Sunday, October 19, 2008

Texts for the site about the orphans are necessary

Customer: [Inga] Of [inga] (inga17)
Category: [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? Are necessary texts for the site against [vypusknika]x of orphanages, including interview with the children - graduates. (content - information support for the graduates DD, [propagand]a both strictly the [volonterskogo] motion and correct effective approach in the organization of aid to orphanages. It would be desirable to find executor with understanding of thematics special gratitude it will be the fact, who will propose his aid for the minimum reward. To that there will be [sdelan]o for the site on the [volonterskoy] basis - it will be c of [inofrmatsi]e[y] and links to the executors.http: / / / projects / 77092.html

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