Friday, October 17, 2008

[Rerayt] of the news

Customer: Foresters Aleksey Alexandrovich (ab-kmv)
Category: News/article/surveys, editing/the correction
Budget: ? How do you do! It is necessary to [reraytit] on 5 news during the day. 3- to 13.00 msk, rest it is 2nd after 14.00 msk. Volume of each news - approximately *** of symbols. Thematics - economy, finances. The news must pass CopyScape to, i.e., be unique. Send your proposals into [lichku]. Work on a constant basis, I so that calculate for the cost not above 1 dollars for thousands of signs. Payment - weekly, [vebmani] of [vmr] or [vmz]. Mode of operation - with 9.30 msk. I send 3 news. And rest it is 2nd after 14.00 msk.http: / / / projects / 76760.html

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