Tuesday, February 3, 2009

[Prezentatsionnye] texts about the flues

Customer: Kuprin Rodion (468468)
Category: [Kontent]- management, [Kreativ]/[Kopirayting]
Budget: ? Are required texts for the site about the flues (sale, installation, installation the like) - the sense of text in the fact that the important company [KHKHKH] makes and establishes the best in the world modular flues made of the stainless steel. All this without the technicalities. Volume of approximately 7-8 thousand signs the main thing - compulsorily will be required encounter with the client (probably, on this week) for asserting the component-period- volume; therefore better, so that you would live in Moscow or region.http: / / www.weblancer.net / projects / 94588.html

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