Saturday, November 22, 2008

Course, psychology

Customer: Nikolayev Elizabeth (bal2007)
Category: Diplomas are/course/abstracts
Budget: 15 USD is required the finished experimental part of the course work: with the diagrams, the tables, the formulation a quantity of pages - *** a quantity of respondents approximately of *** are necessary three procedures from the list to the selection: 1. questionnaire [USK] (level of subjective of control) 2. Test- questionnaire Of [ayzenka] 3. scale of the self-appraisal Of [spilberger]-[Khanin] 4. questionnaire Of [kettella] 5. questionnaire Of [keyrsi] 6. personal differential 7. procedure of the study of value orientations 8. test Of [liri] 9. procedure of diagnostics of the predisposition of personality to the uncooperative behavior Of [k]. Thomashttp: / / / projects / 83095.html

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