Monday, December 8, 2008

Reviews and article for the site about the entertainments of Kiev

Customer: [Sidorenko] Vladimir (Gearheart)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? It is necessary to write: 1. small surveys for 30 last films (to 600 symbols each) - 17[grn] for 1000 symbols. 2. 30 articles on the theme of billiards table, [boulinga] (possibly lessons or were guided for the novices), sport, beauty- health, night life (~1.5[tys] of symbols) - 26 [grn] for thousands of symbols. Texts must be unique (if they are altered - that it is strong) and readable. The gaps are not considered with the calculation of a quantity of symbols. All surveys are necessary as fast as possible, article - on 2-3 in the week, therefore most likely executors must be several. If we are operated - similar orders there will be still much.http: / / / projects / 85856.html

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