / projects / 93009.html
Skill of ancient Rome the abstract
Customer: [Seroochenko] Tatiana (Tanyam)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: 15 USD of 1.[Osobennosti] of architecture ancient [Rimayu] 2.[rimskiy] sculptural portrait. 3. salient buildings of ancient Rome. 4. painting of ancient Rome and its styles.http: / / / projects / 93012.html
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: 15 USD of 1.[Osobennosti] of architecture ancient [Rimayu] 2.[rimskiy] sculptural portrait. 3. salient buildings of ancient Rome. 4. painting of ancient Rome and its styles.http: / / / projects / 93012.html
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Text of the presentation of the company of en>>ru
Customer: Econcept Of andy (Dr-Karlson)
Category: Artistic transfers
Budget: ? It is necessary to translate the text of the presentation of company. See in the application. Prices I please to indicate in THE 10 KOPECKS.http: / / / projects / 93009.html
Category: Artistic transfers
Budget: ? It is necessary to translate the text of the presentation of company. See in the application. Prices I please to indicate in THE 10 KOPECKS.http: / / / projects / 93009.html
Customer: [Lebedinskaya] [Anya] (norme- g)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Abstract about control systems of the fatigue strength of the elements of automobile, their classification. Least durable components in the automobiles of domestic models. The formulation of work is not necessary, only text. The volume of work is not less than 20 pages 14 by type with the one-and-a-half interval.http: / / / projects / 93007.html
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Abstract about control systems of the fatigue strength of the elements of automobile, their classification. Least durable components in the automobiles of domestic models. The formulation of work is not necessary, only text. The volume of work is not less than 20 pages 14 by type with the one-and-a-half interval.http: / / / projects / 93007.html
Skill of ancient Rome the abstract
Customer: [Seroochenko] Tatiana (Tanyam)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: 15 USD of 1.[Osobennosti] of architecture ancient [Rimayu] 2.[rimskiy] sculptural portrait. 3. salient buildings of ancient Rome. 4. painting of ancient Rome and its styles.http: / / / projects / 93012.html
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: 15 USD of 1.[Osobennosti] of architecture ancient [Rimayu] 2.[rimskiy] sculptural portrait. 3. salient buildings of ancient Rome. 4. painting of ancient Rome and its styles.http: / / / projects / 93012.html
Skill of ancient Rome the abstract
Customer: [Seroochenko] Tatiana (Tanyam)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: 15 USD of 1.[Osobennosti] of architecture ancient [Rimayu] 2.[rimskiy] sculptural portrait. 3. salient buildings of ancient Rome. 4. painting of ancient Rome and its styles.http: / / / projects / 93012.html
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: 15 USD of 1.[Osobennosti] of architecture ancient [Rimayu] 2.[rimskiy] sculptural portrait. 3. salient buildings of ancient Rome. 4. painting of ancient Rome and its styles.http: / / / projects / 93012.html
Customer: [Lebedinskaya] [Anya] (norme- g)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Abstract about control systems of the fatigue strength of the elements of automobile, their classification. Least durable components in the automobiles of domestic models. The formulation of work is not necessary, only text. The volume of work is not less than 20 pages 14 by type with the one-and-a-half interval.http: / / / projects / 93007.html
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Abstract about control systems of the fatigue strength of the elements of automobile, their classification. Least durable components in the automobiles of domestic models. The formulation of work is not necessary, only text. The volume of work is not less than 20 pages 14 by type with the one-and-a-half interval.http: / / / projects / 93007.html
Text of the presentation of the company of en>>ru
Customer: Econcept Of andy (Dr-Karlson)
Category: Artistic transfers
Budget: ? It is necessary to translate the text of the presentation of company. See in the application. Prices I please to indicate in THE 10 KOPECKS.http: / / / projects / 93009.html
Category: Artistic transfers
Budget: ? It is necessary to translate the text of the presentation of company. See in the application. Prices I please to indicate in THE 10 KOPECKS.http: / / / projects / 93009.html
Text of booklet ([ang]>>[rus]),
Customer: Econcept Of andy (Dr-Karlson)
Category: Technical transfers, the artistic transfers
Budget: ? It is necessary to translate the text of advertising booklet on [devaysu] for the security systems. See in the application. Technical text in it - the minimum. Prices I please to indicate in THE 10 KOPECKS.http: / / / projects / 93006.html
Category: Technical transfers, the artistic transfers
Budget: ? It is necessary to translate the text of advertising booklet on [devaysu] for the security systems. See in the application. Technical text in it - the minimum. Prices I please to indicate in THE 10 KOPECKS.http: / / / projects / 93006.html
Is necessary transfer with the Russ. - > Czech
Customer: Manson Of vlad (vladok_)
Category: Artistic transfers
Budget: ? Translation from Russian into Czech language is necessary. Text of the approximately 1/2 pages Of [a]4. Special features: there is a pair of the terms from the region of the Internet and computer technologies. Price of transfer to indicate. Communications written into [lichku] be examined will not be.http: / / / projects / 92993.html
Category: Artistic transfers
Budget: ? Translation from Russian into Czech language is necessary. Text of the approximately 1/2 pages Of [a]4. Special features: there is a pair of the terms from the region of the Internet and computer technologies. Price of transfer to indicate. Communications written into [lichku] be examined will not be.http: / / / projects / 92993.html
Turkish in the Russian
Customer: [Adminov] Eugene (eugen20063)
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: to 100 USD by all how do you do, and so immediately to the matter I should transfer 100[kb] of Turkish text in the Russian, thematics such this the Turkish script of social network and word there will be encountered such as profile/forum/guests/friends so forthhttp: / / / projects / 92978.html
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: to 100 USD by all how do you do, and so immediately to the matter I should transfer 100[kb] of Turkish text in the Russian, thematics such this the Turkish script of social network and word there will be encountered such as profile/forum/guests/friends so forthhttp: / / / projects / 92978.html
Friday, January 23, 2009
Private. [Malkin] Stanislav [Anatolevich] (ArtLab)
Customer: Vasil'yev Constantine (BrezeNT)
Category: Technical articles
Budget: 100 USD the development of detailed technical task.http: / / / projects / 92815.html
Category: Technical articles
Budget: 100 USD the development of detailed technical task.http: / / / projects / 92815.html
the addition of the news to the site
Customer: Alekseevich Of artem (Slimes2010)
Category: News/article/the surveys
Budget: ? Are required on a constant basis journalists, [s] on with monthly payment from 30$. The addition of the news to the site is required from you. A quantity of news must be from 8 news. Their coordinates indicate here and your form will be examined.http: / / / projects / 92814.html
Category: News/article/the surveys
Budget: ? Are required on a constant basis journalists, [s] on with monthly payment from 30$. The addition of the news to the site is required from you. A quantity of news must be from 8 news. Their coordinates indicate here and your form will be examined.http: / / / projects / 92814.html
Transfer \ the correction of site
Customer: Janyshev Of vladimir (rmx)
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: 100 USD it is necessary that everything was written on the literate of [angliyskom].[Vtch] and documentation. auto-translator not to [katit].[Cheloveku] knowing - on two days of work maximum, but that to one. Call your price.http: / / / projects / 92824.html
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: 100 USD it is necessary that everything was written on the literate of [angliyskom].[Vtch] and documentation. auto-translator not to [katit].[Cheloveku] knowing - on two days of work maximum, but that to one. Call your price.http: / / / projects / 92824.html
Information theory
Customer: Artot is sea-scape (artos3000)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts the budget: 50 USD are course on the information theory on the theme [ASOIhttp: / / / projects / 92829.html
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts the budget: 50 USD are course on the information theory on the theme [ASOIhttp: / / / projects / 92829.html
Course on the information texnologies of control
Customer: Smirnov Alexander (Krasniidiplom)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? How do you do! It is necessary to carry out course work on [ITU]. Detailed requirements for the work - in the applied file. Necessary version - 2 (it is marked in the text of file). The respected authors, we resemble to you that the quality and the short times of the fulfillment of work are the guarantee of lasting and fruitful collaboration on the more advantageous conditions. We are interested in good authors and value them.http: / / / projects / 92834.html
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? How do you do! It is necessary to carry out course work on [ITU]. Detailed requirements for the work - in the applied file. Necessary version - 2 (it is marked in the text of file). The respected authors, we resemble to you that the quality and the short times of the fulfillment of work are the guarantee of lasting and fruitful collaboration on the more advantageous conditions. We are interested in good authors and value them.http: / / / projects / 92834.html
Abstract on psychology
Customer: Sergey Sergey (cjseriy)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? It is necessary to carry out abstract on the history of psychology. Period on January 24 to 14 00 on msk. Details in the fastened file. Payment in the rubles - [Yandeks] of money. 240 rub.http: / / / projects / 92788.html
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? It is necessary to carry out abstract on the history of psychology. Period on January 24 to 14 00 on msk. Details in the fastened file. Payment in the rubles - [Yandeks] of money. 240 rub.http: / / / projects / 92788.html
Customer: [Murkorr] Alex (murkorr)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], editing/the correction
Budget: ? Is necessary [rerayt] of article. The payment of 1000 signs 1$ (necessarily 3000 signs) I to multiply its payment is separate. Here is site In [lichku] not to write. Write here contacts and are agreeable you with the conditions?http: / / / projects / 92792.html
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], editing/the correction
Budget: ? Is necessary [rerayt] of article. The payment of 1000 signs 1$ (necessarily 3000 signs) I to multiply its payment is separate. Here is site In [lichku] not to write. Write here contacts and are agreeable you with the conditions?http: / / / projects / 92792.html
Transfer from Engl. with the knowledge slang and americanisms
Customer: Danila Of seliverstov (Flezo)
Category: Artistic transfers, the technical transfers
Budget: ? Is required person at the age of up to 27 years, who lived not less than 3[kh] of years in the USA, that freely managing English (American) language. Work of two categories: 1) the transfer of letters, texts 2) correcting the verses of songs in the English: editing and consultation according to the vocal revolutions and the kept balance expressions, the freedom of the application of conversational [slengovykh] forms and expressions. from the competitors of resume and price to *** the payment of webmoney, yandex of money, paypalhttp: / / / projects / 92793.html
Category: Artistic transfers, the technical transfers
Budget: ? Is required person at the age of up to 27 years, who lived not less than 3[kh] of years in the USA, that freely managing English (American) language. Work of two categories: 1) the transfer of letters, texts 2) correcting the verses of songs in the English: editing and consultation according to the vocal revolutions and the kept balance expressions, the freedom of the application of conversational [slengovykh] forms and expressions. from the competitors of resume and price to *** the payment of webmoney, yandex of money, paypalhttp: / / / projects / 92793.html
12 texts about the by the day lease
Customer: Stukalov Alexander (astrajournal)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the news/of article/the surveys
Budget: ? Is required the author of 12 texts about the [posutochuyu] lease. The profound knowledge of theme is not required - small (1500-2000 signs) articles about the general moments are necessary. With the checking primary attention will be given to the uniqueness (therefore it is necessary either [kopirayt] of level below average or good [rerayt]) and the literacy, but not to the content. Will have to use in each article of [klyucheviki] - to the selection of executor, I will grant list. Period - to the end of January. Cost of entire project - 1000 rubles (approximately 50 rubles for thousands of signs). Leave your proposals only in the project.http: / / / projects / 92769.html
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the news/of article/the surveys
Budget: ? Is required the author of 12 texts about the [posutochuyu] lease. The profound knowledge of theme is not required - small (1500-2000 signs) articles about the general moments are necessary. With the checking primary attention will be given to the uniqueness (therefore it is necessary either [kopirayt] of level below average or good [rerayt]) and the literacy, but not to the content. Will have to use in each article of [klyucheviki] - to the selection of executor, I will grant list. Period - to the end of January. Cost of entire project - 1000 rubles (approximately 50 rubles for thousands of signs). Leave your proposals only in the project.http: / / / projects / 92769.html
Text for the distribution on the boards of the declarations
Customer: [Danilets] sea-scape (marinadvs)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? Texts with the description of site for the distribution into the catalogs are necessary. Indicate the cost of your services.http: / / / projects / 92735.html
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? Texts with the description of site for the distribution into the catalogs are necessary. Indicate the cost of your services.http: / / / projects / 92735.html
Transfer of the catalog of references into the English
Customer: [Postolov] Sergey (svem)
Category: Technical transfers, the artistic transfers
Budget: ? The catalog of references must be translated to the [anliyskiy] language in essence, transfer concerns the filled forms and the concluded errors of the introductionhttp: / / / projects / 92725.html
Category: Technical transfers, the artistic transfers
Budget: ? The catalog of references must be translated to the [anliyskiy] language in essence, transfer concerns the filled forms and the concluded errors of the introductionhttp: / / / projects / 92725.html
Customer: [Zotova] love (luzo)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? Is necessary assistant for the fulfillment of the large volume of [rerayta]. The price of question 1,20 for 1000. it is necessary quality. Leave proposals here, into [lichku] and [asku] not to write, I will be connected itself. To all thanks for the attention.http: / / / projects / 92722.html
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? Is necessary assistant for the fulfillment of the large volume of [rerayta]. The price of question 1,20 for 1000. it is necessary quality. Leave proposals here, into [lichku] and [asku] not to write, I will be connected itself. To all thanks for the attention.http: / / / projects / 92722.html
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Correction of the text
Customer: Melnikov Ivan (JohnSM)
Category: Editing/correction, is other
Budget: ? For obtaining the work it is necessary to carry out the test correction of here this small material of http: // awd3217ur and to send it to the address of *** together with the valuations to your services. If you make competent literary correcting, a good payment and a constant collaboration - we guarantee.http: / / / projects / 92682.html
Category: Editing/correction, is other
Budget: ? For obtaining the work it is necessary to carry out the test correction of here this small material of http: // awd3217ur and to send it to the address of *** together with the valuations to your services. If you make competent literary correcting, a good payment and a constant collaboration - we guarantee.http: / / / projects / 92682.html
Correction of the text
Customer: Melnikov Ivan (JohnSM)
Category: Editing/correction, is other
Budget: ? For obtaining the work it is necessary to carry out the test correction of here this small material of http: // awd3217ur and to send it to the address of *** together with the valuations to your services. If you make competent literary correcting, a good payment and a constant collaboration - we guarantee.http: / / / projects / 92682.html
Category: Editing/correction, is other
Budget: ? For obtaining the work it is necessary to carry out the test correction of here this small material of http: // awd3217ur and to send it to the address of *** together with the valuations to your services. If you make competent literary correcting, a good payment and a constant collaboration - we guarantee.http: / / / projects / 92682.html
[kopiraytery] and the translators of the European languages
Customer: [Shteyn] brand (matisik)
Category: News/article/surveys, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? Are required [kopiraytery] and the translators of European languages desirably German. detail with the correspondence.http: / / / projects / 92652.html
Category: News/article/surveys, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? Are required [kopiraytery] and the translators of European languages desirably German. detail with the correspondence.http: / / / projects / 92652.html
Composition of [ankorov
Customer: [Baukin] Vasiliy Sergeyevich (wade_seo)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the news/of article/the surveys
Budget: ? It is necessary to compose [ankory]. Payment - 2.5 WMZ for thousands of signs is important the adequacy of [ankorov] of the activity of the client (correct to work with the direct hit, [yandeksom] and text of the site of client) and effectiveness. As to compose [ankory], I will describe.http: / / / projects / 92626.html
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the news/of article/the surveys
Budget: ? It is necessary to compose [ankory]. Payment - 2.5 WMZ for thousands of signs is important the adequacy of [ankorov] of the activity of the client (correct to work with the direct hit, [yandeksom] and text of the site of client) and effectiveness. As to compose [ankory], I will describe.http: / / / projects / 92626.html
Transfer German- is Ukrainian
Customer: Kovalev lily (liliya_kovalova)
Category: Technical articles
Budget: ? For the project of German- Ukrainian transfer is required the translator working in Trados.[prisylayte] information into [privat] or into icq-427271858.http: / / / projects / 92610.html
Category: Technical articles
Budget: ? For the project of German- Ukrainian transfer is required the translator working in Trados.[prisylayte] information into [privat] or into icq-427271858.http: / / / projects / 92610.html
Course on [sots]- ek to the statistics
Customer: Smirnov Alexander (Krasniidiplom)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? It is necessary to solve course on [SES] ([sm].[prilozhennyy] file). The criteria of evaluation of the quality of the executed work are: - are correct the solutions; - detail, consistency and the literacy of account. In the case of the qualitative fulfillment of this and subsequent [zadaiy] we will be glad they are glad to propose to you collaboration on constant even more advantageous conditions. Indicate, if you please, your proposals on the price and the periods. Thanks!http: / / / projects / 92608.html
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? It is necessary to solve course on [SES] ([sm].[prilozhennyy] file). The criteria of evaluation of the quality of the executed work are: - are correct the solutions; - detail, consistency and the literacy of account. In the case of the qualitative fulfillment of this and subsequent [zadaiy] we will be glad they are glad to propose to you collaboration on constant even more advantageous conditions. Indicate, if you please, your proposals on the price and the periods. Thanks!http: / / / projects / 92608.html
Course project (Visual Of studio 2005, [S]++)
Customer: Smirnov Darya (Smilengo)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Is urgently necessary [kursovik] on the programming (methods of the noise-immune coding + of [programmka] into Visual Of studio 2005 to [S]++) to 26.01.09 you will be able to help? Price is contractual. tel. *** Of St. Petersburghttp: / / / projects / 92615.html
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Is urgently necessary [kursovik] on the programming (methods of the noise-immune coding + of [programmka] into Visual Of studio 2005 to [S]++) to 26.01.09 you will be able to help? Price is contractual. tel. *** Of St. Petersburghttp: / / / projects / 92615.html
It is necessary to move the sufficiently known play project
Customer: Yaroslav (mmprj)
Category: Advance of the site/SEO, news/of article/the surveys
Budget: ? It is necessary to [otreklamirovat] the continuation of sufficiently known in the past play project. In a short time. Is possible application, both the Internet technologies and printed press. What there will be proposals?http: / / / projects / 92581.html
Category: Advance of the site/SEO, news/of article/the surveys
Budget: ? It is necessary to [otreklamirovat] the continuation of sufficiently known in the past play project. In a short time. Is possible application, both the Internet technologies and printed press. What there will be proposals?http: / / / projects / 92581.html
writing the news
Customer: Savelyev Dmitriy (ankorn25)
Category: News/article/the surveys
Budget: ? Site to the play thematics (computer games). During the day it is necessary to publish 2-3 news. every 5 news must be lung [reraytom] (rest it is copied from the news sources) work long-term; therefore I search for people to a constant basis (!) Payments each week, 2 weeks, month.http: / / / projects / 92539.html
Category: News/article/the surveys
Budget: ? Site to the play thematics (computer games). During the day it is necessary to publish 2-3 news. every 5 news must be lung [reraytom] (rest it is copied from the news sources) work long-term; therefore I search for people to a constant basis (!) Payments each week, 2 weeks, month.http: / / / projects / 92539.html
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Diploma for Helen Roar -[Mikheevoy
Customer: [Chuykova] Maria (aksi1)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Diploma work on the real estate market of Russiahttp: / / / projects / 92332.html
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Diploma work on the real estate market of Russiahttp: / / / projects / 92332.html
Course in mathematics
Customer: Artem Tokarev (dyposo)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? There is finished course work on higher mathematics. In it there are 3 tasks, they must be solved. Write here proposals.http: / / / projects / 92325.html
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? There is finished course work on higher mathematics. In it there are 3 tasks, they must be solved. Write here proposals.http: / / / projects / 92325.html
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
To fill program with the synonyms
Customer: It is simple [Ramil] (Ficd)
Category: [Kontent]- management, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? I give specific routine. I give site with the synonyms. You [klikaete] to add and there first word and in other window its synonym. Words necessarily more than 300 write price and periods. I will take on the price 1 synonym it is put in 2 s.http: / / / projects / 92270.html
Category: [Kontent]- management, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? I give specific routine. I give site with the synonyms. You [klikaete] to add and there first word and in other window its synonym. Words necessarily more than 300 write price and periods. I will take on the price 1 synonym it is put in 2 s.http: / / / projects / 92270.html
Is necessary transfer in the English
Customer: Alexander (rvach)
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: ? Is necessary qualitative transfer in the Russian- the English of the small fragments of standard contract. It is necessary in the course of day to be in online, or on the telephone. Period to 13:00 msk. If it arranges quality/periods, further possible tracking of this contract, and also another business correspondence.http: / / / projects / 92288.html
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: ? Is necessary qualitative transfer in the Russian- the English of the small fragments of standard contract. It is necessary in the course of day to be in online, or on the telephone. Period to 13:00 msk. If it arranges quality/periods, further possible tracking of this contract, and also another business correspondence.http: / / / projects / 92288.html
[Kopirayting] on the Web- services and the composition of opinions (4)
Customer: Work exists (outsors_msk)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: to 100 USD it is necessarily more than 10 pages [kreativnogo] of that selling and seo of the optimized (more than 100 [klyuchevikov]) text. Plus is the composition of the letters of recommendations. Only if already there is an experience of the development of texts for the Web- services.http: / / / projects / 84692.html
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: to 100 USD it is necessarily more than 10 pages [kreativnogo] of that selling and seo of the optimized (more than 100 [klyuchevikov]) text. Plus is the composition of the letters of recommendations. Only if already there is an experience of the development of texts for the Web- services.http: / / / projects / 84692.html
work for the newsmaker - [reraytera
Customer: Smirnov Vladimir (Florentis)
Category: News/article/the surveys
Budget: ? Is necessary qualitative [rerayt] of the news. The thematics of the news is wide, I will indicate sources. At the output the text of approximately 1,5 thousand signs. Title. Reference to the picture. It is necessary thus far approximately 10 news in the week. It is possible daily gradually, it is possible in a day other day, desirably that idle times more than there were no two days. Is further very probable an increase of the number of news by several times and \ or the connection of the second person. The ready news to publish is very not necessary, to send to me to the mail. With the man which during the first days will show that it is capable to make qualitative [rerayt] it is disposed to the long-term cooperation.http: / / / projects / 92245.html
Category: News/article/the surveys
Budget: ? Is necessary qualitative [rerayt] of the news. The thematics of the news is wide, I will indicate sources. At the output the text of approximately 1,5 thousand signs. Title. Reference to the picture. It is necessary thus far approximately 10 news in the week. It is possible daily gradually, it is possible in a day other day, desirably that idle times more than there were no two days. Is further very probable an increase of the number of news by several times and \ or the connection of the second person. The ready news to publish is very not necessary, to send to me to the mail. With the man which during the first days will show that it is capable to make qualitative [rerayt] it is disposed to the long-term cooperation.http: / / / projects / 92245.html
Transfer, the auto-thematics
Customer: Anisimov Of andrew (andrew_anisimov)
Category: Technical transfers, are other
Budget: to 100 USD we will not probably tomorrow manage with the large project, therefore for the aid is necessary [frilanser] or 2 [frilansera]. Project: Transfer, auto-thematics, volume - to 10 p. Of [dedlayn] - the morning on January 22 on Kiev. Payment: 4,5 USD for the page (300 words), the period of payment - on March 2, webmoney, contact, unistream, anelik or another system of electronic payments, but in this case commission is laid on you. Contact: send your resume to ***, with the contacts, as the minimum 3[kh] of the forms, among which electronic mail and telephone. Test task as in the previous projects is paid only to selected executor, and it will be sent only with the observance of all enumerated requirements, in this time it does not exceed 200 words.http: / / / projects / 92229.html
Category: Technical transfers, are other
Budget: to 100 USD we will not probably tomorrow manage with the large project, therefore for the aid is necessary [frilanser] or 2 [frilansera]. Project: Transfer, auto-thematics, volume - to 10 p. Of [dedlayn] - the morning on January 22 on Kiev. Payment: 4,5 USD for the page (300 words), the period of payment - on March 2, webmoney, contact, unistream, anelik or another system of electronic payments, but in this case commission is laid on you. Contact: send your resume to ***, with the contacts, as the minimum 3[kh] of the forms, among which electronic mail and telephone. Test task as in the previous projects is paid only to selected executor, and it will be sent only with the observance of all enumerated requirements, in this time it does not exceed 200 words.http: / / / projects / 92229.html
[Rerayt] and [kopirayt
Customer: Vyacheslav (sliak)
Category: The news/article/surveys, are other
Budget: ? It is necessary to write publication, for the med. thematics, ritual services, lumber and so forth is necessary adequate, which it holds periods, and it can write on many themes. Work believe much, I think I can man actively load with work. If prices will be not overstated, and adequate in the present time (crisis), and man will be able for good volumes to make reductions, I think we let us be operated. Themselves you know that [shchas] crisis, and [poetomu] you must respectively evaluate your work. Write immediately your valuations for [kopirayt] and [rerayt]. And number ASI. It is compulsorily necessary to recommendation.http: / / / projects / 92240.html
Category: The news/article/surveys, are other
Budget: ? It is necessary to write publication, for the med. thematics, ritual services, lumber and so forth is necessary adequate, which it holds periods, and it can write on many themes. Work believe much, I think I can man actively load with work. If prices will be not overstated, and adequate in the present time (crisis), and man will be able for good volumes to make reductions, I think we let us be operated. Themselves you know that [shchas] crisis, and [poetomu] you must respectively evaluate your work. Write immediately your valuations for [kopirayt] and [rerayt]. And number ASI. It is compulsorily necessary to recommendation.http: / / / projects / 92240.html
Articles on the assigned thematics
Customer: [Saykin] Igor (saigon)
Category: News/article/surveys, the juridical services
Budget: to 100 USD it is required within the reasonable periods of five articles on the questions: credits, real estate, the reduction of state. Payment - from 8 dollars. /[tys].[z]. of requirement for the candidates: - literary Russian; - its own composition; - the size of article in the limits of 1-2 [t].[z]. (in all) is greeted experience and juridical knowledge, copying and copying I please not to propose. Your prices and periods, if you please.http: / / / projects / 92256.html
Category: News/article/surveys, the juridical services
Budget: to 100 USD it is required within the reasonable periods of five articles on the questions: credits, real estate, the reduction of state. Payment - from 8 dollars. /[tys].[z]. of requirement for the candidates: - literary Russian; - its own composition; - the size of article in the limits of 1-2 [t].[z]. (in all) is greeted experience and juridical knowledge, copying and copying I please not to propose. Your prices and periods, if you please.http: / / / projects / 92256.html
Transfer, the auto-thematics
Customer: Anisimov Of andrew (andrew_anisimov)
Category: Technical transfers, are other
Budget: to 100 USD we will not probably tomorrow manage with the large project, therefore for the aid is necessary [frilanser] or 2 [frilansera]. Project: Transfer, auto-thematics, volume - to 10 p. Of [dedlayn] - the morning on January 22 on Kiev. Payment: 4,5 USD for the page (300 words), the period of payment - on March 2, webmoney, contact, unistream, anelik or another system of electronic payments, but in this case commission is laid on you. Contact: send your resume to ***, with the contacts, as the minimum 3[kh] of the forms, among which electronic mail and telephone. Test task as in the previous projects is paid only to selected executor, and it will be sent only with the observance of all enumerated requirements, in this time it does not exceed 200 words.http: / / / projects / 92229.html
Category: Technical transfers, are other
Budget: to 100 USD we will not probably tomorrow manage with the large project, therefore for the aid is necessary [frilanser] or 2 [frilansera]. Project: Transfer, auto-thematics, volume - to 10 p. Of [dedlayn] - the morning on January 22 on Kiev. Payment: 4,5 USD for the page (300 words), the period of payment - on March 2, webmoney, contact, unistream, anelik or another system of electronic payments, but in this case commission is laid on you. Contact: send your resume to ***, with the contacts, as the minimum 3[kh] of the forms, among which electronic mail and telephone. Test task as in the previous projects is paid only to selected executor, and it will be sent only with the observance of all enumerated requirements, in this time it does not exceed 200 words.http: / / / projects / 92229.html
[Rerayt] and [kopirayt
Customer: Vyacheslav (sliak)
Category: The news/article/surveys, are other
Budget: ? It is necessary to write publication, for the med. thematics, ritual services, lumber and so forth is necessary adequate, which it holds periods, and it can write on many themes. Work believe much, I think I can man actively load with work. If prices will be not overstated, and adequate in the present time (crisis), and man will be able for good volumes to make reductions, I think we let us be operated. Themselves you know that [shchas] crisis, and [poetomu] you must respectively evaluate your work. Write immediately your valuations for [kopirayt] and [rerayt]. And number ASI. It is compulsorily necessary to recommendation.http: / / / projects / 92240.html
Category: The news/article/surveys, are other
Budget: ? It is necessary to write publication, for the med. thematics, ritual services, lumber and so forth is necessary adequate, which it holds periods, and it can write on many themes. Work believe much, I think I can man actively load with work. If prices will be not overstated, and adequate in the present time (crisis), and man will be able for good volumes to make reductions, I think we let us be operated. Themselves you know that [shchas] crisis, and [poetomu] you must respectively evaluate your work. Write immediately your valuations for [kopirayt] and [rerayt]. And number ASI. It is compulsorily necessary to recommendation.http: / / / projects / 92240.html
work for the newsmaker - [reraytera
Customer: Smirnov Vladimir (Florentis)
Category: News/article/the surveys
Budget: ? Is necessary qualitative [rerayt] of the news. The thematics of the news is wide, I will indicate sources. At the output the text of approximately 1,5 thousand signs. Title. Reference to the picture. It is necessary thus far approximately 10 news in the week. It is possible daily gradually, it is possible in a day other day, desirably that idle times more than there were no two days. Is further very probable an increase of the number of news by several times and \ or the connection of the second person. The ready news to publish is very not necessary, to send to me to the mail. With the man which during the first days will show that it is capable to make qualitative [rerayt] it is disposed to the long-term cooperation.http: / / / projects / 92245.html
Category: News/article/the surveys
Budget: ? Is necessary qualitative [rerayt] of the news. The thematics of the news is wide, I will indicate sources. At the output the text of approximately 1,5 thousand signs. Title. Reference to the picture. It is necessary thus far approximately 10 news in the week. It is possible daily gradually, it is possible in a day other day, desirably that idle times more than there were no two days. Is further very probable an increase of the number of news by several times and \ or the connection of the second person. The ready news to publish is very not necessary, to send to me to the mail. With the man which during the first days will show that it is capable to make qualitative [rerayt] it is disposed to the long-term cooperation.http: / / / projects / 92245.html
[Kopirayting] on the Web- services and the composition of opinions (4)
Customer: Work exists (outsors_msk)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: to 100 USD it is necessarily more than 10 pages [kreativnogo] of that selling and seo of the optimized (more than 100 [klyuchevikov]) text. Plus is the composition of the letters of recommendations. Only if already there is an experience of the development of texts for the Web- services.http: / / / projects / 84692.html
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: to 100 USD it is necessarily more than 10 pages [kreativnogo] of that selling and seo of the optimized (more than 100 [klyuchevikov]) text. Plus is the composition of the letters of recommendations. Only if already there is an experience of the development of texts for the Web- services.http: / / / projects / 84692.html
Articles on the assigned thematics
Customer: [Saykin] Igor (saigon)
Category: News/article/surveys, the juridical services
Budget: to 100 USD it is required within the reasonable periods of five articles on the questions: credits, real estate, the reduction of state. Payment - from 8 dollars. /[tys].[z]. of requirement for the candidates: - literary Russian; - its own composition; - the size of article in the limits of 1-2 [t].[z]. (in all) is greeted experience and juridical knowledge, copying and copying I please not to propose. Your prices and periods, if you please.http: / / / projects / 92256.html
Category: News/article/surveys, the juridical services
Budget: to 100 USD it is required within the reasonable periods of five articles on the questions: credits, real estate, the reduction of state. Payment - from 8 dollars. /[tys].[z]. of requirement for the candidates: - literary Russian; - its own composition; - the size of article in the limits of 1-2 [t].[z]. (in all) is greeted experience and juridical knowledge, copying and copying I please not to propose. Your prices and periods, if you please.http: / / / projects / 92256.html
work for the newsmaker - [reraytera
Customer: Smirnov Vladimir (Florentis)
Category: News/article/the surveys
Budget: ? Is necessary qualitative [rerayt] of the news. The thematics of the news is wide, I will indicate sources. At the output the text of approximately 1,5 thousand signs. Title. Reference to the picture. It is necessary thus far approximately 10 news in the week. It is possible daily gradually, it is possible in a day other day, desirably that idle times more than there were no two days. Is further very probable an increase of the number of news by several times and \ or the connection of the second person. The ready news to publish is very not necessary, to send to me to the mail. With the man which during the first days will show that it is capable to make qualitative [rerayt] it is disposed to the long-term cooperation.http: / / / projects / 92245.html
Category: News/article/the surveys
Budget: ? Is necessary qualitative [rerayt] of the news. The thematics of the news is wide, I will indicate sources. At the output the text of approximately 1,5 thousand signs. Title. Reference to the picture. It is necessary thus far approximately 10 news in the week. It is possible daily gradually, it is possible in a day other day, desirably that idle times more than there were no two days. Is further very probable an increase of the number of news by several times and \ or the connection of the second person. The ready news to publish is very not necessary, to send to me to the mail. With the man which during the first days will show that it is capable to make qualitative [rerayt] it is disposed to the long-term cooperation.http: / / / projects / 92245.html
[Rerayt] and [kopirayt
Customer: Vyacheslav (sliak)
Category: The news/article/surveys, are other
Budget: ? It is necessary to write publication, for the med. thematics, ritual services, lumber and so forth is necessary adequate, which it holds periods, and it can write on many themes. Work believe much, I think I can man actively load with work. If prices will be not overstated, and adequate in the present time (crisis), and man will be able for good volumes to make reductions, I think we let us be operated. Themselves you know that [shchas] crisis, and [poetomu] you must respectively evaluate your work. Write immediately your valuations for [kopirayt] and [rerayt]. And number ASI. It is compulsorily necessary to recommendation.http: / / / projects / 92240.html
Category: The news/article/surveys, are other
Budget: ? It is necessary to write publication, for the med. thematics, ritual services, lumber and so forth is necessary adequate, which it holds periods, and it can write on many themes. Work believe much, I think I can man actively load with work. If prices will be not overstated, and adequate in the present time (crisis), and man will be able for good volumes to make reductions, I think we let us be operated. Themselves you know that [shchas] crisis, and [poetomu] you must respectively evaluate your work. Write immediately your valuations for [kopirayt] and [rerayt]. And number ASI. It is compulsorily necessary to recommendation.http: / / / projects / 92240.html
[Kopirayting] on the Web- services and the composition of opinions (4)
Customer: Work exists (outsors_msk)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: to 100 USD it is necessarily more than 10 pages [kreativnogo] of that selling and seo of the optimized (more than 100 [klyuchevikov]) text. Plus is the composition of the letters of recommendations. Only if already there is an experience of the development of texts for the Web- services.http: / / / projects / 84692.html
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: to 100 USD it is necessarily more than 10 pages [kreativnogo] of that selling and seo of the optimized (more than 100 [klyuchevikov]) text. Plus is the composition of the letters of recommendations. Only if already there is an experience of the development of texts for the Web- services.http: / / / projects / 84692.html
Transfer, the auto-thematics
Customer: Anisimov Of andrew (andrew_anisimov)
Category: Technical transfers, are other
Budget: to 100 USD we will not probably tomorrow manage with the large project, therefore for the aid is necessary [frilanser] or 2 [frilansera]. Project: Transfer, auto-thematics, volume - to 10 p. Of [dedlayn] - the morning on January 22 on Kiev. Payment: 4,5 USD for the page (300 words), the period of payment - on March 2, webmoney, contact, unistream, anelik or another system of electronic payments, but in this case commission is laid on you. Contact: send your resume to ***, with the contacts, as the minimum 3[kh] of the forms, among which electronic mail and telephone. Test task as in the previous projects is paid only to selected executor, and it will be sent only with the observance of all enumerated requirements, in this time it does not exceed 200 words.http: / / / projects / 92229.html
Category: Technical transfers, are other
Budget: to 100 USD we will not probably tomorrow manage with the large project, therefore for the aid is necessary [frilanser] or 2 [frilansera]. Project: Transfer, auto-thematics, volume - to 10 p. Of [dedlayn] - the morning on January 22 on Kiev. Payment: 4,5 USD for the page (300 words), the period of payment - on March 2, webmoney, contact, unistream, anelik or another system of electronic payments, but in this case commission is laid on you. Contact: send your resume to ***, with the contacts, as the minimum 3[kh] of the forms, among which electronic mail and telephone. Test task as in the previous projects is paid only to selected executor, and it will be sent only with the observance of all enumerated requirements, in this time it does not exceed 200 words.http: / / / projects / 92229.html
Several articles about real estate
Customer: [Korenkov] Pavel (Playful)
Category: News/article/surveys, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? To write several articles and news about [kottedzhnye] settlements and real estate! Payment for each article! It is important effectiveness and good Russian!http: / / / projects / 92151.html
Category: News/article/surveys, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? To write several articles and news about [kottedzhnye] settlements and real estate! Payment for each article! It is important effectiveness and good Russian!http: / / / projects / 92151.html
Customer: Scores John (mc_janik)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], editing/the correction
Budget: ? There are 5 fragments of test, them it is necessary to [otreraytit]. But to [otreraytit] necessary in hours 2-3, and simple [rerayt], and it is simple to shorten it. For example, something excess to remove, in order to of 4 thousand symbols of there remained only 2,5-3 thousands. Somewhere will have to write with its language, somewhere to edit. Thematics is the history of the economy. Write here, your prices in thousands of signs without the gaps and period, after which you will be able to [otreraytit] 5 thousand symbols. Cost, crucial point, since work is simple. My [aska] of ***http: / / / projects / 92169.html
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], editing/the correction
Budget: ? There are 5 fragments of test, them it is necessary to [otreraytit]. But to [otreraytit] necessary in hours 2-3, and simple [rerayt], and it is simple to shorten it. For example, something excess to remove, in order to of 4 thousand symbols of there remained only 2,5-3 thousands. Somewhere will have to write with its language, somewhere to edit. Thematics is the history of the economy. Write here, your prices in thousands of signs without the gaps and period, after which you will be able to [otreraytit] 5 thousand symbols. Cost, crucial point, since work is simple. My [aska] of ***http: / / / projects / 92169.html
Customer: Scores John (mc_janik)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], editing/the correction
Budget: ? There are 5 fragments of test, them it is necessary to [otreraytit]. But to [otreraytit] necessary in hours 2-3, and simple [rerayt], and it is simple to shorten it. For example, something excess to remove, in order to of 4 thousand symbols of there remained only 2,5-3 thousands. Somewhere will have to write with its language, somewhere to edit. Thematics is the history of the economy. Write here, your prices in thousands of signs without the gaps and period, after which you will be able to [otreraytit] 5 thousand symbols. Cost, crucial point, since work is simple. My [aska] of ***http: / / / projects / 92169.html
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], editing/the correction
Budget: ? There are 5 fragments of test, them it is necessary to [otreraytit]. But to [otreraytit] necessary in hours 2-3, and simple [rerayt], and it is simple to shorten it. For example, something excess to remove, in order to of 4 thousand symbols of there remained only 2,5-3 thousands. Somewhere will have to write with its language, somewhere to edit. Thematics is the history of the economy. Write here, your prices in thousands of signs without the gaps and period, after which you will be able to [otreraytit] 5 thousand symbols. Cost, crucial point, since work is simple. My [aska] of ***http: / / / projects / 92169.html
Monday, January 19, 2009
Course work
Customer: [Zaytseva] Natalia (Zum)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Object: Bases of owner's activity. Theme: Business- plan (any organization). Period - on January 23. If you please, leave your proposals here, to answer each into [asku] and [lichku] I will not be able:)http: / / / projects / 91972.html
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? Object: Bases of owner's activity. Theme: Business- plan (any organization). Period - on January 23. If you please, leave your proposals here, to answer each into [asku] and [lichku] I will not be able:)http: / / / projects / 91972.html
[Rerayting] of 10[k].
Customer: Legal Of zoom (LegalZoom)
Category: News/article/the surveys
Budget: ? Is necessary [rerayting] of simple text on the automobile thematics. It is necessary to 6 in the evening today. Payment for everything - 8$.http: / / / projects / 91941.html
Category: News/article/the surveys
Budget: ? Is necessary [rerayting] of simple text on the automobile thematics. It is necessary to 6 in the evening today. Payment for everything - 8$.http: / / / projects / 91941.html
[Kopirayting] in the English
Customer: [Yaroshenko] Artem (seasick)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the technical transfers
Budget: ? It is necessary to write article in the English to the main page of automobile site. Volume of approximately 2000 symbols without the gaps (possible more). In the text it is necessary to use 22 keywords/of word combinations (in the application). Payment to your calculation in the system of weblancer after fulfillment of assignments. In your proposal indicate sum for the article and periods.http: / / / projects / 91920.html
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting], the technical transfers
Budget: ? It is necessary to write article in the English to the main page of automobile site. Volume of approximately 2000 symbols without the gaps (possible more). In the text it is necessary to use 22 keywords/of word combinations (in the application). Payment to your calculation in the system of weblancer after fulfillment of assignments. In your proposal indicate sum for the article and periods.http: / / / projects / 91920.html
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Registration in the catalogs, the forums and [blogakh].
Customer: Pavel [Migutskiy] (htz)
Category: Advance of the site/SEO, news/of article/the surveys
Budget: ? Registration in the catalogs, the forums and [blogakh]. Posting. Only English-language. Write price and proposal.http: / / / projects / 91899.html
Category: Advance of the site/SEO, news/of article/the surveys
Budget: ? Registration in the catalogs, the forums and [blogakh]. Posting. Only English-language. Write price and proposal.http: / / / projects / 91899.html
Customer: Fadeyev Andrey (f -foto)
Category: News/article/surveys, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? [Zdrastvuyte], me call Andrey, I [admin] of several sites. The articles of wedding thematics are necessary to me. Size of one article of *** of signs, key phrases 8-10%. Articles to me it is necessary approximately 100 - 200 pcs per month. On the payment: I am ready to pay 25 rubles for 1000 signs. If my proposal interested you, then write to ***http: / / / projects / 91897.html
Category: News/article/surveys, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? [Zdrastvuyte], me call Andrey, I [admin] of several sites. The articles of wedding thematics are necessary to me. Size of one article of *** of signs, key phrases 8-10%. Articles to me it is necessary approximately 100 - 200 pcs per month. On the payment: I am ready to pay 25 rubles for 1000 signs. If my proposal interested you, then write to ***http: / / / projects / 91897.html
To write the textbook
Customer: [Izmailov] Nikolai (tirannekulin)
Category: Technical articles
Budget: ? It is necessary to write textbook on programming Of hiasmhttp: / / / projects / 91829.html
Category: Technical articles
Budget: ? It is necessary to write textbook on programming Of hiasmhttp: / / / projects / 91829.html
Calculation of the power unit of the small device
Customer: Alekseyev Vladimir (AlexVladimir)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? It is necessary to calculate [BP] (consumed current/power, stabilizer, rectifier, [tranfsormator]) for this diagram of http: // 3-51.php. Propose prices/periods.http: / / / projects / 91841.html
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: ? It is necessary to calculate [BP] (consumed current/power, stabilizer, rectifier, [tranfsormator]) for this diagram of http: // 3-51.php. Propose prices/periods.http: / / / projects / 91841.html
Customer: [Kiryanov] Aleksey (forall720)
Category: Advance of the site/SEO, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? To write interesting article about The [teletskoe] lake with [klyuchevikami] of *** of signs. This first article from the cycle of articles for the regional site. Payment of 4-5[dol]/of 1000 [zn]. The collection of [klyuchevikov] is discussed. Payment With [yandeks].[Dengami]. With the first orders of [predoplaty] it will not be.http: / / / projects / 91844.html
Category: Advance of the site/SEO, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? To write interesting article about The [teletskoe] lake with [klyuchevikami] of *** of signs. This first article from the cycle of articles for the regional site. Payment of 4-5[dol]/of 1000 [zn]. The collection of [klyuchevikov] is discussed. Payment With [yandeks].[Dengami]. With the first orders of [predoplaty] it will not be.http: / / / projects / 91844.html
To write the textbook
Customer: [Izmailov] Nikolai (tirannekulin)
Category: Technical articles
Budget: ? It is necessary to write textbook on programming Of hiasmhttp: / / / projects / 91829.html
Category: Technical articles
Budget: ? It is necessary to write textbook on programming Of hiasmhttp: / / / projects / 91829.html
It is necessary to now make [rerayt] of description.
Customer: [Bolgarov] Alexander (rosbiz)
Category: The news/article/surveys, are other
Budget: ? It is necessary to now make [rerayt] of description, it is only necessary now. Text is applied. Write prices.http: / / / projects / 91816.html
Category: The news/article/surveys, are other
Budget: ? It is necessary to now make [rerayt] of description, it is only necessary now. Text is applied. Write prices.http: / / / projects / 91816.html
Technical transfer
Customer: Gorshkov Oleg (Olem)
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: ? Are necessary transfer from the English, theme automobile to the transfer of 5 pages of 9 texts of [och]. it is small, max. for 1 hour of work. is a picture in which also necessary to transfer a text, an example in the investment the main thing, transfer is necessary competent, into the normal human language, without the use of a machine transfer, translators with the dictionary the request not to disturb if transfer arranges, there will be one additional paid task.http: / / / projects / 91769.html
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: ? Are necessary transfer from the English, theme automobile to the transfer of 5 pages of 9 texts of [och]. it is small, max. for 1 hour of work. is a picture in which also necessary to transfer a text, an example in the investment the main thing, transfer is necessary competent, into the normal human language, without the use of a machine transfer, translators with the dictionary the request not to disturb if transfer arranges, there will be one additional paid task.http: / / / projects / 91769.html
It is necessary to translate 1 page with the Engl. to the Russ.
This summary is not available. Please
click here to view the post.
It is necessary to translate 1 page with the Engl. to the Russ.
This summary is not available. Please
click here to view the post.
Technical transfer
Customer: Gorshkov Oleg (Olem)
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: ? Are necessary transfer from the English, theme automobile to the transfer of 5 pages of 9 texts of [och]. it is small, max. for 1 hour of work. is a picture in which also necessary to transfer a text, an example in the investment the main thing, transfer is necessary competent, into the normal human language, without the use of a machine transfer, translators with the dictionary the request not to disturb if transfer arranges, there will be one additional paid task.http: / / / projects / 91769.html
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: ? Are necessary transfer from the English, theme automobile to the transfer of 5 pages of 9 texts of [och]. it is small, max. for 1 hour of work. is a picture in which also necessary to transfer a text, an example in the investment the main thing, transfer is necessary competent, into the normal human language, without the use of a machine transfer, translators with the dictionary the request not to disturb if transfer arranges, there will be one additional paid task.http: / / / projects / 91769.html
Technical transfer
Customer: Gorshkov Oleg (Olem)
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: ? Are necessary transfer from the English, theme automobile to the transfer of 5 pages of 9 texts of [och]. it is small, max. for 1 hour of work. is a picture in which also necessary to transfer a text, an example in the investment the main thing, transfer is necessary competent, into the normal human language, without the use of a machine transfer, translators with the dictionary the request not to disturb if transfer arranges, there will be one additional paid task.http: / / / projects / 91769.html
Category: Technical transfers
Budget: ? Are necessary transfer from the English, theme automobile to the transfer of 5 pages of 9 texts of [och]. it is small, max. for 1 hour of work. is a picture in which also necessary to transfer a text, an example in the investment the main thing, transfer is necessary competent, into the normal human language, without the use of a machine transfer, translators with the dictionary the request not to disturb if transfer arranges, there will be one additional paid task.http: / / / projects / 91769.html
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