Monday, October 27, 2008

Creation of articles on polygraphy and color

Customer: Smirnov Eugene (volnet35)
Category: Technical articles
Budget: ? It is necessary to write the articles, similar on this site: http: // but plagiarism does not interest. Are necessary only original articles, which interesting and to easy read and to look at the pictures are, i.e., necessary also to the text and the pictures, not somewhere stolen, but drawn (certainly, if this is not equipment). For the beginning, will have to write article for the test. Payment for the article will occur, if article will be [grammotno] written! Articles must be technical. Simple narration for SEO is not necessary. First of all, article for the users. The selection of participant will occur from the price as 1000 signs without the gaps. Further, will have to write many articles, with specific [pereodichnostyu].http: / / / projects / 78368.html

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